
Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

In the world of Zenon, where Psychic and esper powers reigned supreme, Alexander, the prince of Norath, was born without the ability to harness “Zet”, the respected psychic energy. Branded a “dud” by the society, Alexander faced discrimination and hate, even within his own kingdom. However, tragedy struck when a brutal coup claimed the lives of his parents, stripping him of his royal status. He was thrown into slavery along with the other duds at the age of ten, where he was severly maltreated for many years. During his time suffering as a slave, Alex’s rage grew, and he swore to get revenge on the world that had rejected him. His chance for vengeance came after fifteen years, when he and a large number of slaves were forced to go through an inhumane ‘gene-altering experiment’. A huge majority of the slaves lost their lives, their bodies unable to endure the excruciating pain from the experiment. Only five people managed to survive, among which included Alexander, emerging as new beings with supernatural abilities. With their newfound powers, Alexander and the other four unleashed chaos and destruction upon Zenon, wreaking havoc upon those who once oppressed them. However, their rash actions drew grave consequences, ones that were far greater than them. Will they be able to overcome the powerful enemies rising against them… or will they eventually succumb to the cruel fate the universe has laid down for them? **** This novel contains serious bloodshed and gore, please don’t read if you can’t stomach any of this. Note: This novel is only fiction, and isn’t in anyway related to the real world. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasy
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51 Chs


  The man stepped forward, his gaze drifting toward the crushed, unrecognisable bodies littering the floor.

   His expression remained calm, as he made a slight nod, unfazed by the carnage before him. 

   "I-I said don't move!" The order force officer shouted, beads of sweat gathering on his forehead.

   But contrary to his words, his hands slightly trembled even as he held his guns.

   Nothing about this strange man seemed normal—from his odd skin colour down to his glowing eyes. Every little thing about him sent chills down his spine!

   "Don't tell me what to do." The brown haired man said, taking another step forward, casually disregarding the warning. 

  'Fuck it!' The officer cursed in his mind, gnashing his teeth in annoyance. 

   Without another thought, he pulled the trigger on both guns, his actions slightly driven by desperation.

Whirrr!! Vhuumm!!

   The red lines around the guns thrummed with power, and in the next second, two red beams shot out from their muzzle, cutting through the air at lightning speed. 


   The beams were huge, each one nearly half a meter in width, and in an instant, they closed in on the man, going off in a powerful explosion.


   A powerful gust of wind violently swept across the surroundings of the blast, knocking debris and rubbles into the air, clouding everything in a thick cloud of dust. 

   "Did i get him…?" The officer muttered, narrowing his eyes as he strained to see through the swirling dust.

   However, the debris kept blocking his vision, making it hard to get a clear view. 

  'There's no way he survived—' 

   "I wonder." His thoughts were suddenly cut off a familiar voice, sending a jolt of shock through him. 


   Before he could even react, a powerful punch slammed into the side of his abdomen, instantly sending him flying through the air at breakneck speed.


   His body crashed into a building at the far end of the street, the collision leaving a deep crater on the surface of the wall.

  "Argh!" The force behind the punch knocked the wind out of him, and he grunted in pain, blood spurting out of his mouth. 

   'W-what… happened?! He was just in front of me?!' He thought, his gaze trembling as he stared down his torso in disbelief.

   The side of his stomach was caved into his body, the lower part of his ribs shattered into powder. The wound was severe, leaving his body mangled from the force.

   However, despite his terrible condition, not one drop of blood spilled from the wound.

   The spot here he was struck was cracked and deformed, but nothing bled from it. 

   That was because he had already tempered his body with various technological argumentations, making it more robotic than human.

   It was a process mostly employed by technomancers, in order to enhance their physical defence and also boost their strength.

   Compared to telepaths, telekinetics and other psychic paths, the Zet output of technomancers was lower, so they could only rely on the external equipments to boost their power. 

   'What a pain.' He gnashed his teeth in frustration, gently placing a hand over the wound.


   Smoke started rising out of his hands, rapidly seeping into the wounds and healing it. 

   By the time he finally removed his hands, the wound was gone. His stomach filled back out, and except for a few thin cracks, there were no sign of injury on his body.

   He groaned, slowly pulling his body out of the wall it had been lodged.


   Two thick metal wings jutted out of his back, with thick red lines crawling along the edges.

   With the help of the wings, he managed to stay afloat, his gaze drifting down to the brown haired man below, who was looking up at him.

  "Is that another trick of yours?!" The brown haired man shouted, flashing a smug grin.

   'Does he think this is all a game… killing… destroying…' The excited expression on the man's face irritated the officer, twisting his own into a deep frown.

   But he maintained his composure, sighing under his breath. 

   "Why don't we introduce ourselves first? I'm Brad!" The man called out, his tone cheerful. 

   'This fucker… let's see if you can keep up that smirk when the rest of the team gets here!' He thought, his face cringing in annoyance. 

  However, he tried his best not to act rashly, and keep his cool. 

   He had already received orders to not do anything reckless, at least not until the rest of the team got there.

  Since they were facing off against a strange enemy, the goal was to try and minimise the damage, while also neutralising the threat.

   However, the more he stared at Brad's face, the more his annoyance grew.

   'To hell with waiting… I'm here now. Why do I have to wait for anyone?!' His patience finally snapped, and he grashed his teeth in frustration. 

  Although he tried keeping his calm at first, he eventually lost it, unable to hold back his anger.

   "I'm Jor… the one who locks up scum like you in jail!!" He shouted, raising his hands up in the air. 


   Thin red particles rapidly materialised around him, pulsing in the air with great power.


   With a simple mental command, the particles shot towards Brad, leaving a faint trail of red energy behind them. 

   'That's more like it!' Brad thought, pulling his hand back in preparation for another punch.

   He suddenly thrust his fist forward, punching into the air with immense force.


   A powerful shockwave immediately bursted out of his fist, tearing through the air at tremendous speed.


   The ground beneath his feet violently trembled as the shockwave shot forward, thick cracks rapidly spreading across its surface.

   Even the very space trembled before the strike, with a strong gust of wind sweeping across the area, tearing through everything in its path.


   The wave collided with the red particles within an instant, causing them to explode in the air, the blast soaring up in a mushroom cloud.

   However, even after knocking away the blast, the wave didn't stop, ruthlessly obliterating everything in its path. 

   "N-no… nooo!!" Jor shouted as he was suddenly caught up in the wave, his body hurtling uncontrollably through the air.

  After a few minutes, the dust from the wave finally settled, fully revealing the immense destruction left in its wake.

   From Brad's feet down to wherever the eye could reach, everything had been laid wasted.

   The buildings had all crumbled down from the strike, causing thick rubbles to pile up on the ground.

   The road had also completed shattered, with a massive, uneven trench extending all through the street, which was mostly buried with rubble.

   Countless people were buried under the huge chunks of rocks, a few parts of their torn bodies sticking out from the debris.


  Even after the strike, the winds kept blowing violently, carrying dust wherever it went.

   Brad stared at the sight before him with a wide grin on his face, slowly clenching his fists in slight disbelief.


   He suddenly vanished from where he stood, causing a strong gust of wind as he reappeared atop a huge rubble far away from him in an instant.

   Though the rubble was large, he easily raised it up with one hand, flinging it to the side.

   With the rubble covering him gone, the pitiful figure of Jor came within his view, and the grin on his face grew even wider.

  The figure of the psychic was nothing compared to the elegant one he had when he first appeared.

   Over half of his body was still buried under a pile of rubbles, leaving only his head and a few parts of his neck out.

   His face was terribly torn, revealing his red flesh and a few bits of his skull. Blood uncontrollably flowed out of his broken skull, and some of his brain matter also spilled out of his head.

Although his body had been modified, the same couldn't be said for parts like his head, brains, heart and lungs.

  Those were important organs of his body, so they couldn't just be modified at will, or else he would lose his life.

   His breathing was ragged, and he could only gasp pathetically, his life rapidly slipping away from him. 

  When his eyes met with the glowing brown ones of Brad, his mouth opened slightly, however, only a few words came out.

   "M-monster…" He muttered, his bloodshot eyes slowly closing.

   Brad scoffed at his last words, his eyes flashing with a cold glint.

   "Yeah… but it's fun." He muttered, raising his foot over his head.


  He suddenly brought it down over his head, crushing it to a paste. 


I edited the ending of the last chapter, so kindly check it out to see the changes. Also, kindly drop golden tickets and power stones if you enjoyed the chapter, I'll really appreciate it.

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