
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

When lightning strikes...

Aiden: Phew! Tanya, you were too strong but unfortunately, I won!

[This creature he named Tanya was still flapping its tail fin weakly]

Aiden: Hmm? You're still alive after all that? Aww, I wish you went down after that hit, truth be told I don't like hitting girls.

-To log around a 70-meter-long catfish might be exhausting, to cook it will take up a lot of time and I'll just end up eating it in 30 seconds. Sigh... the cooking part :-(

[Aiden fell backward and put both his hands behind his head as a type of pillow ]

Aiden: I'm gonna lie down a bit, I have all the time in the world...I feel I was supposed to be looking for something important but you know the saying: "If you forgot about something, then it probably wasn't important" I hope those words hold well...

[Everywhere was quiet for a while, then a leaf from a tree landed on his face]

Aiden: OH, CRAP, THE CRYSTAL HUNTING!!! I was distracted by something also equally important!! Crysta's going to kill me!

But I can't just leave Tanya here, if I leave her alone someone else might take her, I can't let anyone take her...I don't want anyone to take her! Hmmmmm... Fine! I'll take her with me, man, I'm so smart!

[He put Tanya over his shoulder and logged around the comically large fish with relative ease]

[Meanwhile somewhere in the forest]

Calico: C'mon Luna hurry up! He's catching up!

Luna: I'm trying! Jumping from tree to tree while dodging Ice spells is not easy!!

[Jack shot a large-scale ice spell at Luna and it ended up hitting both her and Calico. They both fell to the ground.]

Luna: Argh!

Calico: Ouch!

Jack wittaker: You guys look cold, heh.

Luna:Why don't you just go find another crystal, with your magic it should be easy!

Jack: Yes with MY magic it should be easy...but I prefer stealing yours, it is easier getting it from the weak.

[He smirked]

Calico: Well then, there's not much we can do.

Jack:Yes you hopeless fools are nothing in the face of my true magical power. No hand over the crystal.

Calico: You're right, shall I bring the crystal to you? Or do you want to get it from me yourself?

[He said with a bland expression on his face]

Jack:You put up a fight?

Calico: With you? Never.

[He meant every word he was saying but his voice sounded sarcastic coupled with his straight face]

Jack: Knowing that your worthless magic is thread, I'm sure you have a trap placed so I can walk into it. So you bring that crystal to me.

[Calico stood up from the snow and began to walk towards him.]

Luna:W-what are you doing Calico?! We had to fight through another group just to get that one!

Calico: You've seen how he is, right? Do you honestly think we can win this if he's on our tail?

[Luna was silent then clenched hard her teeth in annoyance. Calico reached him and handed over the crystal.]

Jack: Better. Know your place, insects.

[Jack blasted a light ice spell to blast Calico into a tree and he broke through it]

Calico: Argh!

Luna: Tch!

Jack: Heh, weak.

[Jack took off. Luna walked to Calico.]

Luna: Are you alright?

[She asked indifferently]

Calico: Yeah, I'm...fine, Ouch! Scratch that, I'm not fine, my head and back hurt and I'm cold.

Luna: W-well maybe that's a recoil for you giving him our Crystal!

[Calico looked at her and smiled]

Luna: You're... smiling?! What the hell is so funny? Oh! Was the crystal you gave him false?

Calico: Nope, that was the real one, but I attached a special intangible string that only I can touch to the crystal, I can measure how far he is from my thread and when he's far enough, I'll pull it back then we can make a break for the entrance then our group wins.

Luna: That's...smart but wait how can you pull it back without wasting time? And without him feeling it?

Calico: The thread is on constant tension, something like when you stretch a rubber band, it'll return immediately I pull it and he won't feel a thing.

Luna: That's smart!!!

Calico: Now for the best part he's gone far enough from us now... and return!

[The calico pulled his thread back and the crystal returned to his hand instantly and Jack was non the wiser]

Luna: Your thread magic isn't worthless after all.

[Luna said in a happy tone]

Calico: Heh, that didn't sound like a compliment at all.


[They were turning their heads around looking for where that clapping sound was coming from]

Breeze: Oh my, truly amazing.

[She smirked.]

Calico: It's Breeze, from Acer's team.

Breeze: My, my, sharp memory, Calico.

[She curtseyed.]

Breeze: Unpleased to make your acquaintance, I'm Breeze Anna Skywill from the house of Skywill, a family hand-picked by the gods of the sky, nice to meet you.

Calico:Heh, you heard my plan, huh?

Breeze: I did, quite ingenious If I may say, you're smart, I like smart men.

Luna: You're just after our Crystal, aren't you?!

Breeze: My, my, little demi-girl, I already have a crystal see?

[She showed them her crystal.]

Luna: T-then you're letting us go?

Breeze: Oh my, No.

[She grinned.]


Breeze: I don't feel like it, and I hate your tone so you might need some humbling Demi-girl.

[Cold winds blew throughout the vast forest, with her silver eyes looking down on them, and her snow white hair blowing in the wind, Breeze began to fly.]

Breeze:My magic, weather magic, grants me full authority over the sky and other forces of nature.

[With lightning illuminating the darkened sky, and more violent winds, the two on the ground were drowning by her power.]

Breeze:My little demi-girl try to dodge this.

[She used her weather magic to make a bolt of lightning and shot it at Luna.]

Ahana: Sky magic: Ever blessed wind!

[A violent tornado erupted from her spell and neutralized the bolt of lightning.]

Breeze: My? It's you...Dear older sister.

Ahana: What did you think you're doing, Breeze?

Breeze: Fighting, of course, this is part of the test, sister dearest.

Ahana: You're using too much force.

Breeze: My, you should know they have a choice to fight back, they're part of that genius, Aiden's team he wouldn't pick weak people with an intellect that high now would he? Besides shouldn't you be looking for some crystals too?

Ahana: I've already got mine, you have one already, why go for there's?

Breeze: Because it's fun... And now I think I want yours too. [ Weather magic: Wind: Roar of the sky!]

[Massive wind tunnel was formed using clouds it released very violent winds destroying everything in the environment.]

Ahana: [Sky magic: Cloud suction!]

[She created large dense clouds to absorb her sister's attack.]

Ahana: It's no use, Breeze, my clouds absorb your wind.

Breeze: Haha, do you want to know what I love about our magic? It's that if I use wind we're fighting ourselves... but what if I use a different natural force?

[Breeze smirked.]

Breeze: [Weather magic:Winter:Hail storm!]

[Large boulder-like hails came down from the clouds and stopped mid-air, Breeze broke into countless pieces then and reshaped them into icicles then fired rapidly.]

Ahana: Sky magic: Cloud Cushion!

[Ahana made a dome made of clouds around her, Luna, and calico.]

Ahana: Are you both alright?

Calico: We're fine, your sister is powerful, can you stop her alone?

Ahana: I could if it was just me.

Calico: Then why are you protecting us? Doesn't that go against your societal norm to be arrogant and hateful towards commoners and peasants?

Ahana: I care little about what our present society has become, I want to change it, and to do that I must go against it.

Calico: Hmm...

[Calico narrowed his eyes looking at her, Luna whispered in calico's ear." She probably wants to steal our crystal"]

Ahana: Do not besmirch my honor with petty accusations, I won't steal anything from you or anybody, a knight stands for honor, truth, and protecting the innocent, I have no need to win this game if I have to throw away such values!

Luna: ...

[Calico lowered his head a little as if contemplating what she just said them raised his head]

Calico: How do we get out of this?! She's pelting us hard from all angles, and it doesn't look like she'll be out of magic anytime soon.

Ahana: How did you know she is pelting us from all directions?

Calico: O-oh, I covered us in my thread before she started pelting us but then you used your clouds to cover them up, I can feel the vibrations from my thread that's why I could tell, where she's hitting.

[He said hesitantly as if trying to make an excuse. Breeze pelted them even harder with more hail icicles at a faster speed.]

Ahana: Tch!

Calico: Ahana, do you have any fast spells to attack her with?

Ahana: I do but if I stop maintaining this barrier even for a second one of those icicles might get through, my sister isn't one to care for others' pain and she might keep pelting.

Calico: If I can make an opportunity for me and Luna to escape, could you fight her on your own?

Ahana: If there's a chance, yes, but I don't see how to make one.

Calico: Leave it to me.

[ He smiled]

Calico: The plan is ...





Ahana: You're sure it's going to work?

Calico: Let's say I'm 50% sure....okay, 49%... probably lower...

Ahana: Let's hope it'll be enough then.

[Ahana released a portion of her shield and an icicle came in at high speed it got caught in Calico's thread and got shot back like a catapult with twice the speed it initially use to come in, Breeze was shocked and narrowly dodged. She had a thin injury on her cheek. It was more than enough of a distract her]

Calico: Luna, Ahana, Now!

[Luna and Ahana shot sharp wind attacks to get rid of her remaining Icicles. She was disoriented at the moment due to the shock of that returned icicle.]

[Ahana her sky magic to create a dense cloud of fog that hid them and also protect them in case any icicle were shot down, and Calico quickly used this chance to escape with Luna, leaving the battleground to the two sisters]

[The fog wore off.]

Breeze: Where are they?

[She said calmly, her cheek had already healed up completely that one wouldn't even think she was grazed a second ago.]

Ahana: One of them outsmarted you.

Breeze: Calico!...Grrr... *Inhales*. *Sigh* I did say I like smart men but his smarts will get him into trouble one day.

Ahana: Do you still wish to continue?

[Ahana pointed her sword at her sister]

[Breeze looked at her and then sneered]

Breeze: Now that your handicap's gone, I don't feel like it anymore...but good luck finding a new crystal.

[She coyly giggled]

Ahana: What is she talking about?...Oh no!

[During this whole ordeal, Breeze used wind magic to suck her sister's crystal without her noticing and broke Ahana's Crystal in front of her then flew away laughing.]

Ahana: *Sigh* That little girl never changes.

[Aiden during the Skywill sister's fight]

Aiden: Ah, Eh? Eh? What's going on?! Why did it get so dark? I hear thunderstorms!! Mommy!

*Lightning strikes*

Aiden: AHHH!!!! Why's there lightning in now? Where did this whole storm come from? It was sunny a few seconds ago!!

[Tanya was getting picked up by the winds]

Aiden: Oh no, Tanya is being blown away! I'll save you!

[Another lightning was about to strike but Aiden pushed "Tanya" aside and took the lightning strike instead.]

Aiden: *Coughs* Worth it.

The next chapter might be a character description Idk who reads this but I'll put it anyways.

Thanks for reading

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