
Osaka Love and Sake酒。。

A drama filled love story develops as the government is attempting to decrease the population by picking off children’s parents of poor unhappy families one by one. In order to put an end to the test, the chosen are sent to an academy for the next few years and are expected to learn what they need to bring back their family.

GoMisao · Teen
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3 Chs

An Unwanted but Awaited Change..

"Is anyone home?There's a boy in our living room!" I shouted hoping that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Was there really someone in my house ..just sitting comfortably on my couch?

As I was about to attack the boy I heard a familiar voice. "Oh stop the yelling sweetheart , this is Tora." It was my mom, she was bringing a suitcase from the closet by the guest bedroom.

Despite my mood, anyone could say that Tora was a tall handsome boy with pale skin, black hair and dark brown skin eyes..and he gave Me an innocent smile and wave.

"Nice to meet y-"

"Mom..tell me you're cheating on dad , and why does he look so young." I completely ignored his introduction to figure out what was going on.

"Do you have any manners, Misao. He's not my boyfriend. I'm happily married to your father!"My mom lashed back at me.. I should've expected that realizing how dumb my comment sounded.

"Yeah Yeah.. But why is he here?"

"Do you have a problem with me being here ...Misao?"

"Shut Up!!" I said to Tora.

"Oh settle down..Both of you. Tora will be living with us from now on."Mom said with a very calm tone in her voice as she walked into the kitchen grabbing something out of the shelf.

"What..did you just say.."

I was angry and confused and you could tell by the look in my eyes. I ran to my mom, almost tripping over my untied shoes and Ignoring Tora's slight laughter.

"Mom, this is so sudden, he could be a murder for all I know. Does dad know about this?" I didn't care how rude I was sounding.. had my mom been hiding a secret from me this whole time?

"Why're you being so mean this today, Tora is so sweet.And yes your father knows he's actually waiting for me in his car right now…"

With all the commotion going on I hadn't noticed that father had pulled into the driveway and was sitting in his car with an impatient look on his face.

"Why!Don't tell me you're leaving me with him!" I screamed in disbelief with what I was hearing.Anyone would understand how I felt if they were in the same situation as me. Being left alone with a boy you've only know for the total of 16 minutes.

"What's wrong with me?" The boy said with a perplexed look on his face as if I had just offended his whole life.

*car honks from outside*

"Oh calm down, both of you. Especially you Misao you should treat guests nicer." My mom said as she tried to call me down.

I huffed and puffed with anger. Why could this be happening ?Why now ?

"Your father and I will be going on a trip to celebrate our Anniversary. We'll be back Monday Afternoon."

"Mom I don't want this to happen. Is there something I can do omg?" I was trying my best to get out of this situation but it didn't work.. I only made things worse.

"Actually yes, this evening you can show him around town! It's Friday so all the young kids will be out." Mom said as she walked closer to the door.

"Mom! I already have plans with Ume and Reiji..we're supposed to be going to KudaNomi's Tonight!"

"could care less, I already have bad vibes from Ume! You can either cancel your plans and do as I told you or you can let Tora come along."

"Ms.Morioka it's fine, she can hang out with her friends. I'll find my way arou-"

"Hush! You'll get lost and end up on the bad side of town. You're a pretty boy and the girls out here might want to take you out for the night haha. Misao would be happy to have you tag along to make sure that doesn't happen..isn't that right ?"

I shook my head in agreement knowing there was basically nothing else I could do , unless I wanted to get slapped.

Tora and I watched her walk out the door and waved goodbye. As Dad drove off, I received a text on my phone from my mother. Confused because she had just left. I opened my phone to read my new biggest fear.

" Tora is in charge of you , I've given him money so if you need anything just ask him. Love you both!" - Mom