
Origin Of The Villains

Stories come in all shapes and sizes, where there is Light, Darkness shall rise the other can't live without the opposite. A rule that has been going for a thousand years or so, a battle that rages on even at present Whether one looks at the wonders of the sky, pure and innocent people that dreamt of a better tomorrow, there will always be a few that will look at the chaos made by their kind Being trapped in a seal for merely hundreds or maybe even thousands only to see the cycle has been broken. One would think that once Darkness has been struck by the most brilliant Light would bring salvation Nothing but chaos greater than the ones inflicted when there was balance occurred in hopes of fixing this world. My powers left my body the power that was only supposed to be possessed by one individual came to become a possession of countless others, bringing the so-called Villains into the world I'll gather my strength, recover my forces and take what's rightfully mine, and with all of that settled. I'm gonna kill that bearer of Light they're constantly talking about __________________________ The cover isn't mine if the author asked me to put it down I will

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Auction house [2]

I hate this system, it seems that it only invites a few people per entree. Leaving me the only person to guard this brat, what a bother, and I thought j could've experienced a relaxing day. Only to be revealed that I have to escort her if I want that gift she mentioned, it seems that the security of this place has been too strict after their most recent break-in

"Hey, I know that im your escort and all but is this really necessary?" A lot of people were pointing their attention in their direction. He could sense the emotions that were being emitted by those bystanders eyeing their location

[System: Youre Dormant power is being influenced by the emotions aimed at you by a lot of admirers along with hostility]

'Envy, Lust, Hatred, Bloodlust I didn't think I would feel their emotions it seems that the humans in this Era can't even have their desires controlled. Most of them admired my clothes, etiquette, and gentlemen's behavior while I guide Luna to her seat. Still, I can't brush off that malice pointed at my body to think they have the balls to provoke anyone just because they can't tolerate their presence. I'll let it slide I've heard that the Auction will be stopped once a commotion has occurred. Consider yourself lucky enough to survive my anger if my enemies could see your faces they'll be kneeling in your presence for being one of the few that I can tolerate,'

Ignoring their emotions aimed at his body, he safely escorted Luna to their seat whilst they were met with a face that was a mystery to Shuu along with his status. That could even bring about a crowd bigger than compared with his entrance, a Blonde-haired man that attracted the attention of everyone close to their location

[Welton Family Heir: Frederick Welton

Status: Noble birth, Rising star, Genius

Rankings: E Rank 1st

Class: Assassin]

"It's nice that you've safely arrived Ms. Luna for a second I thought you would've declined my invitation once more. Tell me what changes occurred after our last meeting that you agreed to one of my invitations without even hesitating. Might it be related to the person standing near you? He doesn't look like he's cut out to serve a fine lady such as yourself do you want any help in finding any suitable bodyguards," Welton quickly aimed his sharp tongue at her subordinate. But he remained unfazed by his provocative words, which bored him, and quickly placed his attention on her guest, even reaching out his hand for a handshake after their long-awaited reunion

'Looks like even a lot of time has passed since the end of the Cultivation Era. It seems that this plebeian race has retained one of its greatest features. The Snobby Young Master looks like a million years wasn't enough for their pride to corrupt their mind. Still, this situation would spark a lot of problems if she acts hastily with her choice of words I wonder what'll her next move be after one of her servants receives a provocative comment that came out of her long-time friend?'

"Thank you for the offer, Sir Welton. But im already fine with having Shuu as my bodyguard I've even seen him fight. So I know that if he's capable to become my servant, still thank you for the offer if you don't have anything else to ask of me then ill be on my way. Shuu let's go, the Auction's about to start I can't wait to see what kind of items they have for today," Unfortunately, his suggestion wasn't given a single second and was declined without prolonging her stay. After she gave him a firm handshake along with a beaming smile, her arms were glued onto Shuu's arm that was dragged away from the scene

Left alone from the crowds that surrounded him, his smile shifted to a face that was filled with disgust at her butler. No one would dare say a word about his action and remained silent after he broke the wine glass that he was holding would shatter into a million pieces. Causing its color to be drenched on the floor apart from the people around him, he was the one that aimed the most malicious and loathsome Aura that was pointed at Shuu

'What's so good about that servant that she could easily have a smile in front of a lot of people? Ms. Aldea what has gotten into you after our last encounter I remember the fact that you are not a person that can be easily filled with joy. And yet that peasant is making you smile? I won't allow it, not even once if I can't be the one to put a smile on your face then no one can!'

Frederick Welton was known for his pride even amongst his peers. A genius that easily took the world by storm by being the youngest player to have ever reached a ranking that befitted his talent. Yet he was known to be an obsessed man with the things that caught his attention and one of those things was the fair maiden smiling while her hands were wrapped around another man's arm. Something like that was enough to make his blood boil even to the point where he cannot hide his true personality under the mask he wore in the public eye

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Shuu found himself to be seated in their designated seats. He could feel the burning face that was aimed at his back by none other than Welton

"You don't have to worry about it, I hate that guy his not even worth my time," Luna gazes at the items presented while the two of them continue with their little chat

"So you only prioritize the strong?" Shuu pointed out her type while he writes down the items that proved to be worth bidding on

"Of course not! What do you take me for idiot, if I was looking for something like that I can find a ton of knuckleheads waiting for our exit. Plus, what would pure strength give a person if they can't even use their brains or good anything else than fighting? It's like you're hinting that you want to die as early as possible, Restraining Ice Necklace I bid 500,000... Nice, the first one is already within our hands," By her side even with his space being invaded at any given time, he felt a sort of peace in his mind. Apart from the girl he met at the facility, this cheeky brat sitting close to him was able to create a bond where even if they didn't possess the strength they desire. They chose the alternative of relying on each other's strengths that would fill their weaknesses

"Then tell me what's the reason why you don't want to be with a person like him?" After he uttered those words she made a gesture with his hands ordering him to come closer. Before she whispered the horrific things that she found about his past

"I heard that his last fiancee went missing! I thought he was just rather unlucky and she was kidnapped or something like that. You know rich people stuff, but after I did my research the very people that buried any kind of evidence concerning the case were hired by him. Even my father's network of information could only find that much evidence even though they were known to be one of the best. Ring Of Teleportation I bid 1,000,000... I thought I remembered telling you that you can get anything you want?" Luna reminded him of her promise after most of her bidding was delivered to their room

'I can't even sense anything that impressive, to say the least, I can say that the items aren't half bad and they have a lot of uses. I could've just grabbed one of the weapons within her mansion, still, this brat would only keep pestering me to choose if I decline..! What the heck? What's this powerful aura emitting the entire area, I know I saw everything from the items yet this thing can't even be compared,'

He was excited to see the item that would be placed within the center and even telling his lady to prepare to buy his chosen treasure. While the other people were psyched to see what the last item for today would be, was it an ancient weapon? Protective gear? Perhaps a magical artifact that was perfectly preserved for countless years, everyone was anticipating a treasure that everyone would put their lives on the line. Only to be disappointed for it to be a preserved Rusty necklace of unknown origins, the only reason why it was within the Auction was the fact that its timeline wasn't able to be traced


Sword And Magic Era

[Demon King: Azeroth

Power: Bearer Of Darkness

Standing: King of all demons

Specialty: Master Of The Sins

Traits: Murderous, Unforgiving, Cold blooded]

"Why is it that you want me to make you my valuable warrior be disgraced and turned into a mere magical artifact? You that have proven your worth a mere race that I only spared because you have a grudge against your own. Climbed on top of every floor challenged my generals and even being worthy to be called my right hand in this Era. I'll ask you once more why would someone as loyal as you want to disgrace my kindness that I willingly would give to a being beneath me?" Lounging on his throne where a ton of demons were present at the request of his most trusted warrior that made a fool of him. Without any second to waste the warrior quickly kneeled after he saw that his request has angered his master

"Great Lord I beg for you to understand im but a human being, no matter how many times I've been given the power of Darkness to continue within the realms of the living. I am not immortal, if I suffered from a lethal attack then who will stand alongside you once you fight the Light Bearer, my time is slowly passing by the sword that struck me. I don't have a lot of time left, please Lord fulfill this one request of mine, place my soul into a relic and make it so that I've become a vengeful soul that can only be ordered by you and no one else," His wished was later granted at the time of his passing just as requested he became a vengeful spirit that only obeys his command


[System: Necklace ??? - The player isn't strong enough to know the information. Matching recorded frequency detected, alert the player doesn't have much Dormant power within his body. The soul will be awakened with the player's current strength, the process will be finished after 6 hours]

Without even a time to reminisce about his past, every corner of the Auction house was engulfed in a seal that traps everyone from the outside world. Along with the appearance of the perpetrators that got ahold of the situation along with their mysterious backer that killed the guards in charge of defending the people within. Even with all of this happening a certain player found another lead to his destined target

"The item it's reacting to the situation? Did he come to the Auction house as well? I need to find him before he escapes," Alex was on the Auction house's first floor, which was filled with a ton of monsters that came out of nowhere