
Opinions of the Herrscher of Dominance

"I am the Herrscher of Dominance, The Herrscher of Legion." "There are thousands of me." "Thousands of me who can think in sync yet independently." "Thousands of me who can infinitely revive." "Isn't this clearly a BUG-level learning and growth system!?" "...Wait, let me emphasize that it's a learning and growth system, not a clone dating system!" "What do you mean I'm a Bride!?" "I never even thought about anything weird like a harem! I'm serious! So, you weird women, stay away from me!!!" — As usual, a MTL+Bot assisted Translation and heavy editing of a CN fanfic being put here for easy reading. CN Title:千人律者的一己之见

Bismarck_Imperia · Video Games
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23 Chs

Chapter 13: The Studious Angel

Double Chapters day!


"Ah, I finally finished what I had to do. Does this count as completing a mission? I want to apply for allowance and vacation!"

Himeko placed Angel's enrollment agreement on the school principal's desk and addressed Theresa seriously.

It should be mentioned that Saint Freya Academy trains Valkyries, so students hold the position of Valkyrie reserves. Since it is a position, there is a certain amount of remuneration, an obligation to go on missions, and even a risk of casualties, necessitating a signed contract.

Theresa took the agreement, confirmed Angel's signature, and then rolled her eyes, saying:

"Don't tell me these useless things! Tell me, what do you think of that child?"

"Haha, she's cuter than I thought. Probably because I was the first person who patiently approached her and opened her heart after the sudden change, so she had a reaction similar to the fledgling effect. She is quite dependent on me. How should I put it, she is a very vigilant child, but she is not bad at heart. Don't forget that she once saved Kiana, who was chasing her."

"Really? What a cute child! Alas!"

Theresa leaned back in her chair, resting her hands on the back of her head, sighed, and said:

"But she is also a victim of Changkong City. The revenge of her parents and the painful experiences in the past six months... I really can't bear to imagine how she will react when she knows the truth."

"Isn't this the reason you arranged for her to stay with me?"

"Yes, rather than her directly regarding Mei as the source of evil, I hope she can understand Mei in advance. Maybe, if she knows what kind of child Mei is, she will be able to understand more easily that Mei is not the real culprit, and what should be hated and eliminated is the collapse itself!"

Theresa whispered with a dark look in her eyes, as if recalling some unpleasant memories. Himeko walked to the windowsill, did not comfort Theresa, but raised her glass to the moon, and said confidently:

"I believe in them. Kiana, Mei, Bronya... and Angel will all become students I am proud of. I believe they will handle all this!"

"I believe that too. This is the meaning of Saint Freya's existence!"

Theresa giggled, opened the drawer, and flipped through the comics openly. Anyway, it was not working time, and Himeko would not punish her for reading comics at this time!


Angel successfully enrolled and started classes.

Kiana was very happy about this. On the first day, she patted her chest with pride and said:

"I am your senior! After all, you have just enrolled. If there is anything you can't keep up with, just come and ask me!"

"No need."

"Oh, don't be polite. We are all good roommates!"

"With your IQ, it's hard for me to imagine a time when I need you."

Angel shook her head seriously.

Kiana was naturally dissatisfied, and then the class began. "Ahem! Classmates, today's history class is about the revolutionary war that changed the history of Tianming five hundred years ago. So, does anyone know where the old headquarters of Tianming was at that time?"

The elegant and easy-going teacher Yang stood on the stage, looking at the students below with a kind and encouraging look.

Kiana sat up straight.

"Hiss! Listen to me, in this case, as long as you sit straight enough, the teacher will generally not call you!"

Kiana's lips moved slightly as she whispered to Angel, who was sitting next to her.

Angel turned her head, glanced at her indifferently, and raised her hand silently.

"Oh? New student Angel, have you already prepared for the exam? Haha, it doesn't matter if you answer wrong. For your proactive learning spirit, the teacher will give you extra points! Come on, answer it."

"In the current town of Kolostein."

"Right! Do you know what happened there?"

"Kolostein was not only the old headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven but also the site of the most tragic ancient battlefield in the revolutionary war. According to the book, back then..."

The classmates listened to Angel's detailed account of Kolostein's history, covering the main process of the revolutionary war, the decision to move the headquarters, and Kolostein's later arrangements and current appearance.

"Student Angel, you don't have to take the test on this period of history. I will give you full marks," Welt said, full of relief. History is usually the least popular subject for students of Saint Freya. Even the serious and studious Raiden Mei and Fu Hua can only get normal high scores. He never expected a student to preview all the main content of the chapters in advance. It's truly rare.

"Well, this way, I can free up time to learn more things. Thank you, teacher."

Angel sat down calmly, indifferent to the admiring eyes of her classmates.

In fact, her heart was already dancing.

'I am a scientific researcher who fought my way into a high-level institution from thousands of troops. My academic ability is better than that of ordinary people. Now I have 30 independent thinking circuits to study together.'

'The 30 clones each have their own duties. One part recites the key points according to the chapter, one part remembers and understands the whole, one part practices questions according to the learning progress, and one part conducts discussion and expansion research.'

'A person's effective learning time a day is at most six or seven hours, but I start with 300 hours!'

'Foolish mortals, witness the rise of the god of learning!'

'Oh, oh, oh~~!'

Besides, this is not considered high-profile. Angel's so-called low-key behavior is fundamentally aimed at avoiding excessive attention from forces such as Otto, World Serpent, and Anti-Entropy. And is a student of Saint Freya with excellent grades worthy of their attention?

Otto is probably the only one who would include Angel in the list of sacrifices for Kiana because she lives in the protagonist group house. That is all. As for the sacrifices offered to Kiana, although Otto will not carefully protect them, he will not waste them casually.

So, being a God of learning in Saint Freya is actually very safe. Angel flipped through the book, thinking that it would take her another four to five weeks to thoroughly understand all the theoretical courses of the whole grade.

She deliberately showed her strong learning ability, and naturally, she had her purpose. Angel looked to her left with the corner of her eye, at the slender figure with a straight posture, as if she could see that even the air around her was filled with a meticulous and rigorous atmosphere. Then, Angel curled her lips slightly.


The bell for the end of class, which made the students happy, rang unexpectedly.


Kiana sat up suddenly, shaking her desk and chair.

She wiped the saliva from the corners of her mouth when she fell asleep, and a tuft of hair swayed lazily on her head, as if indicating that she was still in a hazy state of mind.

Then, Kiana suddenly leaned next to Angel, put her hands on her shoulders, and said in astonishment:

"Didn't you just enter the school, Angel?"

"I will be able to recite all the liberal arts in two weeks. There is a considerable overlap between the science subjects and ordinary schools, and I am also sorting it out quickly. The gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between people and dogs, do you understand?"

"...Are you scolding me?"


Angel proudly straightened her chest, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

I have to say, bullying Kiana is really a super fun thing, I can't stop at all.

Then, Kiana hugged her tightly and rubbed her face and head to vent her anger.


"Let me go..."

'Don't stop!'

Angel said with a wooden expression, trying her best to "resist" in Kiana's soft and warm embrace.

Want to see advanced chapters? Chapters 1-100 available at patréon.com/PorterOfSomething

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