
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Loose ends Part 4

Chapter 28

Aiden: It's... you, Mara.

Mara: Aiden brightfil?

She walked towards him.

Mara: What are you doing here, pervert?

Aiden: Uh, I came looking for...

Mara: Nevermind, I know what you want, you wanted to unload all the urges you've felt today into me, right?

Aiden: That's not what I-

Mara: *Sigh* I'm somewhat glad that it's you, now I don't have to be afraid of it being some big man or a total stranger.

Aiden: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, that's not why I'm here, I just wanted to-

Mara: Save it, I'm not interested in what you wanted to do, but since you're my first customer I'll try my best to make you happy at least.

Aiden: You're not hearing me out I- Oof!

She pushed him onto the bed.

She put on some candles and slowly walked towards the bed then sat on top of him.

Mara: This is what you wanted, right? To have a girl lay with you, Aiden...

Aiden: Mara, I'm trying to-

Mara: Do you want me to take off the sheets?

Aiden: I *Shallow breathing* uh...

Mara: I'll take that as a yes.

She smiled.

Aiden: Wai...t

Aiden's POV

Huh? Why am I feeling weird all of a sudden?

Aiden's breaths became shallow, Mara leaned down closer to his ear.

Mara: I heard this was your first time as well. So? ...How would you like yours to be?

Aiden's breaths got faster

Aiden: what's...going on with me?

Mara: Shhh... don't talk.

She took off Aiden's Cloak and his shirt she was about to take off his pants when she felt something poke her from behind.

Mara: Hm? Oh my, excited are we? bigger than I expected.

Aiden: I... don't...have time for this, I'm looking for some people.

Aiden's POV

My body feels hot, and I think I'm about to explode in more ways than one. What's with me? I'm sure I'm not sick.

Mara: You don't have time for this?... Is it because it's me? You... don't wanna do it with me?

Aiden: Don't...twist it, that's not why, honestly you're very pretty, but I have something I should be doing right now.

Mara: Even now, your head's still somewhere else. Maybe...If I sit on this...

Aiden: Please don't I think I'm about to...

Mara: About to? ... Eek!

Aiden: S-sorry.

Mara: Gross...its sticky.

Aiden: I said I was sorry, you caused it.

Mara: I didn't say you could do it on me.

Aiden: I'm getting embarrassed but never mind that for now there's an off smell in here...*Sniff-Sniff* Wait a minute...

Aiden created a small flame on his hand and blasted it onto his face

Aiden: Ouch!!

Mara: Why did you do that for?

Aiden: To boil off the drug you set up in here...Ouch.

Mara: W-what are you talking about?

Aiden: Those candles had something in them, didn't they? Something to make me feel weird, It wasn't magic so I just boiled the effects away from my blood, painful but effective, Hehe.

Mara: But you already cam-

Aiden: Please don't complete that sentence. Anyway, what are you doing here, I didn't figure you'd be into this type of stuff.

Aiden sat up.

Mara: I don't have to tell you anything all I have to do is make you happy, right? So lie down and let me!

She pushed him back on the bed.

Aiden: Hehe, I'm always happy but I feel like you won't be if you go through with this.

Mara: You don't know anything about me, don't assume! I'm doing this because I want to.

Aiden: I ain't assuming, I'm looking at you right now, and even when I came in, no matter how much of a seductive look you tried to give me, you were tearing up inside.

Mara noticed a tear in her eye.

Aiden: Hehe, I'm more observant than I look.

Mara closed her eyes and laid down on his chest and started crying.

Aiden's POV

Did I say something wrong? Argh, this is why single guys have it easy.

Aiden started patting Mara's head.

Aiden: It's okay, don't worry, uh, it's going to be okay?

Aiden's POV

I think that's what I'm supposed to say.

Mara: Huh?

Aiden: Nothing. If it's not too much to ask why ARE you here?

Mara: If...If I tell you, promise me you won't tell anyone.

Aiden: I promise.

Mara sat up on him.

Mara: I'm a vampire.

Aiden: Hm? A what?

Mara: You heard me, I'm a vampire, well half one at least.

Aiden's POV

I shouldn't be too surprised, I knew this world had lots of creatures anyways.

Aiden: So, what are you doing here then? You don't seem to me like you enjoy doing these kinds of things, after one accidental shot you "Eek-ed!" Haha.

Mara: Save it, one-second man, I did this for two reasons only: The money and the blood I could receive from the customers when they were done with me...

Aiden: ("One-second man"?) Why did you need blood from them, can't you eat normal food?

Mara: Dummy, if that was the case I wouldn't be doing this.

Aiden: Tell me everything, Start from the beginning.

Mara: ...My father was a human farmer when he met my mother one night, she was a vampire who kept sucking the blood out of his livestocks, but my father didn't want to kill her or send her way probably because she looked weak, he told her not to steal their blood that she could have some of his in exchange she could help him with his work during the nights and him during the day, she agreed and they both had a mutual relationship, I'm exchange for work he'd pay her with his blood, my father would work from early dawn till sunset and my mother would take shifts from then till early dawn, it went on for some months until my mother started to develop feelings for my father, each time she took some blood from him he'd grow she would feel like she got closer to him but there was a problem with this, My father got weaker anytime he got sucked but he'd never tell her to stop nor complained about it until she was filled, several years later they later fell in love, got married and a few months later I was born, A half vampire and then my little brother was born 2 years later he was mostly human, I got my mother's craving for blood but I couldn't eat from my little brother so we both mainly ate from Dad, He got too weak to farm anymore so my mother decided to do it, She'd wear his hat and work from dusk till dawn everyday, since she doesn't get tired so it wasn't too hard for her, my brother began to take care of my father and feed him so he doesn't get any worse and recover the blood he kept losing to his family, Heh, whenever we harvested we always made sure dad had a feast, after he was done we ate from him, it was hard and I felt like he was our livestock but it was peaceful, one day a neighbor saw us feeding from our dad and got frightened then called the other villagers to hunt us down, I took my brother and ran my mom couldn't carry our father gently so she stayed behind to protect him, Normally a vampire doesn't care for anyone else much less their food source but she stayed behind for him....she truly loved him.

Aiden: ....

Mara: I and my brother were already far away so I thought I'd hide him somewhere so I could check if Mom was on her way, so I ran back home.

On the way back I saw a bright light shining at our house and ran to see see what it was, I saw an exorcist using light magic to torture my mother, My father, weakened as he got up to help but the man claimed that he was already "Possessed by the devil" and "couldn't think straight" He was about to kill him, but my mother took the hit for him, she fell on top my father, I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, should I jump out and help or stand there and watch my parents die? My head was spinning I wanted to vomit, but then... My mother raised her head and spotted me in the crowd, she smiled then mouthed: "Run away", the exorcist shot a light arrow at her heart...and killed her... and my dad.

He burnt all our lands and our home leaving them in the dust.

Aiden's POV

I forgot...this world is dark, the only thing coloring it is magic.

Mara: I ran away with the money my dad saved up and decided to try out the Magic academy, to grow stronger, and later find a suitable job that'll help bring an income for me and my brother to live on, But first we needed a home, Laura took us in and took care of us, thought me how to read and write and how to use my magic. 3 years later I could use my magic well enough to enroll in the school but...

Aiden: ...You still needed money for other things and you couldn't keep depending on laura, that's why you took the job.

Mara: I see why you scored a hundred even amongst those Nobels and royalties.

Aiden's POV

That score always finds a way to come back to bite me somehow, heh.

Aiden: But why the academy though? What's so good about it?

Mara: Didn't you know? Anyone who gets into the academy and graduates is guaranteed a high-paying job, so I thought I could apply.

Aiden: You know that only applies to the Nobels, those bastards would never give a commoner that kind of chance.

Mara: Heh, what other choice did I have? We're not all fortunate like you, Aiden.

Aiden's POV


Aiden: ...Why did you choose THIS job then? There should have been at least one job you could have done you would have felt comfortable with.

Mara: Laura has been taking care of us and she told me if I wanted to do this job she would help me check for the healthiest, least aggressive customers and I could just close my eyes and let them do anything they wanted and after that, I could suck their blood once the Aphrodisiac gets into them deeply that they become dizzy.

Aiden: So that's why she touched my face, Haha, smart move Laura, smart move.

Mara: But now you're aware of the whole thing, and the aphrodisiac didn't work on you I guess you want to leave?

Aiden: "Didn't work on me"? Hehe, yeah, right, if I was any dumber than I actually am, I would have fallen for it, hehe.

Mara: I can still feel the wetness under me you know? That line doesn't hold up.

Aiden: Get off me then!

Mara: Eek! Something poked me again.

Aiden: Get off me!

3 minutes later.

Aiden: Phew, I dried them with my flames... and you're still wearing the see-through sheets.

Mara: Is it turning you on?

Aiden: No.

Aiden's POV


She looked down and smiled

Mara: Sure, it isn't.

Mara went back to the window.

Mara: You said you wanted to know where the Demi-den was right?

Aiden: So you knew and kept taking me for a ride!

Mara: I heard role play enhances the experience, Heh.

Mara fell backward but Aiden caught her.

Aiden: What's wrong?

Mara: ...Today was my first time here... I haven't gotten any blood, and I'm getting weaker.

Aiden: How bout mine? You can drink mine.

Mara: Really...?

Aiden: Yeah, I don't mind.

Aiden carried her back to the bed and placed her gently on it then sat next to her.

Aiden: So what do I do?

Mara climbed and sat on top of his lap.

Mara: I'll be the one who does something, you just relax.

Aiden: *Gulp*

Mara opened her mouth which revealed her fangs and bit into Aiden's neck.

Mara: Ssss, Your skin's pretty tough.

Aiden: Hehehe, that tickles.

Mara: *Slurps* Ahh, That's pretty good.

Aiden: Are you full?

Mara: No, but this should last a while.

Aiden: I want you to be full enough not to do this again, so drink up, I'll be fine.

Mara: Taking too much from you will make you lightheaded and you might pass out.

Aiden: I'll be fine just keep going, Think of this as what you were supposed to do with me, and don't hold back.

Mara: You asked for it.

Mara sank her teeth deeper into his neck.

Aiden: Ouch!

Mara closed her eyes and just kept going.

After a while, she took out her teeth and licked the blood off Aiden's neck.

Aiden: I feel like I've been Violated a little.

Mara: and I feel so powerful! I had a little of your magic flow into me as well and I feel like I wouldn't need to eat for 100 years.

Aiden: Heh, you're welcome.

Mara's face turned red then looked away from him.

Aiden: Eh? What did I do now?

Mara: Why's something still poking me again.

Aiden: Too much of that your drug got into my blood!




Later after the whole ordeal, Mara told Aiden about the Demi-den's whereabouts and he left.

Laura: So...how was it? Did you get blood from him?

Mara: Yes, he's much nicer than I thought, he has it to me for free.

Laura: You told him you were a vampire?

Mara: Yeah, he didn't seem to mind it.

Laura: I guess you got you're first time with someone nice, Lucky you.

Mara: Oh, we didn't do anything...

Laura: Hm...? But I smell... Nevermind. You seem happier, did he tell you something, that's making you smile like that?

Mara: Teehee, Nothing.

Laura: Heh, kids. Mara since you're in a good mood and you got your blood you don't need to work anymore tonight, Go rest up and be ready for school tomorrow.

Mara: Yes, ma'am.


[20 minutes ago at the Demi-den]

Clay: Hahaha, and listen up girls after I'm done with her it's your turn!

Vesta: Tch!

I think I might have gone overboard...Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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