
Chapter 16

There was a row of cherry blossoms in full bloom on each side of the path way, large buildings spaced apart were behind these beautiful trees there were wild flowers growing between the buildings. There were gardens for each building and each garden had it's own unique style at the end of the path in the distance was a statue made of bronze that glowed in the morning light and beyond that was a castle like building. She couldn't make out what the statue was she could only see that it towered over the buildings with the exception of the castle. So these are the home of the nobles and that's the home of royalty, she thought.

"It's quite beautiful here isn't it?"

She felt that out of everything she had seen so far this was more like her dream while also reminding her of home.

"Yes it is, I'm happy that I get to work in such a place. Thank you for bringing me here." She beamed at him she was truly happy. He smiled at her.

"Alright let me take you to the manor where you will be working."

They walked to the second manor on the right. It was a large building with pillars and a porch. The building was a deep mahogany colour with black slates on the roof the garden had rose bushes, shrubs, lillies and even a gazebo it was quiet elegant looking. There were already two people in the garden tending to the plants. As Ellie and James walked past them she noticed they were barefoot and were furry. They paid no heed to Ellie and James and he took her inside. He removed his shoes at the door and she followed suit. The decorum inside was splendid and easy on the eyes. The walls a pale cream colour with pictures of landscapes hanging from them. There were vases and other priceless artifacts gracing stools. Ellie made a mental note to be very careful as if she broke anything it would be more than her life's worth. He knocked on a door and there were shuffling steps on the other side. A woman answered she was shorter than Ellie and very old looking, her greying hair and pale brown eyes showed her age. Instead of hands she had claws and her tail swung behind her. She wore a maids outfit and leaned on a cane.

"Madam Vesser this is the new maid I told you about. She's new and inexperienced I hope you can show her the ropes. If there's any issues feel free to tell me."

Madam Vesser looked Ellie up and down. Ellie felt uncomfortable under her gaze, almost like she was looking right through her.

"So this little sprite is the hard worker you mentioned? Are you sure? Whats your nsme child?"

She looked doubtful.

"Madam my name is Ellie, i assure you I will work very hard and I can also learn things very quickly I won't let you down"

This answer seemed to satisfy the old woman.

"Alright child I'll take you in and change you into something more practical then we will get you started. I'll start with the basics and we can work our way up over time. I'm a strict teacher mind and I won't stop from scolding you if need be."

Ellie nodded the excitement sparkled in her eyes. This was it. A job.

"You may leave us now. I'll take care of this sprite and will inform you of her progress at the end of the day." She waved her hand to dismiss James. Huh, he must be a servant here too, Ellie thought.

Madam Vesser led her inside and gave her some clothing. Ellie changed quickly and neatly folded her clothes. There was only her and Madam Vesser in the room. There was a bed here so maybe this was her bedroom. After she changed the old woman looked her up and down and sighed.

"It'll do. Come I'll start you in the kitchens they always need more helpers. Any questions you can ask me after your works finished unless it's about the work itself. Understand? "

Ellie nodded. Madam Vesser raised her eyebrow with a stern look on her face.

"I mean yes ma'am."

"Good let's go."