
Origin Class

The Five Schools collectively accept around 1,000 students every year. However, these 1,000 are not equally divided among the five.

The Fifth School can have students numbering up to a staggering 500 while the Second only has around 50 students.

At the top of this caste system is the school that produced some of the finest and strongest practitioners of all time. This school is the infamous First Imperial School.


Walking briskly along a long and empty white corridor, a petite young woman with short dark purple hair and a gorgeous pretty face was deep in thought.

The tall intimidating walls seemed as if they would crush the small loli's frame but she hurried on unbothered and undeterred.

Her no-nonsense look hinted at assertiveness while her quick pace indicated a sense of responsibility and confidence.

The loli's name was Calley Miller and she might've not looked it but she was a professor of the First Imperial School, the youngest ever in history.

A former student herself, Calley had advanced rapidly through the realms, attaining the coveted rank of Sage class at the tender age of twenty-six.

Instead of going out into the world to carve out a career of her own, she chose to give back to the institution that had made her who she was.

A direct product of her strong will and tenacity, Calley soon found herself inducted into the prestigious ranks of the First Imperial School's Professors' Council, an honor she was going to cherish and appreciate for the rest of her life.

Her first teaching gig, however, was not one she expected, nor wanted for that matter.

During her time as a first year, Calley herself had been a student of the Second Imperial School. The second school's first-year class was by all means a very gifted class but it was simply not the best.

That title of 'the best' belonged to the First Imperial School's first years, the class famously nicknamed, 'the Origin Class.'

Over the centuries, the standards for entering this class had diminished. Students were accepted more for their social status rather than their strengths.

Calley had already surpassed most of the students that had been in the famous class during her day but that was only because of her hard work and commitment.

Fast forward a few years later and she was chosen as class professor of that same Origin class.

Most of the senior professors were also not pleased by the decision. The old bastards argued that such an important post should not be wasted on a rookie but that had only fueled Calley's motivation to prove them wrong.

During her first meeting with the class, Calley had met some self-important jerks who thought they had the world figured out.

However, that wasn't all that the little brats had to them. Some of them, she soon discovered, were frighteningly gifted.

Soon, Calley found herself beginning to anticipate the challenge of training the little brats into the best magic practitioners they could be.

Over the three weeks since the semester began, Calley liked to think that she had established some sort of equilibrium between her and her students. In fact, some of her students had begun to look up to her as a teacher.

Unfortunately, that balance that she had so painstakingly built was currently at risk of collapsing to the ground.

Calley had a small frown on her pretty face as she walked briskly to her office. She was just returning from the Head office where she had received some potentially disruptive news.

She was going to have a new student.

Now, it would've been fine if the new student was some nobody deemed too good for the Second school but instead...

Calley looked down at the name of her soon-to-be new pupil scribbled on the small piece of paper clenched in her hand.

'Hade Ronen,' it read and, "Shit!" Calley cursed.

She just could not help it.

That last name, she was all too familiar with it. Heck, everyone in the goddamned schools was familiar with it!

Calley was almost sure that this new addition to her class was going to pose a serious threat to everything she had worked for in the last three weeks.

As she approached her office, Calley saw that someone was standing outside her door.

The visitor was a male student. She could tell from his black and white uniform that was synonymous with the male students of her Origin Class.

However, as she drew closer, Calley became more and more certain that she had never met him.

Just in time, the youth also sensed her presence and turned, a bored and indifferent expression on his face.

Neck-length dark red hair with lucid streaks of black, stark blue eyes, and a very handsome face; Calley instinctively knew who he was.


In a classroom of size roughly sixty-four square meters, twenty-one students were seated haphazardly around the room. Some were chatting with each other but most kept to themselves.

At first glance, these students dressed in black and white and grey seemed to be seated at random but the actual truth could not be the more opposite.

To the right-hand side of the classroom sat all the proud and aloof students. They were led by a handsome young man with dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, and gold earrings on both his ears.

Of everyone in the class, it was this boy who looked the most bored, like simply being here wasn't worth his time.

To the far left-hand side were the simpler kids. None had any makeup or exquisite-looking skin but they all had one thing in common...

A fierce fire burned in every one of their eyes, a fire to continue to improve and surpass their limits.

Last but not least, were the delinquents populating the back of the class. They made the most noise and mainly made fun of the simpletons.

However, despite all the apparent territories already established within the classroom, there were two areas no one from the three factions dared to approach.

The first was the left back corner of the classroom where two strikingly similar kids, presumably twins, a boy and a girl with black hair and emerald green eyes sat.

Eerie was the best word to describe this pair.

The second forbidden zone was the area in the middle of the class, a space where three chairs and three desks were lined up.

To the far right sat a girl with long dark brown hair tied into a ponytail who had a constant frown on her face. The girl was by all means very beautiful, however, her expression looked like she ate stones and drank liquid fire for breakfast.

Sitting in the middle seat was unarguably the most beautiful girl in the class. She had stunning shoulder-length glittering silver hair and similarly impressive stark violet eyes.

Unlike the girl to her right, she had a radiant smile on her face that seemed to light up the whole room.

The chair to the far left was currently vacant.

"Good afternoon students," Calley greeted as she walked in.

"Good afternoon professor!" came the response.

Now, only half of the class had responded but Calley did not seem to mind, after all, she had already grown accustomed to their behavior.

"Today we have a new student," she announced to the class.

"Please let it be a girl, please let it be a girl," someone from the back was praying loudly.

"Hade, why don't you come in, introduce yourself, and find a place to sit," said Calley.

When Hade walked in, the person who had been praying was visibly disappointed... The newcomer was just some dude with red hair.

Hade walked in slowly, looking at the people he would be spending some of his time with during the next three years.

Originally, only a few people had been interested in the newcomer but when he finally made an appearance, suddenly, pretty much everyone's interest was piqued.

Hade walked to the front of the class where he proceeded to introduce himself with what some would call a lazy attempt at a smile.

"Hello, I'm Hade."

Immediately, that simple sentence garnered a variety of reactions from the crowd.

The boy with the dark blue hair and golden earrings was mostly apathetic, the twins in the corner stared, eerily, of course, the beautiful girl with the silver hair smiled, and the girl with the ponytail, well, she already had a frown so... not too much change there.

There was a prolonged silence as Calley and pretty much everyone in the class expected Hade to continue.

Alas, he had already done his bit.

Hade walked to the first person who had not looked at him with malice, apathy, disgust, or hostile intent.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, pointing at the vacant seat.

Aliandra, the stunning girl with silver hair and dazzling amethyst eyes was surprised.

"S...sure," she replied.