
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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25 Chs

Chapter 14: The Innocent and Kind-hearted Angel

The morning consists of a theoretical class, and the afternoon is a training and practical class. In fact, the afternoon content is the key subject. No matter how good the theory is, it can only provide some guidance on the battlefield. Combat ability is the key factor that determines victory, defeat, and even life and death. Even if you want to become a logistics Valkyrie far from the frontline battlefield, combat effectiveness is one of the most important indicators.

Therefore, in St. Freya's courses, as the grades increase, the theoretical classes will be reduced, while the practical classes will be significantly increased.

In short, Angel followed the protagonist group, who had unknowingly regarded her as the group's favorite, into the locker room, watched a gourmet feast with an expressionless face, and then changed into training clothes.

"Eh? Angel, why does it seem like there's drool at the corner of your mouth?"

"The training clothes touched my lips," Angel explained with a straight face.

Kiana chuckled, put her arm around Angel's shoulders, and led her to the training ground without any doubt.

It has to be said that even if you don't count the protagonist group, the average appearance of St. Freya's students is outstanding. After all, most of them carry the excellent genes of those who had the stigmata of the previous era, so it's hard not to look good.

Therefore, Angel silently huddled in the corner, only sticking out half of her head, observing the round white thighs and the different beautiful curves.

"Ah...that's great...of course the best one is my Mei...hehehe..."

Kiana, who was wearing white tights, squatted next to Angel, smiling stupidly at the beautiful girls moving in front of her.


Angel silently moved to a corner to observe—she couldn't be discovered as also being a pervert, which would be detrimental to her character. Then, Himeko, who came to class, slapped her on the back.


Angel screamed and climbed to a high place along the corner of the wall. She looked down at the stunned Himeko, bared her teeth and claws, and made a threatening sound:


"It's me! You little guy, why are you like a scared kitten?"


Angel saw who it was, slid down from the wall, came behind Himeko, grabbed the corner of her clothes, lowered her head, and blushed.

This whole set of reactions is really not an act. Angel is mostly afraid of someone suddenly touching her from behind, which will trigger a stress reaction.

Himeko puffed up her cheeks, tried hard to hold back her laughter, and came to the front of the students with Angel following suit.

"Ahem! In today's training session, I'm glad that no one asked for leave or was absent from class. So, as your class teacher, although it's a little late, I want to introduce you to the new one—come out!"

Himeko reached back and took out the little golden retriever hiding behind her, dangling it in the air like a soft piece of cloth.

With her light and petite body, her white and tender little face slightly bulging as if expressing her dissatisfaction, and her soft golden hair, she looked like a top-notch pet that could be held in your arms, stroked, and played with.

"Hehe! She's pretty cute, right? You've also noticed Angel's performance just now. She has excellent physical fitness and reaction ability, but her personality is a little too shy. Don't bully her~~"

"No way! Himeko...Teacher Himeko, you don't know, she was so impressive this morning, she made all the teachers in the theory class burst into laughter!"

Kiana smiled naively and quickly changed her words before Himeko's eyes showed murderous intent, thus saving her own life.

Himeko raised her eyebrows, held Angel close to her, poked Angel's face, and said:



"Okay, okay, it was my fault for scaring you suddenly. Can I apologize to you?"


"Then let's return to the team. Today's class is about to begin... But since you have just entered school, you are completely blank about the basics. You need to find someone with solid basic skills to guide you... Well, who should you look for?"

Himeko looked around the scene. Several students with better grades subconsciously puffed up their chests. They seemed to be quite interested in Angel and had a desire to get in touch with her.

"Me, me, me! Teacher Himeko, choose me!"

The most proactive person was Kiana. She was raising her hands and swaying, jumping up and down. She was obviously extremely enthusiastic about teaching Angel.

Himeko turned a blind eye and walked around Kiana, her beautiful golden-red eyes finally lingering between Fu Hua and Raiden Mei.

Fu Hua's grades are always ranked first, and her foundation is extremely solid. Even if she is a substitute teacher, there is no problem at all. She can help Angel start small with ease.

But Raiden Mei is not bad either, and Himeko could clearly see that she really wanted this opportunity to further build a good relationship with Angel.

"Student Mei, come and teach her. Fu Hua, you still need to help in teaching tactical movements today."

"Yes, Teacher Himeko!" ×2

Raiden Mei replied in surprise, while Fu Hua was as calm and collected as ever.

So, under the leadership of Himeko, the group began to learn tactical movements. And Raiden Mei took Angel to the small area next to it.

"Angel, what we want to learn is a set of physical movements that Schicksal has summarized and perfected over the years. It can not only greatly develop our physical abilities but is also an effective force-generating technique in actual combat. Everyone else has been studying for more than half a year. You may have to work hard for a while to catch up with everyone's progress."

"Oh...but if you don't learn from them, is that okay?"

"It's okay. In fact, I have mastered all the movements. It's just a matter of proficiency. I won't be unable to keep up with the teachings."

Raiden Mei clapped her hands together and tilted her head. Her cute smile and gentle, smiling eyes made her whole person seem to be glowing.


Angel scratched her face and said weakly.

'Oh wow, she's so good at it!'

'The charming Yamato Nadeshiko!'


'Stop being poor! The stuff is here! Let's learn, everyone!'

'That's right, if you practice to death, practice to death! With 30 times the experience, I am invincible!'

'Starting today, the great Ms. Herrscher of Dominance will embark on a practical and professional path!'

'Long live Saint Freya, the warm cradle of the Herrscher!'


"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!"

In the quiet and elegant manor villa, the Eldest lady Angel beat her soft waist, supported the wall with one hand, and kept sucking in cold air.

"Sure enough, I still can't adapt to the extreme pull. This body is such a waste. It's obviously a human body strengthened by the power of the Herrscher."

Angel rubbed her waist and complained depressedly.

But it doesn't matter. This identity is mainly a tool that provides various resources, so even if the physical qualifications are very poor, even if after strengthening, it will only be a slightly stronger fodder, and it doesn't matter at all.

As a wealthy young lady, just be elegant, good-looking, and know how to spend money.

What kind of fighting power do you need? Isn't it good that it doesn't fit the personality?

The old butler in a neat suit pushed open the door and entered with a stack of documents.

"Miss, this is the last part of the asset transfer contract. Once you sign them, you will officially inherit the Tachibana family business."

"Yeah. Oh, by the way, did my two brothers die?"

"Well, the news from two hours ago, the two young masters have..."

"The old man must be furious, right? After all, they are carefully cultivated successor candidates, but they actually sent people to assassinate each other, and ended up dying together. They died in such a cowardly manner... Are you right?"

Angel stretched her waist and asked lazily.

The old butler stood aside with a dull expression, like a sculpture, without any reaction, and Angel did not expect a response from him.

As for hypnotizing the subordinates of her two "brothers" and asking them to do things according to their "superior orders," which directly caused this result... it never happened.

My little Angel is innocent, cute, and kind. How could she do such a bad thing?

"Okay, help me recruit a few professional managers, and I'll interview them in person. Really, I don't have time to waste on these little things anymore. Hurry up and secure the inheritance, and then I want to travel around the world."

"Oh, I almost forgot, it's not an inheritance..."

"It's not bad. Anyway, the two brothers have made careful arrangements. Soon, it will be a real inheritance."

Angel smiled sweetly. The other 29 angels also raised the corners of their mouths almost simultaneously.

Want to see advanced chapters? Chapters 1-100 available at patréon.com/PorterOfSomething

and yes, the Chapter name is also referring the opposite, where she is also kinda lustful and scheming.

Bismarck_Imperiacreators' thoughts