
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Video Games
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23 Chs

Cauda 13 - Dracula in the Throne Room

Movements: https://x.com/odaocer/status/1791415365693555190"All satisfied are we?" Solazar asked through your comlink. Though Tabi couldn't hear him though knew Solazar was speaking to him."What is that hothead calling me now?" Tabi asked, giving you a side glance."Tell him if he wants I shall make a feast after this is over." Solazar said cheekily."I'll pass. Not getting in-between this." You say.Tabi grinned slightly, turning on his comlink.Now Playing...Artist: Daizo Dee VonSong: ____Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7hc4PhTwFMWith a belly full, Tabi lead, taking you back the path, not hiding any longer. He checked his weaponry as you and him went to the vault room. Bulletproof vest, flamethrower, revolver, assault rifle, hunting knife, incendiary grenades.A tried-and-true soldier and pyromaniac. Everything in place.You couldn't help but refresh your weaponry. Police-issued combat shotgun, two handguns, munitions, a flashbang and a police baton, aka an extendo.Based on the map you were underground in some random corner of the manor, the same carpet and fancy walls covering everything. Not in the same part Team Zig traversed but adjacent. This section had no connection outside, nor twisted dungeon built in.The way Tabi walked you expected him to start yelling for Daddy any second. He looked pissed; shoulders tensed. Silently, you were worried. Much as Daddy deserved death this wasn't an assassination mission. It was a robbery. You didn't want Tabi going overboard.The Family didn't make an attempt to conceal the vault room. Found at the end of the hallway, door off to the left where it abruptly ended. Several steel tables lined the sides where entry logs regarding the vault were. Several art pieces sat atop the table alongside trophies from music awards. The hall doubled as a makeshift storage for other valuable things the Family owned.Then finally, two huge oak doors, patterns of fire, crimson red curtains and tapestries of gold embossed upon the door. A glowing yellow gem was embedded at the top of both doors, ominously shining."Stay sharp you two." Solazar said.There was no turning back now. After taking that gold you would step into being a full-on criminal. At least, you would have thought that had you not done all the practice before hand. You were already a 'villain', long before you even stepped into this manor.Touching the door handle you hesitate, even realizing you forgot to breath. There really would be no turning back now, the pressure from opening that door immense.Tabi put his hand on yours."To the lost." He muttered.You let out a deep breath. "No delaying the inevitable." Heart racing, ready for anything. You wished you had some water."Go get 'em!" Tess shouted from the comlink, lightening the mood.Pushing open the doors you were greeted with a bright open room. Massive across all four walls the ceiling stretched up several meters. Never mind a room to hold a vault, this was a throne room.Like the rest of the manor, ancient oak walls surrounded you with huge red curtains hanging like sports banners from the wall. These ones were a little more detailed, the symbol of The Family on each one. Red carpet covered the floor, a gold motif creating a path directly to the vault at the end of the room.The only out of place thing were the steel tables that were placed by the walls, various piles of money on them and scales for counting.At the end sat a gigantic gold-coloured vault door, impossible to open by hand or force, a small console to the side. In true throne room fashion, the vault sat atop a stage, a few steps leading up to it. A throne should've been there, one for Daddy and one for Mommy. The room looked mythical, even moreso than the rest of the manor. This could have been in some ancient castle, somewhere in Europe.No throne did in fact exist, though a king did sit presently. After observing the room you and Tabi clued into who sat in front of the vault.Though not on a throne but a folding chair sat none other than Daddy Dearest. You couldn't be surprised; it was all to obvious. Tabi too looked to have expected this outcome, his yellow eyes changing, flickering to a white flame."Heh. I was wondering when you'd show up." Daddy's husky voice spoke.During the investigation you'd gotten so used to his photo you could describe him instantly.Black dress pants, a black dress jacket, wristwatch that probably cost more than your entire house and gold belt that shimmered under the light. No shirt underneath, it exposed demonic purplish skin and dark grey tufts of chest hair. Chiseled muscle hid his underneath the hair, though you and Tabi knew his strength."I was hoping Psychic didn't have bad intel."Atop his head, the darkest grey hair, a cow lick, a loop around the top of it, spikes on each side as if he had horns. His eyes were glowing red, black voids around them demonstrating his lack of humanity, a huge grin on his face inside that rock-hard chin. He'd been expecting for this too."Just couldn't keep away could you?"He spelled danger in every sense of the word. Nevermind his reputation, standing in front of you him you start to have second thoughts, anxiety if you could even take him. Superstrength, speed, intelligence. He was the patriarch and knew just how powerful he was. You needed the Andromedas.The operation was planned in such a way to avoid confrontation though fate could only be changed so much."Heh. It should have just been you Tabi. This pig has nothing on us compared to our history."Tabi said nothing, glaring with hatred on his face. With Tabi's mind a rollercoaster of emotions all ranging from anger to violence, Daddy turned his attention to you."You remember what I said to you?" Daddy asked you directly. "The next time you see my face will be the last."He stood up, the chair rebounding slightly at his weight. "You got off easy. You should've seen what I had planned for you."The threat looked to have some weight, you narrowly catching Tabi put his hand on his waist, ready for a trickshot. You touch his arm, motioning the comlink as a reminder to wait for Agoti and Aldryx."The police chief. Was like a father to you. Kept sticking up for you. Even to the end." He spoke as if speaking to an audience, voice echoing around the room.As Daddy spoke to you Tabi put his flamethrower down and cracked his knuckles. He wouldn't need it yet."What does that mean?" You couldn't help but find yourself intimidated."I'm sure you'll see him later."You shake your head. "Whatever. He's dead to me.""Heh, not quite the pup you were. Not like this goat. You know why I made him like that? So he could be sacrificed!"Tabi didn't react, though had retracted his hand. It took every fibre of his being not to shoot Daddy. He knew he had to wait.The Andromedas were coming.Daddy looked at you two smarmily. "How do you even intend to open the vault? I don't see a drill, nary a saw for getting in! You better have thermite in those bags!""We don't need any." Tabi said.You hear Agoti say he is seconds away. Tabi does too, readying his hand again."You ready?" You ask."Always." Tabi responded.You draw a handgun first, as does Tabi his revolver.The Carnival Vs. Daddy Dearest, Patriarch of the Dearest FamilyDaddy Boss Card: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/1053157786Now Playing...Artist: W¯¯Song: 盲目地Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiqM5mNLYQ4As if it were made of paper, Daddy picked up the chair and crushed it, turning it into a crumbled piece of metal. He tossed it aside. "You think bullets can stop me?"He started walking forward, hands out at his side. Tabi shot first, emptying his whole clip in a blinding fury. He shouted something you couldn't make it out.The bullets hit Daddy directly, several piercing his chest and jacket. Though, while it looked like it hurt it did little to stop his movement, the same twisted grin on his face. The bullets didn't even pierce his skin!Clip empty Tabi pushed you aside, motioning to move away."Good call." Daddy said happily. He lunged at Tabi; hands out ready to wring his neck. Despite the show of aggression Tabi remained focused, ducking out of the way. He grabbed Tabi's revolver and crushed it. "Nice little peashooter. Lot good that did you."Letting it fall he looked down, seeing Tabi also look there. A few of the incendiary grenades, pins out were on the ground. They exploded, enveloping Daddy in a burst of fire. While the grenades chained each other, Tabi ran to you, drawing the RPK-47. He loaded a barrel into it, ready for war.As the fire and explosion died down Daddy stood up. Though his clothes were covered in ash they remained fine, as did he as well. "Bit more a soldier than before.""I'll kill you.""Ha! I am immortal! There is nothing you can do to me!""I'll show you what we got!" A new voice shouted in anticipation. The three turned to the door, seeing Agoti and Aldryx burst in, ready for battle.Spitting oil up a Agoti shot a glob at Daddy. It hit him directly."Tabi! Now!" Aldryx shouted. Tabi let the gun roar. Aldryx too, fire erupting out of his hands shot forth. The fire hit the oil creating a second incendiary explosion.You watched in awe, swearing the fire turn blue briefly, both being able to coordinate so well. It made the room sweltering. The fire looked to get bigger for a second, realizing later it was Daddy himself casting it, protecting himself from external burns. As it died out he wiped his face, grin turning to a frown. "More of you." He declared. "Ah yes, the Andromedas. How's your dad, still a coward?"From the comlink you heard Solazar slam the desk shouting, "Show him what we are made of!"You noticed parts of Daddy's skin had turned a dark purple. Their fire did some damage, even if he didn't display any pain.Daddy spat upon the ground, the spit sizzling as it hit the carpet. Scalding ashes and traces of sparks covered the carpet now, several of the curtains caught fire, starting to burn up."Alright, that was cute, but I've had enough playing."Making the choice instantly he charged Agoti. In response, Agoti spat more oil, managing to blind him again. He jumped out of the way, just as you opened fire, trying to see if you could hit Daddy in the burnt spots. Several bullets did hit, but impossible to tell if they did damage.Momentum pushing Daddy, he hit the wall, slamming into table in front. As he wiped his eyes, he picked up the entire table threw it where he guessed someone to be.Guessing correctly, Aldryx was unable to dodge the steel table, the object hitting and sending him and it into a wall where the vault was. It landed on him, you unable to see anything but his legs.Daddy got up, seeing clearly now."Lo how they fall. I should never have let Nikusa deal with you. That was a job for demons." Daddy rose his hand up, fire emitting out of it."Agoti run!" Tabi shouted, firing off the RPK again. Hitting his arm, the bullets forced the fires off path, giving Agoti ample time to dodge.You finish your clip, bullets hitting his back. They really weren't doing anything beside ripping his jacket. You needed a change of plans.Agoti jumped back as Daddy ran for him. He hit the wall, and did the first thing to his mind, climbing the curtain, easily getting atop before Daddy could grab him."She loves me. What can I say?" Agoti said sarcastically.Daddy growled and grabbed the bottom of the curtain. Fire exploded out of his hands, erupting up the curtain like a volcano.With Tabi and Agoti focusing Daddy's agro you run to Aldryx, seeing he was already getting the table off himself.Agoti jumped to the curtain beside him, again spitting oil at Daddy. Sparks in the air it exploded again, temporarily blinding him.With the curtain ablaze the fire began to spread, the room getting a red haze. With how gung-ho Daddy had become he must have really been pissed.You help Aldryx up, himself barely affected the table. As you pull him up you notice a notification on your helmet regarding O2 levels. It played a notification about air quality.Hearing it, Daddy turned to you. "Oh, what's wrong? Can't handle a little smoke. Let's up the ante."As Agoti landed, Daddy ducked and grabbed the carpet, ripping part of it off the ground and pulling Agoti towards him. He grabbed the digidevil, throwing him against the wall. Judging by the dent it made, that hurt. Something happened too, part of the wall clicked causing the door closed, a metal door appearing in front of it, sealing the room."Insulated. Us demons can breath a little fire. What about you?"Seeing his brother fall, Aldryx ran to Agoti, shouted, "keep Daddy busy!"Feeling energized you taunt. "Oh, you worried you can beat us fair?""Oh I've never needed to play fair." Daddy laugh.If he was gonna do that you weren't gonna 'hold' back either. You mutter in the comlink. "Flashbang."Daddy doesn't hear it and you throw it closing your eyes. He looked right at it, realizing it too late to look away.A bright light enveloped the room for a split second. Again blinding Daddy you descend upon him, reloading the gun. Getting close you aim and empty the clip attempting to hit the same spot on his arm. He snarls at you, blindly trying to grab. After the final bullet hits the same spot it pierces, Daddy wincing. Purple blood started to drip out of the now open wound.Fire erupted around him, the blast knocking you back. It cauterized the wound and melted the bullet but didn't stop the damage. Keeping a mental note of that you get up. Tabi runs in front of you, getting ready for another go.With blood drawn, you draw the combat shotgun, pulling it off your leg. Loading a shell you get ready.The thought crossed your mind to that in terms of pure skill you could beat him in hand-to-hand combat. That edge fades instantly, when it's clear that if Daddy got a hold on you it would be a death sentence.The others knew this battle would rely on space and ranged weaponry.Stepping beside Tabi, you fire the shotgun, shells hitting Daddy. It looks to do damage, Daddy glaring at you while flinching."Yes. Keep fighting. I want you to be conscious while I grind you to dust." He growled.Tabi and you blocking the stage now, you hear Aldryx shout something."Give me that!" Daddy said has ran towards you, hand out for the shotgun. You fire it again, the recoil doing little to stop you.Still aiming for daddy, Tabi shoved you out of the way again, jamming the barrel right under Daddy's chin. There was a brief moment neither moved. Daddy's hands were on the gun, and Tabi's finger on the trigger. Daddy grinned. "I can dodge it." Tabi pulled the trigger down, bullet ejecting right into his chin as Daddy crushed the barrel. You couldn't see what happened but saw a small explosion, Tabi fly back and Daddy too, but catching himself easily.He held what remained in the gun in his hand, scrap metal. With a leap he closed the distance between him and Tabi, kicking the goat boy in the stomach. Grabbing his shoulders, he knocked Tabi to the ground, fist slamming into Tabi's snout, the bone shattering his jaw.Tabi struggling, Daddy pushed Tabi to the ground, ready to choke him out. You didn't even process it, instead aiming the shotgun next to Daddy. In the struggle he and Tabi were close to the wall. You fire the gun, clearing missing Daddy. Realizing this fast and was about to make a quip only to be stopped by splinters exploding from the shotgun blast hitting the wall. It blinded him yet again, wooden splits also stabbing into his eyes.With him paused, you drop the shotgun and grab Tabi's hunting knife, dropped in the struggle. You run up to Daddy, using all your force and jam it square into his back. Mind now realizing what happened to Tabi you blanked out forgetting about the arm wound.Such a task was harder than it looked, the knife reacting like trying to stab a brick wall. It pierced his clothing sure, said clothing already burnt, but it didn't pierce his flesh, doing nothing but minorly annoying him.Even twisting it did nothing."You think that toy's gonna do anything to me?" Daddy shouted as he turned his head around. He grabbed the knife and using his knife pushed the tip. The metal splitting the piece lunged forth, jamming right into your helmet. If not for the visor it could have been fatal, the blade instead just nicking you.Solazar saw the camera glitch out, the solarisapien mere seconds from intervening.Between the fire, smoke and pain you and Daddy were in another distraction made itself known. The room shook from the centre. Turning you saw the vault door begin to roll open, the movement making a screeching noise. Agoti and Aldryx stood at it, Aldryx's arm around Agoti."WHAT THE F-HOW DID YOU OPEN IT!" Daddy screamed at the two. He let go of the knife.With Daddy's attention turned to the vault Tabi reached for his pocket, pulling out an additional handgun. Thinking quickly he pushed for Daddy's attention, struggling.Daddy looked back down. He was about to say something to Tabi but the goatboy acted first, cocking the hammer, jamming the gun into Daddy's mouth and firing. Remembering, you grab what was left of the knife and jam it into his arm. Even though the tip was gone, the remaining steel stayed sharp, the vertex entering his arm, re-opening the wound. Jamming it in you jump.Daddy let go of Tabi, toppling over as he coughed from bullets hitting his throat. You rush to Tabi, grabbing a hold and helping him up.Daddy choked, coughing up a purplish blood as he spat out the bullet. "Bastard." He muttered, wiping himself."Guess you aren't so invincible." Tabi said between breaths. You see the bone fragments from Tabi's snout re-form magically and re-assemble themselves."I'm more invincible than you." Tabi said.The strategy was determined, you realizing what Tabi had done. His outside may have been tough but inside he was just as fleshy as the rest.You run with Tabi and retrieve your shotgun, just a metre away.Tabi watched as a green glow enveloped Daddy's head just for a second. Magic. He healed himself.Letting out a laugh, he spoke with ever-grandeur. "Just give up. You're all dead anyway. Die now, maybe I won't go after your families."Tabi's eyes narrowed, not even considering Daddy's offer. He reloaded the gun."Got lot more bullets with your name on it." His voice cracked, Russian accent in full bloom.Daddy spat, crackling his knuckles.With the vault open the O2 levels increased. Another warning about air quality must have appeared on your visor as Daddy made a comment about it."You know what, fine, I'd rather you be conscious for this." Not wasting another heartbeat Tabi opened fire, now trying to aim for Daddy's face. You do too, aiming for the eyes now. It's hard, the combination of smoke, fire, sweat, blade piece and adrenaline making aiming challenging.Daddy charged you and Tabi, finding the bullets distracting but not painful. He was pissed now; Tabi having uncovered a weakness. He serpentined and lunged at Tabi, swiping with claws asunder, doubling a flaming spell adding heat to them. It slashes easily through the fabric of his hoodie. Caught on the vest it rips through, protecting his stomach. He slices through the vest, piercing his skin. Not enough to disembowel but enough that it stung like hell, claws ripping skin, bleeding. It took Tabi a second to react, Daddy then uppercutting the goatboy."Kur.." Tabi muttered as he hit the ground.In close range you fire the shotgun, police-instinct taking on. It hits him in the end, some shells possibly getting into his face.Daddy didn't have time to react as Agoti jumped upon him, grabbing a curtain and wrapping it around his head. Daddy swung wildly, knocking you and the shotgun asunder. You shot a glance to Tabi who remains unmoving on the ground. Nevermind him, you see Aldryx already going to his aid.You rip the knife out of the helmet, ignoring some blood streaming from your face. Holding the sharp tip you charge Daddy hoping his front wouldn't be as hard. As Agoti tried to hold him steady, you stab, the knife entering the curtain. You weren't sure what you stab but it didn't work. "Damnit!" You switch hands and try to slash him instead. You weren't sure if you managed to pierce or not, Daddy erupting in flames, burning both you and Agoti.Agoti jumped off, now trying to stop the flames from engulfing him, screaming in pain.Daddy knocked the knife piece out of your hand as he grabbed your shoulders. Hitting with a punch to the chest he grabbed your head, ripping the helmet clean off. You reach for one of the pistols, Daddy stopping it. He grabbed your hand, crushing it easily. Gun out of the way he grabbed your throat "What did I say-AH-"From behind Daddy you see Tabi jump biting onto his hand as he was about to reel it back. Tabi bit as hard as he could, pulling back to shred the flesh. It stopped Daddy's assault on you as he had to focus on this new pain. Punching you back, he slammed Tabi on the ground repeatedly and still feeling the bite threw Tabi into you, the both of you falling backwards.Joining the Andromedas, the four of you stood in front of the vault, Daddy in front. The four of you were spent, only Aldryx in an okay condition.Somehow the room wasn't collapsing despite the flames covering everything. With the vault door open ventilation improved the air quality.As if nothing happened, Daddy wiped his hand on his face, smearing some blood."Hehe. I'll admit you all did get a bit fiercer than I thought. Now then. Who should I kill first."Agoti stepped forward. "How 'bout none of us? We haven't even gotten started. I still got one more trick." Agoti said. He spoke out of breath but strangely confident.You go to help Tabi up, his arm going around your shoulder. You weren't sure what Agoti was playing at and neither did he. Aldryx too look confused but said nothing."What the hell are you blabbering about now?""Ald, Tabi, (Y/N), you getter make some space." Agoti said.You did though Aldryx couldn't help but be worried. Agoti never mentioned this to him before.He cracked his knuckles. "So you're evil right? Think you're so bad. Yo, you wanna see evil? I got you. S. It's time we to do this."Though your comlink was ripped off with the helmet, you hear it from Tabi's, S screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I get to finally shine!"You weren't sure what happened next. Updike explained it to you later, something called 'eldritch time-space fusion'. Agoti was engulfed in a darkness as he stepped forward. Something churned in the pit of your stomach, a strange feeling, completely alien to you."You see, S and I got a little secret." Agoti said proudly. Aldryx helped you and Tabi make space as Agoti changed. "You'll see..."Speaking up you heard S' voice from Agoti. "Yo Daddy. It's about time we meet. Name's S, a true monster."Daddy watched with mixed feelings as Agoti transfigured into some kind of monster.Agoti.exe: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/1053158269Smile wider than Agoti could normally a sharp row of teeth became visible. Blood dripped from his eyes, pooling around his shoes. He creaked his head ever so slightly...the same way you'd seen S do. The tendrils that covered his head rippled moving more vibrantly than they normally did. From where Agoti's hands were blackened tendrils slithered from under his sleaves. His clothes became a darker red as if stained from the blank ink or blood that fell from him. Larger tendrils erupted from his back, an unholy energy emitting from him causing the flames to flicker.You weren't sure what this being was. It wasn't S and it wasn't Agoti. And you were far to stressed to come up with some name for it.Many questions arose, none of which could easily be answered. How could he even do that? How long could S port into Agoti? Did this mean S reached real-life? None of it mattered right now.Now Playing...Artist: Body 13Song: With the Finality [Excerpt + Lo-Fi]Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv7fhnyWOQAIt hit you. From that first meeting with S. "Wait why can I port into you? You don't look like a robot. Did-you-Did you eat a genesis? The hell is wrong with you!"Daddy appeared unsure, a mix of skepticism and what you hoped was fear."So what?" Daddy spat."Not impressed?" Agoti(?) asked. His voice sounded distorted, as if others were speaking with him. "I'll show you fear Daddy." Agoti(?) said, "Show you what happens when you help ruin Mobius.""What the hell are you?""Just the next evolution of evil...Let's call it. E-XTREMELY EVIL! E! X! E!" The creature screamed in joy.What happened next appeared to you in flashes. Both Agoti(?) and Daddy were fast, the two also evenly matched. Thinking back on it was some BS Agoti pulled but like the Family never fought honourably. Why should we?Agoti(?) charged Daddy, hands out and tentacles aimed. Daddy prepared for the assault, his hands lighting up in fire. Agoti(?) struck first, fist right into Daddy's chest as Daddy grabbed Agoti(?)'s face. His palms grabbed either side of the creature's face, as if trying to break it apart. The tendrils behind Agoti(?) shot forth, jamming their sharp ends into Daddy's shoulder. Between the smoke filling the room and your own light-headedness you swore you saw it pierce.Daddy pushed hard, an audible snapping sound echoing across the room. He growled in pain as the tentacles flayed his shoulders. A snapping sound was heard and Agoti(?) stopped. He froze.Sighing, Daddy let go as Agoti(?) fell to the ground.Between figuring your own wounds and Tabi's entire body in pain you didn't notice the fight stop. Aldryx held his breath."..that's it?" Daddy asked.As if being pulled by a string Agoti(?) rose up, hands adjusting his neck back in place. Landing on the ground he cracked his knuckles, the same distorted smile present on him.Daddy shook his head. "You're just like that other freak running around." Finally feeling pain, Daddy took note of both his shoulders bleeding. Agoti(?) was successful.Agoti(?) held a hand out, motioning for Daddy to make a move.He grimaced. "You're dead! Your families are dead! Everyone you ever knew, DEAD!" Daddy shouted, now angry. "I'll smoke you all out if I have to. And if I have to bring an army back from hell I WILL."Daddy erupted in flames, an aura burning around him. The fires reached an insurmountable temperature, lighting the curtains nearby and turning the room into an inferno.Agoti(?) said nothing. Though your helmet long gone you knew the O2 was about to get unbearable. Hobbling with Tabi you and him head into the vault.With Daddy sufficiently distracted Aldryx ran to the other side of the room, slamming the indented wall. The door roared open fresh air rushing into the room. Though it burned brightly you could tell the air was more breathable now.Agoti(?) started walking forward and vanished. As if the world blinked he appeared right into Daddy's flame, tentacles and hands ready for another assault. Agoti(?)'s darkness sizzled as the two were engulfed in flames.With police work came you'd seen violence, officers beating on others, others beating on officers. And up to a certain point you couldn't stomach it. When two people of equal matching were just going at each other the only thing changing was the amount of blood on the ground.You saw darkness sizzle as Daddy set fire to the void Agoti(?) brought, saw that monster stop flames as they arose with the mere wave of an arm. Daddy sliced through Agoti(?)'s hoodie, disemboweling him but doing little to stop his fight. He just healed up. Daddy healed too, in increasingly slower intervals. At some point he sunk his teeth into Daddy, the demon forcing a fist into Agoti(?) and lighting up his insides."...we should help." Tabi muttered. "Like hell we are. I'm not getting involved in that." You said. Avoiding the massive confrontation on the room Aldryx joined your side.You didn't know the extent of Agoti(?)'s powers. Maybe he could have just killed Daddy. You weren't even sure who was in charge of the body. Either way when Agoti(?) decided he'd had enough he grabbed Daddy's hands. The two locked in a game of mercy Agoti(?) slammed his head into Daddy's breaking free. Tendrils from under Agoti(?)'s arms shot through piercing Daddy's chest as they hooked somewhere in the rib cage and pulled him forward.They threw Daddy into the air, Agoti(?) jumping up too. Tendrils aimed all together and directly up Daddy fell downwards, impaled on them, piercing both his jacket, skin and you didn't see how deep they went.Daddy was thrown to the ground as Agoti(?) laughed. The beings formally known as S and Agoti stood triumphantly over him, nothing but ashes, burnt everything, sparks and Daddy lying face down, purplish blood around him.Daddy rose, coughing. "You think that's it? You're nothing but a punk. Kill me. And I'll see you when I get back." Daddy laughed.Agoti(?) had kept that same twisted smile the whole time. This time is changed. "I'll send you to hell. But it won't be pretty." Agoti(?) charged Daddy as the demon blocked. Smashed through his arms, Agoti(?) knocked Daddy down, pouncing upon him and punching him."THIS IS FOR POMPOM, MOBIUS, TESS, TABI, NIKKU..." Agoti(?) screamed, the distortion making the lights flicker. Daddy stopped fighting back as Agoti(?) wailed on him for each member of the crew."...ACE!" The voice wasn't emotional and as Agoti(?) named each member of the crew (many of which were never wronged by Daddy) it just sounded like he was looking for justification to kill Daddy. Tabi must have realized this to as he shouted."S STOP!" Tabi shouted.Agoti(?) froze as if someone held his fist back. He got up."Now then." Agoti(?) said. He snapped his fingers. In a mere second all the fire stopped, everything reduced to ashes."That's what you get for messing with the Carnival and Mobius!" Agoti(?) spat. For a brief minute he was engulfed in the darkness, cocooning him before vanishing. Agoti fell to the ground, returned to his normal form. Aldryx rushed to help him up, the digidevil exhausted."Bro that was so fucking cool." Agoti giggled."Is he..?""You'll never win. I will be back. You'll never survive my plan...." Daddy muttered in a pool of his own blood."We already won." Tabi spat, pushing your arm off. He stood on his own, shaking and trying to stand upright. He limped towards Daddy, leaving the vault. You stuck by him as he struggled to move.Daddy didn't respond, just lying motionless."He's not dead." Agoti said. "S said no killing. Something about a pact with you actually." He shrugged.Agoti and Aldryx walked towards the vault, ready to start looting. You vaguely heard Aldryx congratulate him as you and Tabi were left alone.Tabi just stared forth at Daddy. No expression just staring blankly. It was if he was waiting any second for Daddy to get up and resume the battle.Something to continue it.You see some smoke emerge from Tabi's face as he just stood there. He was crying. It was finally over.You thought you were crying, though feeling it you found your head bleeding slightly. Must have been one of the hits. You shake it off, realizing you must be in a state of shock.Limping forward you slowly interlock yours and Tabi's hand."Let's go." You say quietly.Tabi didn't move instantly. Instead, using his free hand put it on his ear, activating the comlink."W-w-w-. We won." He said, barely above a whisper.You weren't sure how everyone reacted but judging from the brief loud sound before he shut the link off, you guess it was a celebration.He started to walk towards the vault, still holding your hand. You stop him, instead pulling him into a hug. It's stunned him for a second, but he hugged, pulling you as tightly as he could. His eyes changed colour, resuming their golden victorious yellow.Slain or not.Daddy was defeated.The next chapter will be called Paedophobia.

I imagine Daddy's voice as just a huskier Kelsey Grammar.

This has to be one of the most hype fights I've ever written. It's up there with The Tower in my FNAF story.

odaocercreators' thoughts