
Different World 2

The light slowly engluing by the darkness. a half moon alone side of sun hung in the sky announcing the arrival of night time. twilight seemed peaceful and silent. many nocturnal animals getting ready to hunt their daily meal.

However, the peacefulness of twilight didn't bring any tranquillity to Max. after listening to Derek for several hours he understood what Derek meant. he bid three of them good night and deiced to walk his way back home. he even refused Stiles's offer to ride.

While walking alone on the road, Max recalled what Derek said.

According to Derek, all this information came from Peter. to him it was given by Talia Hale, Derek's mother was the source of this. Peter too didn't know full details of Werewolf society.

As Derek said, there is a different status to different Werewolves. pack wise, they all the same, normal. however, there are families with Werewolves ancestral. they are considered as Nobles in the supernatural world.

Every child born to those families as a Werewolf, just like Derek and his sisters. Derek's mother and Peter also born wolves but Peter didn't know or didn't tell Derek about that story.

Peter didn't know the exact name or details about Noble families. they hiding in playing sight without coming out in the open. normally they never show their presence, except times of War in the supernatural world.

Those families deeply care about their ancestral inheritance. every one of, those families carrying a strong bloodline with ability unique to them.

Before the Hale fire, when Talia was still alive Hale family also consider as Noble family. their bloodline carried the ability to implant memories to another supernatural with a bite or claws. or to read them.

So when Max healed Derek with his blood, Derek thought Max from some Noble family. also, Derek told him why he wasn't surprised to find out Max was an Alpha that could transform, even more, powerful than Peter, which was older than Max.

It was a common belief older the wolf gets more the power he shows. but Max was different.

When Derek told Peter, only a Hale could transform into a full-on Werewolf Peter apparently laughed at Derek. saying he only know so little.

According to Peter, every noble family has the ability to transform. while their forms are different than others, it was the same concept. and once in a while, there will be a Wolf or two born as an Alpha with the power to rival mature Alpha.

When that happens Noble families send them to the outside world. they must build their own pack before coming back. so both Peter and Derek thought Max came here to build a pack.

'All this history might be due to my presence here. maybe god did that so I can have a better and wide world unlike in TV series'

'Looks like there are more to this, even Peter might not know more than this. I have to meet Dr Deaton as soon as possible'

Recalling all details Derek presented him, Max walked toward home. Max never thought this setting was original. TV series only forced on Beacon Hills and Werewolves living there. they never introduced any Noble families or Abilities. to Max knowledge, only Ability Alpha bear is Memory implantation and Peeking the memories of a person.

Now it seems, this ability belongs to Hale family. Scott able to use it because he was originally Peter's Beta, before becoming True Alpha.

So this must be God's work. if he could meet Old Man once again..... alas! Max never could.

After he reached home the first thing he did was check on Ron the Vampire. the guy seemed as if he never woke up. Max figured since the sunlight still dominated the most part, Ron will take some time to wake up. although Vampires could stay awake at day time without problem, they become much weaker. without a daylight ring, Vampires won't be leaving their dark nests.

Max took a long, satisfying bath before getting ready for his date. despite having more things to think about, none of that important when its time to enjoy life. so date must attend and must enjoy.

Since this was a normal date Max wasn't supposed to pick up Lydia. but tomorrow, he has an obligation to pick up Lydia, before going to the school dance.

At 6.30 Max reached the destination as he promised. however, neither Lydia nor Allison presents when he came. just when Max about to texting Lydia he saw a silhouette marching toward him.

"You came early" Max smiled looking at Scott. Scott looked fresh and calm. on the other hand, Max looked both fresh and cheerful with lively eyes.

"Yeah, this my first double date, ever," Scott nodded smiling "anyways, thanks for the help earlier"

"Meh! it's fine" Max didn't want to talk about past matters. helping Derek didn't require much, just a few blood drops. moreover, Max received an unexpected gain from the visit. so maybe a win-win situation?

Scott seemed struggling to say something but he saw Max was distracted by something. he also looked toward the same direction.

Max saw Lydia and Allison getting off from a Taxi. Lydia wore a white knee-length cute dress that hugged her body nice and tightly. with matching heels, she looked stunning.

On the other hand, surprisingly Allison had the same type of dress in black colour with different style. she too wore black high heels giving strong attraction force to those milky white legs. Max suddenly remembered throughout series he never saw Allison waring this kinda cloth. so this must the punishment Lydia gave her.

Breaking about from his daze Max widened his smile. he looked at soulless Scott and gave a small tap on shoulder bringing him back to living.

Although Allison looks beautiful, maybe Lydia was a small realm above her. she had a great body compare to the other 16 years, old girls. her mounds are really liking to Max's taste. he couldn't wait to Mark Lydia with his brand.

"From today on white is my favourite colour" He reached Lydia and held her hand. although Max wanted to say something nice to Allison, Scott was already occupied with her.

Lydia didn't say anything except smiling sweetly. then, four of them walk toward hotel Lydia booked.

Max wanted to say 'from today on white and black is my favourite colours, alas! he didn't have such a prestigious. even if he stood proudly on the Apex of the Supernatural world.

My Mother gave me money to pay my bills, so I'm back. not delays.

Oh! and this isn't the whole thing ok, there are more to a different world. but for now, that's all.

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