
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

People are people regardless of species.


Aiden's POV:

Phew, that terrible storm is finally over now I can start looking for an elemental Crystal, I wonder if my team has already found one?

Just to be safe I'll find one myself and if I see that we already have one I'll give mine out to any team that needs it.

Aiden: Woah... Argh!

I tripped and fell on a rock!!

This forest is really irritating! What's with the vines everywhere?!


I look forward a few meters ahead of me and saw something shining.

This forest is covered by tall trees and slight glimpses of sunlight were passing through the leaves gap With how cool the wind is after that random storm... it's pretty relaxing.

Wait, that's not the point of this! I just happen to be lucky that I fell at the perfect spot.

Aiden: Ah-Ha, I found one! I found an elemental Crystal! And it's red! It matches my eyes when it glows. hehehe, my eyes are so pretty, heh.

(Why am I being bashful by my own compliment?)

I'd better head back to the entrance and deliver this.

Wooaaah! Where's this breeze coming from?

A heavy wind pushed me back, it was no ordinary one since I and Tanya were blown by the strong winds.

I grabbed onto a nearby tree.

Aiden: What was that?

Charles: Hahahahaha!

Aiden: You... Who are you again?

Charles: How could you forget me?!! It is I Charles V. Dogood, the man you met outside the entrance.

Aiden: Hmm...Nope, you don't ring a single bell.

*Gasps!* Wait! I-i remember you now...you're... you're... you're...that guy with the failed haircut!

Charles: How dare you to remember me in such a way?!!

Aiden: I'm pretty sure It's you, I can never forget your hair, it left quite the impression on me, oh, and speaking of impressions that are worth remembering, where are your teammates?

Charles: (This kid is harsh)

A girl with Ash hair tried to slash me with her blade coated with a wind-style spell but I dodged it, whilst carrying Tanya.

Then more girls came down from the trees, they were all holding swords.

The one that tried to attack me, the Ash-haired girl was the prettiest but she had this cold air around her, kinda like a tsundere to a main character's best friend.

The one with red hair looked pissed at me for some reason.

The Bluehead looked uninterested in all this.

Then the green head was giving me eye contact.

Charles: Haha, that's it Winry, get him!

So her name's winry? Oh my God, she's so pretty, they're all pretty, I'm getting nervous, Calm down Aiden, CALM DOWN!!!!!

*Heavy breathing*

Charles: Hahaha, You're already afraid, huh? Well, it's too late now! Yes, cower!

Okay, Aiden, You've never been the best with girls, Even with my sister.

I even botched up how I acted with that girl that had a crush on me in my real world!

(Tanya is the only girl that understands me and she's quiet. Bonus)

I've never really had any real interaction with girls...or at least good interaction with them.

Before I say anything just calm down, clean your sweaty palm and everything should be fine!

[But Aiden couldn't stop hyperventilating]

Stay out of this, narrator!

Okay, Aiden, remember all the things you searched online in your former life on how to get girls not to hate you after a first impression.

Step 1: Smile and act confidently.

I smile and put my hands in my pockets. This should look good enough, right?

Charles: Why is he smirking at me like that? Does he have a counter that's so foolproof that he's acting this confident?

Okay Aiden, Step two: Always go with the flow with what the girl's doing, you should be able to start a conversation from there.

[Winry launched at him with full speed but Aiden dodged and caught her by her hand then pulled her close while holding her waist, they were so close that their noses were almost touching.

Crap, she's so close! Will she hate me after this? I didn't mean to!

Was what I searched "How to make them not hate you after a first impression"

or "How to get them to hate you AFTER a first impression"?

Winry: What are you doing?!

Aiden: Uh, dancing?

She broke free and backflipped away from me. I guess it was rude to hold a girl's waist like that out of nowhere.

Winry: Dear ever-blessed spirits of the wind cut through my enemy with precision and ferocity!

Oh? Strong winds blew in, and the rustling of the trees could be heard, She was gathering magic into her sword while saying something I couldn't hear. Was she was preparing for something? I wonder what it is? Oh, I know!

Aiden: Ohh, is she reciting poetry? That's never been my strong suit but I'll try.

[Under normal circumstances sorcerers use chants and incantations to cast highly powerful spells, and you'd have to align your words correctly or else you'll cause more harm than good, Aiden with his extremely powerful magic and large magic reserves was the one person who shouldn't mix up words, the worse thing to do is to guess an incantation you're not sure of the effects, if not careful his flames can destroy this entire vast forest if he lets it all loose, and now he's about to attempt something very dangerous.]

Aiden: Hmm...I guess I can try too.

Uh, Hear me, er, the great fire of old? Grant me the flames to, uh, er, purify the land of all that is, er...impure?

[As mentioned before, people of this world's eyes glow when they're about to use magic, she's about to use wind magic and he's about to use fire, these are too compatible if mixed the results would be disastrous.]

Winry: Howling Wind!

[A violently spinning wind funnel was created, it spinning faster than sound itself.]

Aiden: I guess I'll just wing it with the name then, "Phoenix flames"?

[A colossal Phoenix figure made out of flames came out of Aiden and went toward winry.]

Aiden: Eh? Eh? What's that? I can do that? When?

[Their spells collided, but Aiden's spell was getting even bigger due to he was vastly stronger than her and he didn't regulate his large amount of magic so he slightly let loose by accident.]

Charles: W-what type of spell is this?! I'm leaving, you girls better resolve this or die trying, make sure those flames don't get anywhere near me!

[He ran away]

Winry: Haaahhhhh!!

[Winry was desperately trying to counter his flames but it was no use, Aiden's accidental spell was just too powerful.]

Alda: No you mustn't give up sister, I'll help you!

[The Green haired girl assisted Winry by adding her Earth magic into the fray.]

Vesta: We'll just have to fight fire with fire! Take this, you bastard! Hyaahhh!!

[The red-headed sister shot fire blasts into Aiden's incantation.]

Lucy: I'll add some water to neutralize it!!

[She shot water blasts trying to douse the spell.]

[The sisters were trying their hardest to put out the flames but it was no use the flames devoured all of them.]

Aiden: Hmm...this doesn't look good.

[Aiden snapped his fingers and the fire dispersed in all directions.]

Aiden: Eh?Wow the forest looks so much more beautiful than it did before I arrived, did my flames do this? And why is nothing burnt?

Aiden: Hey are you guys okay?--Ahhh!!!

[Aiden's flames burnt off the girls' armor, and they laid there naked.]

Aiden: Er, uh, um, Is this what they call a "lucky pervert" incident?!

No, now's no time to be horny, I should find something for them to wear, but what?!

My clothes!

I'm wearing a velvet jacket, and a white long sleeves shirt but then that leaves the other two girls?

Taking off my pants in this situation and one of them wakes up would feel like I would be labeled something worse than scum in their eyes!

But also me letting the stay naked on the ground without doing anything labels me cruel or a weird pervert!

Oh, what to do?!

Leaves! That's right, I'll use leaves!

I punched a tall tree down and sewed the leaves together with some of the fabrics on my shirt.

Okay now to put these on...them.

[As Aiden looked at them again, his face turned bright red.]

O-okay Aiden, you've tried babysitting before this shouldn't be any different from changing a diaper.

[He raised the girls one by one and wore them the leaf skirts and tied some around their chests, He gave his white shirt to Lucy who when the blast hit fell into a river believing that she might get cold gave her his white shirt, then it was winery's turn but Winry's chest was too big for the leaves. Plus the leaves were weak and Aiden trying to crap it around would cut them]

Now what do I do? I've already done more than my heart could carry by touching them when they were unconscious!


Now that I think about it... she looks... *Gulps* Uhm, you wouldn't mind if I...

[He was pushing the leaf unto her with his hand on top of her chest, he then started to remove it.]

Hey, you wouldn't mind me doing this, right? We're all alone in this forest, No one's coming even if it's just a little can... I...touch your...

No Aiden, what's wrong with you?! What were you thinking?! This isn't right, I can't just throw away my, er, I'm gonna go with "Humanity" just for an opportunity like this, would I be able to smile again if I did? No!!!

I should give her my jacket and then forget I ever tried to try that. Aww, I've lost my shirt and now I'm going to lose my beloved jacket too, No fair!

Winry: H-huh, what's happening?

[Winry slightly regained consciousness, she saw Aiden taking off his clothes, looked at her sisters scantily dressed, and then at herself who was topless]

Winry: Eyaaaa!!! What were you going to do to us?!

Aiden: Eh? Nothing, I was trying to help since--

Winry: Liar! You were going to take advantage of us, weren't you?!

[Her sisters started waking up due to her screams.]

Aiden: No, really I was trying to help.

[She ran back and stayed in front of her sisters]

Winry: If you're going to take advantage of us you'll have to do it over our dead body.

Aiden: Necrophilia isn't my thing, I'd prefer cute catgirls...in this case you are. Hmm, not really helping my case.

Winry: I'll never let you—Huh? My heart's beating again? And I don't feel restrained anymore.

Vesta: You're right, I feel free now.

Alda: The armor he gave us was cursed, it wouldn't let us have our free will.

Lucy: But we were able to help winry during all that, maybe it was his flames that broke the cursed seal.

Vesta: I did start to get myself when he fired it, but how did fire break a cursed seal?

Aiden: Oh my magic is special, I don't know how to explain it but, I can burn the magic behind a spell rendering it useless.

(My canceller flames at least. My regular one doesn't do this)

Lucy:That explains why our spell didn't work, and our seals just happened to be in the way, if what you saying is true then...

She went and kissed him on the lips.

Aiden: Ehh...

Lucy: Thank you Aiden, you saved us.

Aiden: Hehe, it was no biggie, hehe, hehe.

[His face turns beet red and began to nervously laugh]

Vesta: Hmm...

Winry: What are you doing? He tried to take advantage of us when we passed out!

Alda: We were naked but he tore his clothes and made us something to wear, we should be grateful for that at least.

Aiden: No, no, a thank you is more than enough, I should probably get going...

[He picked up Tanya]

Aiden: Oh, and Winry, you can keep the jacket.

[Aiden took Tanya and left.]

Lucy: Was he just carrying a golden tooth catfish?

The girls In unison: Yes.

Vesta: What are going to do, our Crystal was destroyed. But is that what really matters now?

Alda: Lucy what are we going to do now? If that bastard finds out we're free we'll be in trouble.

Winry: Hmm? What's this? A Crystal

[They found a Crystal in Aiden's Jacket pocket.]

Vesta: He left his Crystal in his jacket for us, I guess he wasn't such a bad guy, even you have to admit Winry.

Lucy: We should probably go back and join our leader who imprisoned us, I have an idea for what we should do later.

POV Aiden:

She...kissed me.

My first kiss was with a catgirl Demi-human in another world, I didn't know.

Her lips were soft but the way she did it was like she was used to doing it...It felt...robotic.

Tch... Charles Dogood, what did you make those girls do?

Author's note

Aiden: Now that I think about it I could have probably just tied a bunch of leaves together and left it on her like a blanket... Oh well.

Raider_920creators' thoughts