
Orphaned in the Idol world

"Melodies of the Heart" follows Emma's life from tragedy to triumph. After losing her parents in a foreign land, she endures hardships in a Korean orphanage. The story unfolds through scenes of struggle, resilience, and survival, as Emma battles bullying, abuse, and the indifference of authorities. Facing discrimination and cruelty, Emma discovers solace in K-pop, a world that ultimately shapes her destiny. Her journey leads her to an entanglement with the K-pop world with a popular K-pop boy group, Nave. "Melodies of the Heart" is a poignant tale of love, resilience, and the enduring power of unity, transcending time and circumstance. Through Emma's journey, the story explores the intricate threads that connect people in the face of life's most challenging moments.

Tasha_KimM · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: Grandma's Bad Dream

Night descended on Emma's home, and the moon cast a gentle glow through the curtains of her bedroom. Emma lay in her bed, her thoughts filled with excitement about the upcoming trip to South Korea with her parents. But her restful slumber was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"Mama, is that you?" Emma whispered, rubbing her eyes.

The door creaked open, and her grandmother, who had been staying with them, entered the room. Moonlight bathed her worried face in a silvery glow. She quietly crossed the room and sat on the edge of Emma's bed, tucking a strand of curly hair behind the young girl's ear.

"Emma," her grandmother began, her voice soft and tender, "I had a bad dream, a troubling one."

Emma's sleepiness vanished, replaced by concern for her beloved grandmother. "What happened, Granny? What did you dream about?"

With a sigh, her grandmother recounted her dream, her voice tinged with unease. "I dreamt that there was chaos and darkness, your parents were calling out for help and I couldn't reach them."

Emma's eyes widened, and a shiver ran down her spine. She knew dreams could be strange, but the worry in her grandmother's eyes was hard to ignore. "Granny, it's just a dream, right? Mom and Dad will be fine."

Her grandmother nodded, attempting to reassure Emma. "Yes, dear, it's just a dream. But sometimes, dreams can make us feel uneasy. I'll feel better once you're all back from the trip, safe and sound."

Emma hugged her grandmother tightly, feeling a mix of emotions. "Don't worry, Granny. We'll be careful, and I promise we'll come back safe."

Her grandmother smiled, her anxiety easing a bit. "Thank you, my dear. Now, try to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day."

With a final embrace, Emma's grandmother left the room, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts. She lay in bed, gazing out at the moon, and whispered a silent wish for her family's safety, hoping that her grandmother's troubling dream would remain just that—a dream.


The day of departure had arrived, and the sun greeted Emma's family as they made final preparations for their journey to South Korea. Emma's parents, Julia and David, bustled about the house, checking passports and tickets, while Emma herself was in high spirits, her pink backpack ready and waiting.

In the midst of the bustling activity, Emma's grandmother moved around the house, helping with last-minute tasks and trying her best to stay cheerful. However, the unease from her dream still lingered in her heart.

As the time to leave drew nearer, Emma noticed her grandmother's lingering sadness. She approached her grandmother, who stood by the front door with a forced smile on her face.

"Granny," Emma began, her voice gentle, "I know you're worried about us, but remember, it was just a dream. We'll be okay."

Tears welled up in her grandmother's eyes as she knelt down to Emma's eye level. "You're right, my dear. It was just a dream, and I know you'll all be careful. But I'll miss you terribly while you're away."

Emma hugged her grandmother tightly, feeling a mix of excitement and sadness. "We'll miss you too, Granny. But we'll be back before you know it, and we'll have so many stories to share."

Julia and David approached, their expressions reflecting the bittersweet moment. They knew how much Emma cherished her grandmother's presence.

"Mom," Julia said, her voice filled with gratitude, "thank you for everything. We promise to stay safe and come back soon."

David nodded in agreement. "And we'll bring back souvenirs and tales of our adventures."

Emma's grandmother wiped away a tear and smiled, her heart heavy with both worry and love. "Take care, all of you. I'll be here, waiting for your safe return."

As they exchanged final hugs and heartfelt goodbyes, Emma, her parents, and her grandmother were reminded of the strength of their bond, even as they embarked on this exciting yet uncertain journey. With tears in their eyes and hope in their hearts, they bid their beloved grandmother farewell, ready to embrace the adventure that awaited them in South Korea.