

"Welcome to Generations," a soft feminine voice in said as Darren opened his eyes and saw a all white room spread out around him. it was just as he remembered, four walls the room was 10 meters by 10 meters and nothing could be found on the walls, floor or ceiling.

Seconds after a small red imp seemed to appear out of no where poking his legs. he looked at the red little creature and knew that this was the first chance he had to see if the start of Generations was going to be the same for him. he cracked a smile as he looked at the chubby cheeks of the imp and the drastic eyebrows of the creature. the entire look of the creature was like it was trying to be intimidating but how could something that was only as tall as you knee that looked like a young child ever be anything but cute.

"What are you doing," Darren asked, the imp looked up at him and glared acting like it didn't hear him until he took a step back

"Stop moving, there are many things to be done and I don't have a lot of time to deal with you," the red imp said looking

"And what exactly must be done," Darren asked he knew this imp from his past life and was happy to see that so far nothing had changed so he was going to be able to complete his plans.

"Well, know that you have ruined everything," the imp said taking a step back as well and putting its hand on its hips like it was pouting. it was adorable almost like a small child talking back to their parents for the first time.

"First we need to know exactly that you want to do. Simply put whats your goal, you can do anything that you want to in Generations and there are not limits but if you don't know where to start your going to have a hard time." the little imp said grinning from ear to ear looking Darren up and down sizing him up.

Daren thought for a moment and spoke"I want to be the strongest, i want to be better than anyone else and make everyone ever regret not being able to have in in their party."

"HAHAHAHAHA," the imp was laughing uncontrollably trying to look Darren in the eye ad every time that it did he would just start laughing harder until he finally calmed down and continued," so you want to be the typical anti-hero for you, change the world and get revenge. That can be done but your going to have a hard time, anything is possible but everything comes with a price."

Darren know what the imp was saying this game was the ultimate VRMMORPG, anything was possible but the tasks that you would have to complete got harder the higher the goals were.

Darren looked at the imp and smacked it in the in the back of the head saying," Is there anything in life that isn't worth fighting for if that what you really want to do."

he know that this little imp was going to follow him as his A.I. guide for as long as he played the game. it was the little helper that was going to give him tell him about any of the details that he didn't understand and there was a hidden function that most people wouldn't understand until late in the game. The helpers were made to be just like NPC's they would help you more the more that they liked you and they even had their own affection scale, the better that you treated them like they were people and not just creatures the better off you would be. this is what gained them the name Spirit Companions. they grew with the user too so as long as you were able to become stronger they would give you better information and be useful in many different ways.

"That quite the interesting answer, your a alright guy," the imp said grinning ear to ear still looking Darren up and down," I think we can make this work."

Darren looked at the little imp and crouched down patting him on the head smiling and saying,"oh I'm sure that we will have the most wonderful time together."

The imp looked him dead in the eyes and said,"Your starting village is going to be number 23, I think that will give you the most interesting ways to get you going on this adventure you want to lead,"

Darren chucked he know that the imp didn't really control the selection of the villages, that was done by the system but the imp was given the thought that he was all powerful in that regard.

No reason to burst his bubble, Darren thought then said," lets get going then we don't want to fall behind at the start do we."

"Lets Begin," the imp said and begin running Darren thought a series of test to make sure that he had adjusted to the VR space.

The test was simple just general knowledge questions to make sure that his thoughts were in sync with the game. after those it was reflex texts to make sure that he had adjusted the controlling his body.

"94 percent connection as the first person to get higher than a 85 percent you have been given a reward," the feminine voice from the start up said," for being the first person to get higher than a 90 percent connection you have been given a reward. rewards will be given at the starting village."

Darren knew about these rewards, he wasn't hopeful that he was going to get them but he know there could be too many people out there that were able to control a VR body as well as him at the moment. This was the benefit of playing this game all of these years and being a ranker in the top ten of the world.

The imp looked at Darren again and said," My name is Bezel, say it any time you think that you need my help and ill show up for a price that is. ha ha."

Bezel chucked as he turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. just as that happened a simple stone gate appeared in front of Darren and pure white light flowed out of it.

Darren grinned and thought as he stepped though the gate, I'll make sure that everyone gets what they deserve.

The all white room blinked out of existence as Darren walked though the gate and he could feel a slight pressure on his VR body as he was transported to the starting village.