
Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

In the world of Zenon, where Psychic and esper powers reigned supreme, Alexander, the prince of Norath, was born without the ability to harness “Zet”, the respected psychic energy. Branded a “dud” by the society, Alexander faced discrimination and hate, even within his own kingdom. However, tragedy struck when a brutal coup claimed the lives of his parents, stripping him of his royal status. He was thrown into slavery along with the other duds at the age of ten, where he was severly maltreated for many years. During his time suffering as a slave, Alex’s rage grew, and he swore to get revenge on the world that had rejected him. His chance for vengeance came after fifteen years, when he and a large number of slaves were forced to go through an inhumane ‘gene-altering experiment’. A huge majority of the slaves lost their lives, their bodies unable to endure the excruciating pain from the experiment. Only five people managed to survive, among which included Alexander, emerging as new beings with supernatural abilities. With their newfound powers, Alexander and the other four unleashed chaos and destruction upon Zenon, wreaking havoc upon those who once oppressed them. However, their rash actions drew grave consequences, ones that were far greater than them. Will they be able to overcome the powerful enemies rising against them… or will they eventually succumb to the cruel fate the universe has laid down for them? **** This novel contains serious bloodshed and gore, please don’t read if you can’t stomach any of this. Note: This novel is only fiction, and isn’t in anyway related to the real world. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Shocking transformation


The officer's mushed brain splattered all over the ground with a sickening squelch. The shards of his skull scattered around like glass, creating a gruesome mess.

  "Hmm…" Brad's brows narrowed into a slight frown as he stared at the slimy brain matter sticking underneath his feet.

   "Perhaps I should have thought twice before doing that… now my foot's dirty.' He thought, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

   He casually kicked his leg in the air, flinging the crushed eyeballs and brain particles sticking on it to the ground.

   However, even that didn't remove that completely, as some still stubbornly clung to his feet.

   'How annoying… I thought it'd be cooler.' Brad thought, shaking his head in disappointment.

   He didn't ponder too much on the matter though, simply deciding that he would wash the stains off some other time.

 'Wait… could it be?' He thought, his ears twitching suddenly in excitement.

   'This… Alex?!' His eyes widened in slight surprise, and his lips curled into a wide grin. 'Of course, he wouldn't die that easily.' 

   When first woke up from the experiment, he had assumed he was the only survivor. The nine others who were experimented along with him died from the pain, their bodies unable to withstand it.

   The fact that he was treated as a mere subject to be experimented on angered him, and his mood only worsened after realising that the Port'hov he had met was nothing but a useless clone.

   In rage, he slaughtered all the remaining scientists in the lab, before forcefully breaking through the floors with a powerful punch, clearing a path back to the top.

   However, now that he realised he wasn't the only one who survived the experiment, he was excited.

  'I wonder how he's changed. Is he like me… or different?!' His thoughts kept flying all over the place, with his eyes gleaming with anticipation.


  He slowly bent his knee, before suddenly catapulting his body with a strong leap, moving through the air like a jet. 

  "Hehe!" He chuckled, relishing in the feeling of the wind's violent caress as it whipped against his face.  

   "Do you think you can just run away?!" A loud voice suddenly sounded from the side, brimming with hate and grief.


   Brad's brows raised in surprise, and he instinctively turned his head, only to be met with a black missile hurtling towards him at terrifying speed.


   "Huh?!" He could barely react, as the missile slammed into his torso, instantly detonating in a large explosion.


   The impact of the blast sent his body crashing down to the ground, smashing into the rubbles with a loud thud.

   Thick dust quickly swirled around where he fell, swallowing his figure within its embrace.


   "How annoying…" Brad muttered, letting out a deep snarl.

   He pushed away the pile of rubble lying on top of him, getting back up on his feet.

   Although the missile struck him directly, there wasn't a single sign of injury on his body.

   Except from his trousers, which were severely burnt from the explosion, leaving only a tattered part which covered his crotch down to the top of his knees, concealing his nakedness from the world.

   Meanwhile, outside the dust cloud, a pretty woman with wavy pink hair quickly flew towards the dead officer's body. 

  "Jor…" She muttered, her eyes glistening with tears. 

   She felt a pang in her chest at the sight of his headless body buried under the thick rubble, as well as the squashed skull pieces scattered on the ground.

   They were both lovers, who had sworn to remain together until the end of their lives, but now, Jor was dead… leaving her alone in this world. 

   "I-I'm sorry… if only I'd been here… t-then you might not be dead." She mumbled, tightly clutching her chest as tears streamed down her face.

   However, her expression suddenly took a drastic change, her eyes narrowing at the cloud of dust across her.

   "I'm going to make you wish you were never born." She muttered, her gaze burning with fury.

   "Hahaha!" A loud, yet terrifying laugh abruptly pierced into her ears, echoing from the dust.

   A pair of bright brown orbs slowly lit up without the thick dust, sending chills down her spine.   

   "W-what?" She mumbled, subconsciously moving backwards.


  Brad swiftly swung his hand to the side, immediately clearing away the dust swirling around him.

  He slowly stepped out, his glowing eyes locking unto the woman. 

  With that, his body was fully revealed to the woman, and her eyes couldn't help but widen in shock.

  'That missile surely hit him… but he doesn't have any injury… how is that possible?!' She thought, gritting her teeth in frustration.

  For a moment, she pondered that perhaps he was able to escape it just before it hit, but, she quickly brushed off the thought.

  'My attack hit him… I'm sure of that.' She mumbled inwardly, quelling the contradiction rising within her heart.

   However, as she stared into his shining heart, a strange thought slowly rose up in her mind.

   'He's… so handsome.' She thought, subconsciously swallowing down a hard gulp.

   "Uris! Are you okay?" Someone suddenly shouted from behind, snapping her out of her daze.

  "Yeah… I'm fine." She weakly replied, her face turning to the ground in embarrassment. 'Jor was killed by him… how could you let yourself be distracted?!'


   A large vehicle abruptly appeared behind her, sending out a slight gust of wind which ruffled her hair.

   The vehicle had an unusual design, lacking the familiar sight of tyres. Instead, a thin blue circle hovered beneath it, emitting a soft hum as it kept the entire structure afloat.

   The doors at the sides of the car slid open, and ten more order force officer swiftly descended from it.

   Their gazes swept over the surroundings, their eyes wide in disbelief as they stared at the destruction before them.

   'This much… all done by one person?!' They all had similar thoughts, finding it very hard to believe.

   "Ohh… even more." Brad said, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

   "I was already leaving, but you're really asking for it huh?" He muttered, the brown glow in his eyes shining even brighter.

  "Shut up! You're surrounded, surrender!" One of the officers stepped forward, stretching his hand at Brad.

   He was clad in a bulky red and white armour, which covered all part of his body except for his face.

   The armour had thin red lines connecting from his chest to the rest of his body, each one pulsing with energy.

   "You're mistaken…" As Brad spoke, sharp claws extended out of his fingers, and his muscles bulged.

   Thick orange fur with black stripes suddenly sprouted along his arms, crawling down to his fingers.

   His ears slowly elongated, bits of fur bristling beneath their pointed edges, also running along the sides of his face. 

   His already long hair grew even longer, almost reaching his waist, and his height increased slightly, reaching up to two meters.


   He growled loudly at the officers, revealing a set of sharp, deadly fangs lying within his jaws.

   "I'm not surrounded." He muttered in a deep voice, his words sounding more like growls.

  The woman's body shivered in fear, subconsciously stepping backwards.

   "W-what… are you?" She muttered, gasping in horror. 

  Within the span of seconds, the charming man who once stood before her had transformed into a terrifying, unrecognisable monster!

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