
Chapter 1: Little Emma Arriving from School (Year 7)

The sun hung low in the sky as the school bell rang, signaling the end of another day of classes. A bustling town,somewhere in Africa came to life with the laughter and chatter of children streaming out of the local primary school. Among them was a 7 years-old girl named Emma, her curly hair bouncing with each step as she walked out the school gates.

Carrying her pink backpack adorned with a rainbow of stickers, Emma's face lit up with excitement. Today was special; her parents, Julia and David, had a surprise waiting for her. As she turned the corner onto her quiet street, she spotted her parents' familiar car waiting for her at the curb.

The car's windows rolled down, and her mother, Julia, leaned out, her warm smile shining brightly. "Emma! How was school today?" she asked.

Emma's eyes sparkled with joy as she hopped into the car. "It was good, Mom! But the teacher said I shouldn't correct her anymore." Emma replied as she pouted. She was in the 3rd grade with an IQ of 126, just 4 point short of being a "genius". Because of this she skipped grades twice, but Emma was still to advancedfor 3rd grade and often correctedtheteachers. "Anyway what's the surprise?"

Her father, David, glanced at Julia, sharing a secret look that only parents could understand. "Well, Em," he said with a grin, "we've got something special planned for the weekend. It's a surprise, but we think you'll love it."

Emma couldn't contain her excitement. "A weekend surprise? Tell me more!"

Julia and David exchanged amused glances before revealing, "We're going on a trip, sweetie, to a place far away. A place called South Korea."

Emma's eyes widened in wonder. "South Korea? Wow! What's there?"

With a loving laugh, Julia explained, "It's a country with beautiful landscapes, delicious food, and lots of music. We'll be going to a big music festival, and you'll get to see us perform!"

Emma's heart swelled with pride. Her parents, famous for their incredible voices, had always made her feel special, and now they were sharing their music with the world. "That sounds amazing, Mom and Dad!"

As they drove home, the anticipation of the upcoming adventure filled the car. Excitement radiated from the car as they parked, and Emma practically leaped out, her pink backpack bouncing with her every step.

Before she could reach the front door, it swung open to reveal Emma's grandmother, a warm and loving presence in her life. She wore a bright, flowery apron and her welcoming smile made the house feel like a haven.

"Emma, my dear!" her grandmother exclaimed, opening her arms wide. Emma rushed into her embrace, feeling the familiar comfort of her grandmother's hug. "How was school today?"

"It was good, Granny!" Emma replied, her voice bubbling with excitement. "But guess what? Mom and Dad have a surprise!"

Her grandmother chuckled, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "A surprise, you say? Well, I can't wait to hear all about it."

As they entered the cozy living room, Julia and David shared their plans for the upcoming trip to South Korea, the music festival, and their special performances. Emma's grandmother listened with rapt attention, her heart swelling with pride for her daughter and son-in-law's achievements and their love for their granddaughter.

"South Korea! Oh, what an adventure that will be," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "You're going to have a wonderful time, my dear."

Emma couldn't wait to share this new adventure with her grandmother. The house buzzed with excitement as they continued discussing the trip, and it felt like the start of a grand adventure for the entire family.

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