
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Loose ends

Chapter 25

Michael: You wanna go back to school? Why?

Aiden: I can't really say, but if you feel like you don't wanna take me that's fine, I can run there at twice the speed of you're portal anyways.

Michael: You think you can make a 2 months trip in 2 seconds, fine I'll take you only if I can come with...



Aiden: Sure... you can come.

Michael: You sure took your sweet time answering though, Anyways...

Michael stretched out his hand and a portal opened up.

Michael: You first.

Aiden: Sure... Ahhhh!!!

Michael opened a portal 100m in the air.

Aiden: Ahhhhhh....

He landed on his feet

Michael made a portal closer to the ground next to Aiden

Michael: You're good, I'm surprised you landed safely.

Aiden:Hehehe, I should know by now not to trust you 100%, Thanks for trying to kill me, I'll remember that later.

Michael: ....

Aiden: Hm? What's wrong?

Michael: You sound...different.

Aiden: Different how?

Michael: Usually when I do stuff like this you'd get mad and then chase me around, or you'd yell at me, but you're acting strangely calm now.

Aiden: I'm probably fine

Michael: What did you come back to school to do anyways?

Aiden: ...Just to tie up some loose ends that's all.

Micheal: "Loose ends"...?

Aiden: Yep, anyways let's get going.

Michael: I...

Aiden: Hm?

Michael:I think I'll sit this one out.

Aiden: But I thought you wanted to come?

Michael: I'm getting a feeling that you don't want me to come, that I may be a hindrance or something.

Aiden: Did I ever say that? You're annoying, Yes, but I wouldn't really call you a hindrance, you're my little brother I would only call you that when it comes to food, Regardless of that you can still come if you want to, it doesn't really change much for me either way.

Michael smiled.

Michael: Idiot Brother, Coming with you was lame anyways, I'm going home to eat all you're secret stashed snacks so you'd better get back home early if you don't want me to eat it all.

Aiden had a soft smile on his face

Michael went back into the portal...

Michael, (Muttered): He didn't even say anything about the food...

The portal closed.

Aiden: Heh, damned brat giving me a reason to hurry back home, looks like I should wrap this up quickly then.

Aiden walked towards the town outside the school where he bumped into the woman and her son whom he saved earlier.

Woman: You!

Aiden: Me?!...

Ellie: I mean it's you, sorry I never got your name earlier

Aiden: Oh, my name's Aiden.

Ellie: I'm Ellie and this is my son Milion. Go ahead Milion say thank you to the nice man who helped us today.

Milion: Thank you, Mr Aiden

Aiden: Hey kid, You can just call me Aiden, nice to meet you...again.

Ellie: The pleasure is all mine.

They shook hands

Aiden's POV

Her hands are so delicate...but I can feel some scar marks...from a cane? No, burn marks. Her blond hair's blowing in the wind I wouldn't mind if I wasn't inhaling the little strands that were coming off, Maybe she's going through stress, She looks tired as well, her dress is slightly torn and to top this all off doesn't she looks wayyyy too young to be a mother, She looks Nineteen-ish or so.

Aiden: Are...you alright?

Ellie: Why would you ask that? I'm fine.

She took her hand back.

Aiden: Er, Nothing, I just meant that it's so late in the evening for you to be out that's all.

Ellie: Is that it? Haha, I'm fine Aiden brightfil, No need to worry, I'm just working late today.

Aiden: Is that it? Hehe, good work then.

Aiden faced Milion.

Aiden: Hey, little Milion, How are you?

Milion: I'm fine!!

Aiden: Full of energy I see, that'll be great for when you grow up, you can make your mom yell at you a lot, Hehe.

Ellie chuckled as well.

Aiden: And...you can also protect her and make sure to put a smile on her face every day, promise me when you grow up, you'll take care of Mom so she can relax, okay?

Milion: I'm five now but I swear I'll protect mom from dad.

Ellie got shocked by what he said but maintained her composure. Aiden also heard it.

Aiden: Yeah, when your older you'll beat your dad, Hehe, I'm also trying to beat my dad as well but he's wayyy stronger than me at the moment.

Milion: Don't worry Mr Aiden, you'll beat yours too.

Aiden: You can call me just Aiden you know

Milion: Ok, Mr Aiden

Aiden: Let's say this together to remember our promise for when we grow stronger: I Aiden brightfil will beat my dad when I get stronger

Milion: I Aiden brightfil will beat my dad when I get stronger!!

Aiden: That's adorable but you've got to use your own name, not mine, Heh.

Aiden's POV

The magic these two are giving off feels a bit vaguely familiar like I've felt it somewhere before, but where?... I'll push it down and not dig too deep into this family.

Aiden: C'mon Milion you've gotta says it if you really mean it.

Milion: I Milion Manchester will beat my dad when I get stronger!!

Aiden: Man... Chester?!

Ellie: Alright that's enough playing around, Milion, we're about to close up shop for the night.

Aiden: Oh before you leave do you know of a place where merchants sell their goods?

Ellie: Yeah at marketplaces, Villages or the public squares, in fact, there's one not too far from here and some shops could still be open.

Aiden's POV

Hmm, I don't really have time to check them all so I'll ask about the other detail.

Aiden: D-do you know one where there's a brothel n-near it?

Aiden's POV

I feel so embarrassed asking a girl about a sex house!

Ellie: Then you must be looking for the one in the northern part of the city, there's a marketplace where you can buy or rent slaves, and there's a brothel on the opposite side of that one. But be careful that place is also dangerous.

Aiden: T-thank you and sorry for asking such an embarrassing question.

Ellie: You're a man...I can understand you have pent-up urges that need to be released.

Aiden's POV

I'm a teenager though.

Aiden: Er, sure.

Ellie: Good night.

Aiden: Hey, I never did tell you my... You know what? Never mind, Goodnight Ellie...

He waved them bye and walked away, during his walk on the way to the city he thought:

Aiden: ...She said my last name before I even mentioned it...