
Different World 1


School ended at the usual time. Max or Lydia didn't have any plans to stay after school. Lydia planned to go to the saloon with Allison. so Max decided to work his part-time job.

After sending Lydia away, Max went to the car dealer and rented the car. then he started to walk toward the convince store he works. although he needed a car his account balance said otherwise. Max had to leave it for later, date and focus on getting a motorcycle.

While he walked thinking about all these plans Stiles jeep blocked his way.

"Hey Max we need your help"

Soon as the vehicle stopped, Stiles jumped screaming. he seemed to be in a hurry.

"What do want this time? and where is your friend?"

"Derek in trouble, Scott with him"

Then Stiles started to explain details about their situation. Max frowned thinking about Yellow Wolfbane. he remembers, throughout the series, Yellow Wolfbane made several appearances.

To a beta this Yellow Wolfbane certainly is deadly. even an Alpha become weak after coming to contact with this Wolfbane.

However, Max remembered Vampires aren't affected by Wolfbane. their weakness is the vervain flower. Max was positive his blood could heal Derek.

"Alright, I know something, I will help you, let's go"

"Really?! that's great, let's go"

Both Stiles and Max get onto the jeep. Max has never been to the old Hale house. this is a perfect opportunity to see the legendary place. he might able to stuck a deal with the government before they demolished it. if so he could build his mansion in future.

Stiles drove fast since he knows the condition Derek having. in the series, Stiles never liked Derek so much. however, both of them are friends none the less. it's just Stiles thinks Derek is a bad influence for Scott. after all, Scott like a brother to Stiles.

Several minutes later Max caught the slight of an old ramshackle house. covered by numerous veins and small trees. however, Max could imagine how lively and colourful this place was before Kate Argent destroys it. Max felt Peter isn't wrong to go after Kate and her accomplices for what they did.

Not only the Hale family live here. Talia Hale's pack, Peter's Pack every one died that day. more than family, Werewolves care about their Betas their pack. maybe that's why Peter is so hell-bent on killing Argent family. to let them feel the same pain he felt.

If Max thinks about it, actually Peter doing the right thing. however, why kill his own family? Peter was too absorbed by power.

Since Hale state now owned by the public government, Max had no trouble getting in.

When Max went inside it was the same as Tv series. nothing really changed expect purple wolfbane here and there. he noticed Derek lying there on old wooden table while Scott anxiously waiting beside him.

"How is he?" Stiles asked immediately after noticing motionless Derek.

"Not good, he keeps losing consciousness"

"Let me check" Max went beside Derek. he saw black veins starting from Derek's shoulder where the gunshot wound at spreading through the whole arm. for now, poison staying at the arm but as time passes it invading the whole body.

If poison attacked the heart, Derek can say goodbye to his life. Without delay, Max bit his right arm letting the blood flow out.

"Scott open his mouth, hurry" demanded Max looked at Scott.

Although Scott had no idea what Max doing nonetheless, he forcefully opened Derek's mouth. seeing the opportunity, Max let his blood flow into Derek's mouth.

"What are you doing?" Stiles almost fainted seeing Max opening a wound on his own arm. Stiles always weak to blood, and wounds, anything involves blood.

Max didn't respond, he kept supplying blood to Derek. several seconds went by Max's wound head as if nothing ever happened.

However, Derek's eyes still shut tightly. he didn't even move a finger aside from waking up.

"What's happening? why isn't he waking up?" Scott questioned panicking. Stiles also seemed distressed.

"Giving him sometime" Max spoke calmly "Blood needs to work on poison and expel it from the system. oh! look he is waking up"

As Max said both Scott and Stile heard a loud heart beating sound. they saw Derek's chest go up and down rhythmically. suddenly Derek coughed out a mass of black blood. his eyes, nose, ears start to bleed out the same black blood.

"What's going on?" surprised Stiles looked at Max. however, Max too, surprised by the sudden turn of event.

"It's the poison" Max immediately calmed down, "I think his long time suppressed poison also expelling out"

He didn't know his blood this potent. Niklaus use it only to heal Werewolf bites on Vampires. he never used on Werewolves to heal Wolfbane poisoning. this is completely new to Max, A to Z.

While Max thinking what else his blood hiding, Derek opened his eyes. it shone akin bright blue gems.


Derek looked at the orange sun on the horizon and howl loudly. it was so loud old building start to shake violently. Stiles frightened and Scott had an urge to howl along with Derek. but he was able to keeps urges in check.

Max on the other hand amazed by what his blood could do to Werewolves. he didn't get affected by Derek's howlings. as an Alpha, this kinda howls, showing Beta's dominance nothing to Max. even an Alpha's roar could do nothing to Max.

"Thank you" after letting the whole beacon hills know his presence, Derek said gratefully to Max. looks like what Peter said that day was true Max indeed one of them.

"Meh! never mind that consider this as a friend helping a friend" Max said shrugging his shoulders. he always liked Derek when watching tv show back on the earth. even in here Max did like Derek more than Scott. so its nothing to fuss about.

"What happens if your family finds that you gave blood to a Beta that doesn't belong to yours?" Derek suddenly asked throwing Max into confusion.

Max looked at Derek to see if he was kidding or not. but his face was so serious Max knew Derek wasn't playing around.

"What family?" he frowned and asked with confusion. he didn't have the slightest idea what Derek talking about.

"Yes, I understand" Derek nodded as if he understood hidden meaning behind Max's words. if words get out both of them in trouble, this kind of Werewolf families deeply cares about their bloodlines. so it's natural Max wants to keep this as a secret.

"What the hell you mean you understand? I mean. what are you talking about? what family?"

Max had the urge to pull out all of his hair. and stuff it in Derek's mouth. what with this guy? Max asked because he had no idea what family Derek was talking about. why is he saying he understand?

"Eh! aren't you from a Noble family?" this time it's Derek's turn to surprise.

"I don't know what are you talking about. why don't you tell me?"

Looking at confused Derek, Max decided to know what Derek knows. maybe God made some changes to this world, just for him.

Guys......yesterday my electricity was cut off since is have a huge debt to electricity board. for now, I'm in total darkness. and my mobile is only remaining 20%, so I don't think I could update tomorrow. if I couldn't I will add two on Monday. (70$ debt so I don't think I could find it soon)

Thank for reading and comments...........?????

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