
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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459 Chs

Volume 3 - Chapter 9(Date with Ais(Part 3))


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.

Extra chapters on 28th February = 0.


Primis and Ais left the village and had walked to some distance by now. Both had smile on their face as Ais was leaning on him while holding his arm. Looking ahead, few meters away they can see Sheng Ming standing there waiting for them. Once they reached her, Ais separated and approached Sheng Ming before giving her a hug. Sheng Ming also hugged back while patting Ais back.

Sheng Ming: How do you like your first-date, Little Sister?

Ais: It was fun. I loved it.

Sheng Ming: Glad to hear that.

Primis had already told Ais what 'Date' was when they left the village. Primis then approached them.

Primis: Alright, it's time to end our date.

Ais: Huh?

Ais perplexed hearing this and separated from Sheng Ming.

Ais: Lord, isn't it over already?

Primis: There's one last thing to do.

All of sudden, Primis grabbed Ais hand and pulled her. He then embraced her with one arm and use his other hand to raise her chin before leaning down and put her lips on hers. Ais eyes opened wide before she closed them and enjoyed this feeling.

Ais: Ngh~

Sometimes later, they separated. Ais touched her lips remembering the feeling and her entire face turned beet red. She didn't know why her heart was beating so violently.





She hurriedly looked down to hide her red face. Sheng Ming teased Ais witnessing this.

Sheng Ming: How cute. To think little sister could show such expression.


Steam came out of Ais head hearing this. She hurriedly hugged Primis and buried her head in his chest. Primis caressed Ais's head tenderly before turning to Sheng Ming. The smile had faded away from his face. Sheng Ming also had a serious expression.

{Sheng Ming: Should we find them, Husband?}

{Primis: No. We will wait. It's true that during the coming years we will fight them, however, the final battle won't begin before the perfect time.}

{Sheng Ming: When will it be?}

{Primis: Ten years from now on.}

{Sheng Ming: Ten years. Huh.}

'Primis: Ten years. When the main plot of this world will start.'

[It will be full-blown war that time.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

{Ophis: Will you remove the World's Suppression on you during that time?}

{Primis: If the need arises. Though I hope I don't need to. Because that time the Excelia I will gain will decrease drastically. On top of that...}

{Ophis: This world will be nearly destroyed if continental level beings will fight.}

{Primis: Yes.}

{Sheng Ming: So, what does Husband suggest?}

{Primis: Leave them be for now. I have already thought of a plan.}

{Sheng Ming: Mn.}

'Primis: Now then.'

Primis looked down on Ais whose head was still buried in his chest. Still, he knew she loved this, so he just let her be.

'Primis: This world is going to become more dangerous.'




In a faraway place. In a dark underground, 500 people appeared all of sudden. They all were wearing black cloak which covered them from head to toe. If someone will look at their face, that person will get shocked. That's because not only all of them were extremely handsome but also because all of them had pale face. As if they had never taken sunlight in their entire life.

One person then walked in front of the everyone and clapped his hands.



Once he did so, the ground started shaking.

Goudou!!!! Goudou!!!!

Goudou!!!! Goudou!!!!!



Then a beautiful stone altar came out of the ground. Once it was out, the person who called the altar took out a big suitcase out of nowhere and put it on the altar. Then he stepped back and lowered his head. Everyone presented in room also lowered their heads and started praying.

The pray went for hours. Once it was the done, the first person turned to face others. He spread both of his hand and started to speaking.

Cult Leader: My brethren. I have received a decree from our God.

Everyone in the room became ecstatic hearing this. All of them had feverous expression. Everything they had and everything they did, all was for their God. They will do anything to earn their God's grace. Hence, they started to talk among themselves. The Cult Leader raised one of his hand and everyone calm down.

Cult Leader: Our God gave us five decrees. First, our God provided so much to this world but no one know that. That's why we must let the people know what God did for them. Once they realized it, they will know how benevolent our God is. So, our God temples should be established all over this world,

All members: ALL FOR OUR GOD!!!!!!!

Cult Leader: Yes. All for our God.

After some time, everyone became silent again.

Cult Leader: Second, in this world there are two cursed weapons. We must get our hands on them so that we can seal them for eternity. In case we failed to do so, then we must destroy them along with the sinners you use them.

Everyone expressions turned to that of disgust hearing this. They then started cursing the one who made those weapons and those who use them. Cult Leader raised his hand again to silent them and continued.

Cult Leader: These cursed weapons are "Demon Armor: Incursio" and "One-Cut Killer: Murasame". There's a big calamity residing in both. So, we must find them.

No one spoke. But they made sure to remember the names.

Cult Leader: Third, Destiny Child. The Destiny Child in this world is someone who gained our God's blessing. Hence, he must know about it and join our cause. Granted that he disagreed, then we must kill them. Because the child who can't even acknowledge his benefactor will only bring tragedy to the whole world.

Everyone nodded.

Cult Leader: Fourth, Foolish One. The Foolish one is the one who got our God's blessing. However, he led astray from his path. So, we must bring him back to show the correct path again. See, how benevolent our God is. He wanted to give the Foolish one more chance to redeem himself. Even after what he did so far.

All of them started to talk among themselves again. Their eyes got filled with tears witnessing the kindness of their God.

Cult Leader: I know how you all our feeling. Even I couldn't stop my tears when I heard this. Our God truly is the embodiment of kindness.

They all started crying loudly. They fell on their knees and started praying. Once, they calmed down, the Cult Leader spoke again.

Cult Leader: Now for the fifth and last time. This is of extremely importance.

Seeing Cult Leader serious face, everyone also became serious.

Cult Leader: There's a person we need to find. We have no idea, who it is. Where in this world he or she is. But we must find him and brought him back with us. Either dead or alive. If we succeed, our God will give all of us generous rewards.

Everyone elated hearing this.

Cult Leader: And to help us, our God sent something to us.

Saying till here, the Cult Leader pointed at the big suitcase on the altar. Everyone's eyes were filled with reverence hearing that this suitcase was given by their God itself. The Cult Leader walked to the altar, prayed some more before opening the suitcase.


The Cult Leader eyes started to shine red all of sudden. In this entire big suitcase, there was only one thin notebook. It had black cover and there were only two words written on it.

Death Note.




In a forest near the border of the Empire, many lights fell on-by-one. The entire forest got illuminated before the light disappeared.





Next, one-by-one many people came out of the forest and stood in an open area. There were total of 100 of them. All of them were wearing different different color shirt, short pants, and shoes that matched the color their wear. However, there were two things in common in all of them.

First, on the back of everyone's shirt there was a circle. Between the circle there was a small circle. And there were two lines connecting both inner and outer circle. It would have been a straight if there was no circle in center.

Second, on their belt there were three small balls. The upper part of the ball was red in color while lower part of it was white in color. And there was a small white button between the connection of two sides.

At this time, one person who appeared to be their Leader came in front. The person had burly body and you can see his muscles. He had a serious look on his face as if he never smiled his entire life. All others who were looking at him had a slight fear in their eyes but there was also respect in them.

Everett: Alright, boys and girls. There are three objectives we need to accomplish. First, we must complete both the World Missions, to get "Demon Armor: Incursio" and "One-Cut Killer: Murasame". Second, we must capture the Hero and Villain of this world. Third, and the most important. We must complete Hidden Mission.

No one spoke and kept on listening to Everett words.

Everett: Our Hidden Mission is that we must find someone. We have no information about him or her. The only thing we know is that he or she came also came from another world. We must bring him or her back with us either 'dead or alive'.

A glint passed in everyone's eyes when they heard the last thing.




Suddenly, there was a movement in the bushes. And many Danger Beasts came out and rushed at all these people. Everett didn't even glance at the approaching danger beasts. He took one of the ball from his belt, clicked the button in center.


The size of the ball increase and then he threw it towards them. The ball opened in air.


Light came out of it and took a shape in air. Soon it faded and something could be seen flying in the air. This thing looked just like a dragon. It had two teal wings, with a mostly orange body and back. Its plantigrade feet have the bottom mostly covered by a single pad that is cream-colored like its large belly, while its eyes are light blue in color. It had two horns in backward direction and there was fire on the tip of its tail.

The thing glared at the approaching Danger beast which made them stop on their spot in fear.

Everett: Charizard, use Flamethrower.

Charizard gathered fire in its mouth and released in on the Danger beasts.



The fire engulfed every danger beast before they could react. All danger beasts let out a terrible cry before they were burnt to ashes. No one showed any change of expression witnessing such gore.

Everett: Let this world know the power of Pokémon.




There was one more. On a cliff far away, fourteen people could be seen on it. All of them were wearing different clothes.

A man who appeared to be their leader was sitting on the edge of the cliff. Behind him stood a woman. Then ten meters behind them stood the remaining twelve people. Six were standing in front while other six were standing behind them as if protecting them.

The leader sitting on the cliff was a handsome man who had smile on his face. He was wearing black coat pant and black tie.

Bennett: Our Objective. Complete the World Missions. Kill the Fated Hero and Fated Villain. Find and kill the target of our Hidden Mission.

He then glanced at the woman standing behind him. She was an extremely beautiful woman, with her body proportions being could be described "just about perfect". She had long purple hair and red eyes and wore a full-body outfit that highlighted her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads.

Bennett: And with you here, our victory has long been guaranteed.

The man paused here and looked at back of his right hand. On it there were three commands seals.

Bennett: Isn't that right, Queen of the Land of Shadows?

Please give me Power Stones. Little thing for you, great thing for me, and I will greatly appreciate it by writing and releasing more chapters at the end of each month.

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