
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Loose ends part2

Chapter 26.

Aiden finally reached the city's marketplace gate, Within it, the marketplace was an area filled with stands, tents, shops, and stalls, and goods of all kinds were bought and sold here, it had a lively-rowdy atmosphere with different types of people, in the crowds you could hear laughing, at some shops, you could see people drinking, and in women areas, you could see them shopping.

Aiden enter and saw a minstrel playing a song next to a fountain in the middle of town.

The market had brick roads making way for people and carriages to move along freely but it was still crowded.

Aiden: Okay, Wow, here's more interesting than I thought, It's pretty noisy though despite it being night, *Sigh* how am I supposed to find them now? This place is so huge!

Aiden's POV

I guess I'll just walk around until I can feel his magic signature or something.

Aiden walked around the marketplace for an hour before he got tired and later found a bench to sit on.

Aiden: Phewww! I'm pooped!

Aiden's POV:

This place is really huge, seems normal enough, but...Heh, never mind.I have to keep looking, she wrote on that note that she can keep him busy for a while, whatever he's doing to them I hope it won't be too much for them to handle before I get there. *Sigh* this is one of those moments I wish I learned sensory-type magic like my sister, she could tell where a specific ant was in this large place, with no problem.





Man#1: H-hey, di- have you heard Ofsh, that brothheelll?

Man#2: T-the *Hiccups* that one that lets you hit it up with different species.

Man#3: Yeahhhhhhh, thash. placsh greathss! I've bin thar a lot, too many young'uns girls there, hehe, love em'

Aiden heard some drunkards at a stall talking about a brothel so he walked up to ask.

Aiden: Yo, barflies, where's this brothel you're talking about?

The men looked at each other and laughed.

Man #1:Hahaha, Whastsh a kid... doing here??

Man#2: Maybe he's lost?

Man#3: Letsh's sell him!

Aiden faces the second man.

Aiden: You seem to be the least drunk, so I'll be talking to you from now on.

Man #2: I've got nothing to tell ya, kid, you're too young to do these things.

Aiden: If I heard correctly, you were just talking about how the girls at this brothel were "young'uns" but yet I'm too young to hear this? Hehe, Aren't you a bit late to think about morals, old man?

Man #2: Don't you dare call a young Adventurer like me an "old man", I'm only twenty-nine!

Aiden: Oof! Twenty-what?? You've got to be kidding me, Hahahaha!

Man#2: Grrr!

Aiden: Okay, Okay, I'm sorry for laughing, what's your name anyway? I'm Aiden.

Man#2: and I'm busy go somewhere else before I lose my temper...I would hate to kill a kid.

Aiden: Hmm, I'll call you..."Buck" then, and don't worry, there are only 3 people in this world I know of that are capable of killing me.

Man#2: How did'ya guess my name right?!

Aiden: I'm a good guesser, so, Buck I promise to be out of you're non-existent hair if you show me the way to that brothel, please.

Buck drew his sword out.

Aiden: Fine, this time I'm really sorry for picking on you but I'm not here to fight... (you), I just want the location of that brothel, please tell me where it is?

Buck: You'll have to get it out of me first!

He rushed at Aiden Aiming to stab his arm but Aiden caught the sword between his fingers.

Buck: B..but how?!!

The sword got so hot that Buck dropped it

Buck: Gah!!

Buck's sword began to melt until it was nothing but a puddle of molten steel on the ground.

Aiden: I'll pay for that later but for now tell me where that brothel is, please.

Buck: It's downtown by the left, there's a district there, its name is Winglet district, It's filled with lots of Inns and a lot of brothels and the pleasures of a man, as well but the name of the one we were talking about was "The Demi den" it's where you get to "try out" new young demi-girls who were kidnapped from there villages, they say the girls there feel better than humans and it's the hottest place in town.

Aiden: Demi-den, huh? If it's so hot down there why aren't you there now? Outta money?

Buck: It was said that someone rented out that whole district for an invite-only event and anyone who trespasses gets killed or disappears.

Aiden: A Nobel perhaps?

Buck: I don't know, maybe. But all I know is that there are dangerous people in there, so be careful.

Aiden: Did you see anything else?

Buck: Like?

Aiden: I'm saying this at random but did you see 4 cat girls, with blue, Ash, green and red hair?

Buck: That's pretty specific, but I think I saw a carrier with a girl wearing a red jacket and a leaf skirt pass by here this evening, they were in ropes.

Aiden's POV

I shouldn't have let them go with him in the first place! Damn, I hate it when everything gets all serious... Wait...

Aiden: Red jacket...? How long has it been since they passed?

Buck: Thirty minutes ago or so.

Aiden: Then I'm not too late, thanks for the info, old man, I'll be off now.

Aiden stood up and started running.

Buck: Where ya going?

Aiden: To that brothel, oh and sorry about the sword, I'll be back to pay you for it (Eventually)

He left.

Man#1: He's gone, what a prick with weird hair.... Hm? why ya' shaking buck?

Buck: I don't know... his face was smiling but what he felt inside made me afraid... I can't explain it.

Man#3: Haha, You a sliver-ranked Adventurer scared of a weak kid? Hahaha.

Buck: Our ranks mean nothing in front of him, he may be young but...he's far from weak...