
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Loose ends Part 5

Chapter 29.

Aiden vigorously ran around the Winglet district heading towards the Demi-den. But he couldn't stop thinking of what transpired within Laura's brothel.

Aiden's POV

Ahhhh, I can't stop thinking about what happened at the brothel!

She...She...Gah!! I'll never be able to look her in the eyes again. I'm not saying what happened didn't slip my mind when she was sucking my blood but I just didn't want to make things any more awkward.

She was close, too close, and got even closer and...and...I did something I wasn't supposed to...*Sigh* I'll get it out of my head by running faster, way faster, maybe If I run at light speed I can outrun my thoughts.

Aiden began running faster.

Aiden: Hey, I'm starting to forget... Wait...Wait, hold up, I've gotta slow down!

Aiden ran past the brothel.

Aiden: Stop already, me!

Aiden crashed through a building and landed on some hay.

Aiden: Finally, I've stopped, but I'm a bit far away from the Demi-den. I'll just walk.

Aiden's POV:

I hope my face isn't still red.

God, please let there be a fight scene in the next sequence of this story so I can forget what happened between me and Mara. Please, I'll do anything!




Aiden arrived at the Demi-den.

Aiden: Wow, this place is huge, it looks like it could have...1...2...3...4...5, Five floors! Alright, it's time to kick some ass! Oh, but before I go in I better wear my hood to avoid being spotted.

Aiden walked in.

Aiden's POV:

Woah! There's a bar here, and is that a pool? What's that doing in a brothel?

If you look up you can see another bar with customers drinking and racking it up with girls, this place is spaced out like a... tavern, I think...

And it's true this place is filled with young girls or at least the appropriate age in this world for "doing it" and Buck wasn't lying either there are a lotta species with human forms, cats, Elves, I can even see newt girls, dwarves, chimeras, wait a minute that one is just a full-blown slime girl where's the human side? I mean she looks humanoid but I can see through her! I think the name "Demi-den" is just for show, they have at least one of almost every species. But...

Tch! No succubuses? Lame.

Aiden headed to the bar table.

Aiden: I'm trying not to get drunk, so can you give me some orange juice?

Bartender: I'm coming.

He brought it for Aiden.

Aiden: I'll go sit at that table over there I might order something to eat later.

Bartender: I don't care.

Aiden: Rude. I might want to speak to his manager later.

Bartender: ...

Aiden: No tip for you then, humph!

Aiden went to sit at a table closest to the corner of the bar.

Aiden: This place even has a stage, I wonder whether anyone is going to perform? *Yawn* I'm tired. Well, I guess I have been up all night running around. After this, I'll go get a night's sleep.

Aiden took a sip.

Aiden: *Clicks tongue* Hm?

At the stage, a familiar face to Aiden walks out.

Clay: Welcome friends and acquaintances in my line of work, today this place has been booked by a very special friend of mine, so eat, drink, make Merry, and sleep with any girl here as you please, his treat!

The crowd cheered.

Clay: Today I have 3 special girls, who are ripe for the taking.

A man brought Vesta, Winry, and Alda in dog cages.

Clay: I'll tell you, I've tried them myself and these girls feel like magic, Hahaha.

The crowd laughed with him.

Aiden: I'm giving them away to anyone who can bring a suitable amount, or we'll give them away to our "Special customer" or we can just kill them, their lives are in our hands.

Man 4: Lemme at 'em I'll fuck 'em and use 'em as target practice.

The crowd laughed.

Aiden's POV:

*Sigh* Not only was that a terrible joke but this drink was also poisoned. And he's putting on an entire show just to get me to reveal myself, it's lacking but sure I'll take the bait.

Clay: How bout we put up a live performance with big joey?

Man 5: He'll rip em apart, Hahaha.

Aiden's POV

I don't get it, why do they sound like cowboys? At least Clay sounds decent enough.

Clay unsheathed a small knife and walked towards Vesta.

Clay: Cocky little brat, ain't you the one who spat on me while I was busy with ya sister.

Vesta: Monster!

Clay, {Whispering}: I know and ya ain't gonna like what's gonna happen next.

He smirked and then used the knife to cut the leaf dress she was wearing, it fell off.

The men Whooed.

Aiden: Cut the crap Clay, I know you knew I was here.

Clay: Aiden brightfil...

Aiden stood up and walked to the center.

Aiden: Yeah, and this was the WORSE bait ever, if you knew I was here and wanted to give me a shocking reveal, You didn't have to poison my drink that gave it away you dumbass. Hahaha, The bartender probably felt cool after doing that.

Bartender: Tch!

Clay: Well, thanks a lot Karl, you just ruined everything!

Aiden's POV:

He just admitted that this whole thing was a ruse to lure me in, Hahaha, okay, I'll try to be more of a team player then.

Ohh, my wish is about to come true, the fight scene I hoped for to get my mind off Mara.

Clay: Well, no point in drawing this out any further.

He pointed his gun at Aiden

Aiden's POV

If I couldn't dodge bullets this whole series would have ended at chapter... Oops, no breaking the fourth wall during fights.

Clay: I know you're looking for the last one, the girl who told you about what I was going to do to them.

Aiden: Lucy... Where is she?

Clay: "Where is she?" Hahaha, she's upstairs, you can go see for yourself, brightfil.

Vesta: That monster! He...he...!

Clay: And it was fun too! I would have done the one with the large chests but you showed up a bit too early, she should have been in tears by the time you arrived.

Aiden: Heh, My little brother has already beaten you up before, why do you still act like I'm the easier target? Don't tell me you're... into me? Ewwwwww!

Clay: I am not! What's going through your head?!

Aiden: A really pretty girl was on top of me today, I think my head's even more screwed up than before.

Clay: Haha, you've finally become an adult, If you were my son I would congratulate you.

Aiden: Oh, I didn't do anything...At all.

Clay: But...? Nevermind! Boys, guns up!

Everyone in the bar aimed their guns at Aiden.

Aiden: Figures.

Clay: Before we kill you...On you're knees.

Aiden started strapping his cloak tighter.


Aiden: Today's been really weird, I'm not taking risks with you.

Clay: I thought I could have one last quirky conversation with the bastard who beat me, but I figured you'd be this stupid. I should just kill ya on the spot.

Aiden: Before you do...Have you heard of a kid named, Milion Manchester?

Clay: Never heard of em'.

Aiden: You're son.

Clay: Milion...Oh, now I remember that little bastard was with some girl I hit on my way to the city, I needed to release some tension and she so happened to be nearby, Haha, her name was Ellie, I think.

Aiden: What do you mean, "Some girl I hit" She's your wife, she has you're damned scarf and thinks you went into war.

Clay: The bitch bought that story? Hahahaha, dumb slut, If I had a chance, I would like to fuck her one last time.

Aiden: She defended that scarf against the nobility, that's how much love she has for you! Don't you miss her?! She has your kid! Don't you miss him?!

Clay: That son of a thousand fathers doesn't belong to me.

Aiden snapped.

Aiden: Hehe...Hahahaha!

Clay: Why are you laughing?

Aiden: Hahahaha!

Clay: I don't have time for this, men fire your light magic bullet at him now, he can't dodge if all the bullets are shot from all directions!

They all readied their guns and...

Aiden: Hey, Clay...

Clay: What?

Aiden smirked.

Aiden: Don't blink...

Clay: Huh?!


At the bar all that could be heard were the sounds of gunshots.