
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Food over gold:Tanya's tale

Calico:Aiden, I'm...sorry.

[Despair filled the air as crashing waves roared at the bottom, later in the midst of the quiet, air bubbles can be seen at the bottom of the now-red lake]

[The fish jumps out again, looking like it was struggling]

Calico: Again?!

[The fish's mouth opened, and a familiar face is seen.]

Aiden: Yo, dude, check it out, I'm alive!

[Calico and Luna looked dumbstruck, the fish falls back into the water and surfaced up again struggling to eat the meal in its mouth. Aiden wasn't being eaten by the fish he has been trying to bring the fish back to land so HE can eat it.]

[It jumps out again.]

Aiden: Calico, I want to say thank you for luring this beautiful thing-No, this beautiful girl out of the water.

[He starts to tear up]

Aiden: I've been feeling I didn't have a goal in life but you–you gave me one, My dream is... To eat her!!!

Yes, that's my dream and nothing is getting in my way.

Calico:You know that fish is very dangerous, right? It has a bite force of 4500psi, the fact you're alive is a miracle and now you want to go back and hunt it? I can't believe I nearly cried for you– and what's with your obsession with fish anyway!

Aiden:This is no ordinary fish, this is the golden tooth catfish, it weighs up to 50 tons and is 70 meters long there's no way I'm passing this up, I read somewhere that it tastes good fried, boiled, stewed, and literally any way you can think of! And Papa's gotta get some!

[The fish fell back into the water]

[The fish was violently splashing around the water trying to spit him out but he wouldn't let go.]

Calico:Hey, Luna let's go, this guy's crazy.

[Luna nodded.]

They both left.

[The fish managed to spit Aiden out of its mouth and into the air then used its powerful tail to whip him into the side of the fall with a force strong enough to destroy the rocks.]

[Aiden made a huge hole in the rock but was unbothered by it, the water that shot up by the impact started coming down like a shower.]

[The fish submerged.]

Aiden:Ohhh, feisty are we? Heh, I like it, it gives you more flavor!

[He jumps into the lake and pursued it.]

[Location: underwater]

Pov: Aiden

Hmm, where are you Tanya, yes I named you Tanya, come out Tanya.

I looked behind me and saw a giant jaw about to snap at me.

I evaded it as fast as I could.

This fish likes me, but sadly It has to be my lunch.

It came back again and whipped me with its tail.


It hurts! Or should I say it stings?

Either way, I can't take more of those while I'm down here or I'll die.

Now then time to get cookin'.

I'll just use a fire spell to blast her out



Huh? Nothing's happening.

Aiden: Oof!

Tanya whipped me again,


I swallowed too much water.

I'm pretty deep underwater now and losing air quickly, I better find a way to beat her and get back up.

But my fire didn't work– Ahh! Am I dumb?! The answer is yes!

In what universe would fire work underwater?! I'm such an idiot, I've done a lot of stupid stuff but somehow this takes the cake.

Heh, she's circling spinning the water so I can crash into some rocks and die. Tch! Worst first date ever!

Think Aiden, think!

I could boil up the water?

No that could kill other species that aren't involved with me and Tanya.

I could evaporate the whole lake?

Again, other species would suffer.

Hmm...what else do I have apart from fire magic?

Oh, I could use magic to physically buff myself.

But how strong am I? A better question would be; "Do I even know how to do that?"

Let's test it out.

Now, where's Tanya--Oof!

Again Tanya seems to like getting in my blindspot and whipping me with her powerful tail but this is perfect!

She tried to whip again but I grabbed onto her tail and spun around really fast.

I kept pushing my fingers into her but I couldn't get a solid grip because... Oops! I let go, she's so slippery. Hehe.

I could spin her this easily? Am I this strong? And I didn't even use the magic buffs thing. (Not that I could)

Now that I've got a slight advantage it's time to change the title to... "Aiden vs Tanya: Wet and hungry"

Yep, that can't be misleading at all.

Now Tanya give me your best...huh? Where is she–Ahh! Oof!

What did she hit me with?

Tanya swam at me at full speed and used her tail to generate a huge wave that flung me around the lake floor like a ragdoll.

Note to all fire affinity bearers out there: Never try fighting a water affinity bearer underwater, it won't end well for you.

Hehe, this might be problematic even for me.

What would Crysta do in this situation?

[Back at the entrance of the forest]

Crysta: *Atchoo* Who's talking about me? And why do I feel so annoyed right now?

[Back to Aiden]

Hehe, she would probably come up with a stick-in-the-mud plan, I would know since that's my former personality she currently is.

Also, she wouldn't get involved in a ridiculous situation like this.

Back to Tanya, she's really aggressive and forming hard to get, Normally I like aggressive women and all but she's almost more than I can handle.

Fine... I'll give up for now, but I'll be back for you, Tanya my love.

Huh? I'm tearing up. Over a fish? I would ask how I'm tearing up underwater but that's a story for another day.

Tanya... I'll be back for you, as they say

"If you love something you have to let it go."

I'll miss your, strong teeth, your mucus covered-silky smooth flesh, your soft flesh, your dark eyes, your big-boned body, everything about you was magnificent, if situations were different I would have confessed my feelings to you, then we'd go out on a nice fish dat–WOAH!

She bit my leg and dragged me even further down the lake...maybe the fish date was a terrible idea.

She gnawed on my leg again, I kicked her in the face to release me and she did.

Oh yeah, I forgot I'm strong.

Let's end this Tanya the fish, let's have our last dance!

She rushed forth and grabbed me with her mouth, and swam up to the surface, she was shaking her head vigorously trying to rip me apart, but I held on and opened up her mouth, I punched her equivalent to her tail swings, which caused a huge wave.

We flew out of the water.

Aiden: I've got it! I'll use her tactics against her.

We fell back in.

I swam so fast and naturally under here that you could consider me a mermaid, I got near her underbelly and gave her another punch which sent her flying out of the water and into the air, I emerged out of the water as well, I found a rock and jumped as high as I could and used my flames to boost me even higher till I got above Tanya.

Aiden: Sorry about this Tanya, but this is goodbye.

I punched Tanya so hard that she fell back into the water and made a huge splash, she didn't move after that.

I landed back into the water feeling exhausted.

Aiden: Whew, looks like I won.

Note: Neither I nor Aiden know what time period this is that Calico used psi :-|

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