
otherwordly sword

follow linar in its quest to become and absolute of his world

trashyknight · Fantasy
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It started as a black sun announcing the beginning of the end…

Abominations made out of pure blackened blood and flesh attack everything…

Those who were in the epicenter saw it …

An absolute who came to conquer…

And it conquer…

When everything was burn to ashes, spilled with pungent blood and buried with bodies, they came…

The hope, they came crawling from every piece of land that remain untouch…

There was a battle…

There was the absolute…

And there was hope…

An army of abominations who obey the absolute.

And an army of humans who only had their wits, wills and hope.

Carnage, despair, tears, blood…

They resist and so the final group stand in front of the towering might of the absolute, the battle begun…

Slash, trust, cast, shoot, defend, dodge, heal, punch….

Smash, throw, scream, grow, devour, rip, tear…

They were decimated, and so the last standing warrior hold his sword pointing towards the dark skies…

He cursed against his impotence, against his lack of power and finally against the gods who abandoned him…

And so it appears with a deafening buzz, slashing the skies, bringing light to the dead and arid battlefield…

A man with black eyes, black hair, a black sword and a beautiful and fragile face…

The last standing warrior knew he also was an absolute…

The black haired man hold his sword up in the sky and he…


And so there was victory and glory…

But everything was lost.

The demon god, that was his title. A name that filled every heart with fear and despair.

A name that once filled the world with putrefaction, sulfur, blood and tears. And now, not anymore.

The records depicting said battle and its after effects were present in all the culture of the newborn empire, cause afterwards the last standing warrior and his allies founded the naran empire, afraid of the imminent return of the demon god, the first emperor it instated the conscript and mercenary systems with help to train the common folk into warriors awaiting to slay those who treat the peaceful times created by the heroes of the past.

The first emperor also instated the great coalition of humans, using as basis the coalition that surge during the dark times when he and his comrades fought the demon god, the coalition was a group of regents from every single species that can be considered human such as beings that have emotions, are being aware of themselves, have empathy and most importantly have a soul.

A soul, a spirit, having will, having something that makes having hopes and dreams possible…

And so a variety of species found them self united against adversity and a common enemy during battle.

Later they united under tragedy, misery and a single wish: to reform that what they have lost, maybe make it better and definitely to not repeat such dark times.

The coalition was form from the principal species who bow to defeat the demon god, they were the humans, the elves, the dwarfs, the giants, the spirits, the lizard kind, the demon kind and the monster kind, yes during the battle the demons and the monsters unite forces with the coalition, this was unexpected for humanity, but they said that since born his only wish was to receive orders from the demon god, but when they arrived to this world everything change, and they begin to dream of a better wish to be free and do whatever they please without to be afraid of being devoured by the demon god, so with that in mind a faction within the demon faction join the coalition.

Of course the coalition not believed at first, since the demons were responsible for thousands upon thousands of dead and carnage, but they started to comply when the demons who defy the demon god went to a suicide mission and slay they own kind causing massive damage to the demon god's army and so delaying the final battle.

Monsters were not different, at first their motivation was more simple, after the whole kill the humans, steal the resources, eat their food. It was similar to the way the demons came to interact with the humans. But the final stop for the demon race was not to repeat this process forever, instead their final goal was to poison the word and make it unavoidable for all kinds of life forms except themselves, then move to other world following the demon god will. So watching the upcoming future the most advanced and evolved monsters united and revel against the demon god's army, since the most powerful and smart monsters command the most weak and dumb ones, the entity of minions ended up as cannon fodder, in the end they sacrifice was useful as it prolonged the unavoidable battle a couple of weeks more.

And so time past and during the formation and fully establishment of the empire and the coalition, which were chaotic times, the people forgot about their savior, that young men who disappeared after the final battle…

And so the years went by…