
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Video Games
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23 Chs

Cauda 12 - Ripples Across the Compound

Movements: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1789987783425101828

Just because Team Python was in play didn't mean everyone else could just sit around. You and Tabi were rapidly approaching the vault. Despite what you and Tabi could hear, the Carnival was wrought with problems.

The Seven Deadly Sins were off fighting Psychic somewhere, unclear if the mind reader even knew they were part of the crew.

Team Zig was in deep discussion if, since Psychic was gone they should they go back and resume the original plan. Updike was in favour of it, wanting another go. Huggy too apparently, judging from his excited sounds. Theo, Kapi and Blackjack were tuckered out, wanting nothing to do with the compound. Theo in particular wasn't taking his drones being smashed that well either.

Solazar remained at attention, watching the monitors, deeply focused on the cameras and maps. He even had a POV shot of your helmet, watching you and Tabi proceed down. Displo was outside on a call with IRIS. With word getting out regarding Hex there were now talks of apprehending him. Displo took the call outside, not wanting to complicate matters further.

Team Cobol was just waiting around, getting antsy. The Donnas had left the data centre and were in the garages doing final checks on their cars. Radi, annoyed he missed a fight stayed up top with Botan, awaiting Daddy's attack. Rosie stayed in the data centre, watching over Annie, Whitty and Carol. With the Fae working overtime she stood by, helping where she could.

With everyone else busy it left Tess to monitor Team Lisp.

S was out retrieving Kapi's phone, getting annoyed at how wet he was getting looking for it. Tess was trying vainly to help him, relaying between him and Kapi as they searched. Kapi left it on silent, making tracking it harder. At least it was quiet, S found Psychic had dealt with all the hell hounds, the dogs rounded up and put back in the kennel, a pile of cobblestones where the hole was blown.

Nikusa was out as well, perched atop the hangar, waiting for demons to leave the manor so she could jump them and retrieve Retro.

Surprisingly nobody had come barging in to the mailroom, though Tess expected it. Psychic was off fighting a war, Mommy seriously injured, Daddy entertaining guests and nobody else in the compound strong enough to beat Team Lisp, Tess just assumed the MO was to leave the mailroom alone.

Either way, with Nikku pretending to be either Mommy or a demon they had the patrols obeying their commands. Aside from offsite calls coming it was all quiet. Tess guided Nikku what to say during those. She was thankful, her head was still aching. she had nearly fainted earlier as memories started to re-appear. It gave her time to relax.

Atop the hangar Nikusa watched as some demons wheeled out retro on a stretcher from the manor. Heading towards the hangar, it took little effort for her to ambush and take them out. The slain demons were sloppily thrown into a bush nearby along with the stretcher that Retro was previously on.

Nikusa held him over her shoulder. She wasn't sure what she expected but didn't expect him to look like that.

Neon blue fur, black and green horns, additional horns emitting from under his snout and sides of head, a large mane of silver hair, long tail with 3 spikes on the end and tail a myriad of neon blue, black and white. He wore a navy blue hoodie with dark blue trim, white undershirt and jeans, not needing any footwear. All designer brands, though Nikusa didn't care.

To describe his state one could just write damaged. Rips in the hoodie, dirt and dried blood stains all over, chips in the horns, matted hair in the mane.

To Nikusa he looked far more like a dragon anthro than a demon, though she knew very well looks could be deceiving.

She waited for the demon patrols to move. Much as she'd like to take everyone out, Sol demanded she not. So she sat, perched like a gargoyle, waiting annoyed, atop the hangar. She let the others know they had Retro. As Ace stirred, he found himself relieved, apologizing for his outbursts. For the first time since they met him sounded kind of happy.

On the other hand Pompom wasn't annoyed or relieved. She was just bored. She wanted to jump demons with Nikusa or help S look but wasn't allowed. With Nikku busy watching the monitors, suffering from migraines and covering for everyone she couldn't play.

Pompom was left waiting around for something to happen. Just briefly they were all on high alert, waiting for Psychic to confront them. But after the Sins decided to shoot him he flew off on his own way.

There wasn't much else to do. Pompom couldn't waste her magic and she wasn't allowed to touch the computers. Nikku barely knew what they did and didn't want anyone other than S touching them.

So, with nothing to do but wait Pompom started exploring. Next to the mailroom was attached a building labeled 'storage'. The same building where Smiler first burst out of. The two buildings were connected via a single blue door past the equipment racks, opposite side to the camera screens.

She didn't ask Nikku for permission, instead stating she was going into it. Nikku just agreed, too focused on police now aware of a war between the Seven Deadly Sins and Psychic.

Pompom was greeted by a long, dimly lit hallway. Fixtures hung above each door, though none directly lighting. This didn't bother Pompom. A capable magic user, she had no trouble lighting herself up to see better. Holding a hand up a flame emitted from it, allowing her to see.

Each door had a number on it as well as a note taped which displayed it's contents: Music equipment, general storage, holding area, electrical equipment and archives.

The electrical equipment door drew her attention. She recalled hearing Updike mention that Psychic's powers would not work against S. Yes. There surely should be something in here to boost S' power. Or maybe even hide her thoughts from Psychic.

She pushed open the door entering a large but crowded room. While the hallway was dark, the room was pitch black...almost. From her side, obscured by a wall of boxes saw a green glow in the corner. Eyes adjusting, she noticed something else. A faint bubbling coming from the glow.

With her illumination she saw several boxes in front of her. They packed this room to the brim. The boxes, spilling open with cords and discarded accessories piled almost to the ceiling. While climbing them was tempting she elected to follow the makeshift path they were placed in. She muted her comlink, wishing to better hear the bubbling sound. Though the boxes were arranged in a maze she tried to follow the sound.

Finding a crack between some boxes she saw the source of the glow. Some kind of holding tank with someone floating in it. Curiosity getting the better of her she casted a spell and floated into the air, hovering towards it. She knocked a few boxes asunder, causing a bunch to tumble over loudly. Ignoring it she saw a space in front of the tank and landed, the emerald glow from the liquid providing ambient light.

"Wow." She said quietly.

Indeed, it was a holding tank, filled with a bright green liquid. Hovering inside, suspended by wires going into her back, a demon.

She was dressed like a nun though without the veil. Her garments were a maroon colour. She looked to be the same species as that nun, though with shades Neapolitan skin and crosses upon her hair.

Large pipes and tubes emerged from the tank's base going into the ground, as did a similar amount come from the top pumping the liquid.

A control panel stood next to the tank, covered in glyphs and symbols Pomona did not recognize. What she did recognize was the person in the tank, hovering unconsciously.

Found in the Chamber: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Found-in-the-Chamber-Alt-1051448815

She'd only seen her for a second during Earthquake and completely forgot her name. She was one of those Lightwatchers...or Lighthouses, or...she couldn't remember. What perplexed her though was why was this nun here now? Pompom weighed her options. Well we busted out her husband before. And he was actually a good guy. Maybe she was too? Maybe she was being held prisoner here? Then she's gotta be broken out! She thought about calling Updike or Solazar but decided against it. The nun must have been good. And if anything happened S and Nikusa were right there.

She looked at the panel. Nothing but a strange language she didn't understand. Remembering what Nikku said earlier she decided it best if she didn't touch it. Instead she stepped back, rose her hand and started a spell. At first she thought hurling a rock thought it. But no. She wanted to do it in style and again make Zardy proud.

Channeling the roots she felt them underground. Eyes closed and using them for sight she waited till the ground beneath her trembled. Feeling the grip she shot them directly up, shooting through the concrete floor. With thorns on them they shot through the metal piping and enclosed around the glass tank, easily shattering it as the liquid poured out. The nun too, fell forward, Pompom grabbing her before she could hit the ground. Now breathing air again the nun took a deep breath, though still unconscious.

The panel beside the tank started to beep loudly, clearly emitting some kind of warning.

"Pompom what are you doing? Where are you?" S asked as he ported to her phone.

"Just in the storage room! Hold on I'm coming back!" With another spell cast, Pomona teleported, envisioning the mailroom as her destination. In a burst of light she warped, eyes now adjusting to the brights of the mailroom.

Nikusa and S had returned, Retro's unconscious body laying atop one of the desks.

"Pompom where did you-who is that?" S said, walking up to her.

"Huh. What's she doing here?" Nikusa asked plainly as Pompom put the nun down. "Is she even alive?"

Hearing their responses Nikku stepped away from the desk, looking to see what got them confused.

"I dunno. I found her. She's good right?"

Nikku was the most surprised. "What the? I thought she didn't work with the Family...and was in jail."

Hearing the confused banter, Updike spoke up. "Huggy wait! Ahem. Who found what? Explain."

Nikku replied first. "Uhhh, Pompom found that demon that attacked your place, back when, um Earthquake."

"W-what? Sarvente? The Lightbringer?"

"Yeah! That was her name!" Pompom added cheerily.

"By what possible reason..." Updike muttered. "Tess. Are you hearing this?"

"I am! But what does it mean?" Tess looked to Solazar expectantly, though he remained focused on Team Python. Displo was still outside the data centre on call.

"I'm sorry Tess. Whatever Updike is complaining out please help him." He said quietly. Though Solazar could pinpoint you and Tabi on the map clearly, his two kids he could not. Agoti and Aldryx had turned their comlinks off sometime ago and, judging from their trackers had not moved much either. Deciding he waited enough he got ready to call them. Tapping his foot on the ground he linked with Agoti and Aldryx.

"Agoti! Aldryx!" He said. "Are you two alright? Status report."

Solazar heard a click, then Agoti's voice. "Yeah pops, don't worry. We're fine. We'll go back on the move soon enough-" Agoti turned the link off before he finished speaking.

Solazar sighed. What could they be doing?

"So that's about the gist of it." Agoti said.

He and Aldryx sat in a bedroom, glass shards lining the carpeted floor they sat on. From the fluffy purple carpet to the puffy bed to the dresser lined with plushies and makeup stand it looked to be a young girl's room.

Indeed it was, the owner of the room and her boyfriend seated in front of them. A red-haired girl and a blue-hair boy spoke with the two digidevils, the four of which all familiar with each other. The Andromeda brothers and Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Having crashed in there while being pursued, Girlfriend covered for them, saying they ran off. Curious as to what the Andromedas were doing at their at their house this late, Agoti figured he should just fill them in. Aldryx agreed too, knowing through Agoti they really had nothing to do with the Family's actions.

So, with a lot of 'washing' the details they gave a quick rundown on the heist from the mailroom takeover to the explosion that happened earlier. Names were fudged, Aldryx nudging Agoti to not reveal all the details.

Suffice to write, they were more than interested in helping the whole shebang. Apparently Boyfriend suspected something earlier when he ran into Kapi, Updike and some blue monster roaming the halls.

"Beep." The boy nodded. "I agree. That sounds really dangerous! But you can count on us!" Girlfriend said, a little worried for the two.

"Ah well, you two should probably bounce. Go stay somewhere else for the night. It's gonna get ugly here." Aldryx said.

"Beep boop?"

"Yeah Kapi was lying." Agoti laughed. "Heh, I appreciate it but our friends here...not exactly your friends. Not all like Kapi. That right, Ald?"

Aldryx grinned. "Yep. Got a certain 'goat-headed' guy helping us who I'm sure would love to speak with you."

Boyfriend's eyes widened, as did Girlfriend's. They knew.

"Though he has changed a lot. Not as...crazy? Either way-"

Girlfriend nodded. "You guys really sure? I love Dad but he's nuts. You, uh, know even if you throw them back to hell they'll be back right?"

Agoti held a hand up. "Don't worry we already got a plan for that. Really, I would have loved for you guys to help but we're good. You should get out of here though."

"You two are okay with this?" Aldryx asked. He didn't know Girlfriend as well as Agoti but finding her wholesale just okay with being robbed didn't add up.

"Mhm. They've had it coming. I love them but between people constantly attacking the compound and having to be watched they need to be taken down a peg. It'll be good for them."


Girlfriend laughed. "And they keep sending hitmen after him. Don't worry about me. I have plenty saved."

Aldryx shrugged. "Well, I'm sorry for this."

Girlfriend laughed again. "Ah, don't worry. Anyways, I'm sure we can find somewhere to stay for the night." She got up and grabbed a schoolbag. "We'll start packing."

"Bebeop Beeeep?"

"Really? I'd love to meet your sister. You sure she's in town?"

Boyfriend nodded in agreement. "Awesome! It'll be like a sleepover. C'mon, BF, help me pack."

Boyfriend nodded and they got to work. "Is there anyone else we know on your team?" Girlfriend inquired.

Aldryx looked to Agoti. Though they trusted them they didn't feel like revealing everyone. "You guys know Whitmore? Bomb-headed guy? He's on too. Oh, his girlfriend too."

"Oh Carol's here too? Aw, you guys shoulda told me! We could totally have helped."

"Beeeep!" Boyfriend agreed.

"Yeah well, gotta take precautions and all that. Look, swear on it we'll have a party after this. Say, anything we should worry about?" Agoti said as Aldryx got up, ready to leave.

Girlfriend paused, thinking it over. "Well Dad told us all to leave him alone for the night. He and Mommy have some big thing planned. Oh, right. Psychic was going to take us, Hex and my brother and sister off the compound."


Aldryx shook his head. "We got Hex don't worry. Psychic's a little busy right now. He's probably not coming."

"Any idea what they got planned?" Agoti got up, brushing himself off.

Girlfriend jammed her laptop and some stuffies into her backpack. "I don't know. He's been really secret about it. All I know is that he calls it the Laughing Plan." She shrugged.

"Yeah, think I heard someone else say that earlier. Who's here anyways?"

"Well, my brother and big sister are still here. I'll tell them to leave. Don't worry she's cool. Mommy is, er, was around." She chuckled, the mental image of Tabi or one of the team members chucking her into the portal being rather humorous.


"Oh right, she's back."

"We're gonna be heading to the vault right after this." Agoti nodded.

"Well there are some vents along the ceiling. You two should be able to crawl through. It'll be much quicker get to there."

"Vents? Floor plan didn't mention that."

Girlfriend shrugged. "They added them later. You guys probably got an old plan. The uh, vault is voice activated. You need Mommy and Daddy's voices together. Dunno how you're going to get in, but the password is ninjamuffin99."

"Really? You know that?"

Girlfriend smiled. "Of course! Between you and me I already I have enough money anyways. We'll be fine." Boyfriend nodded in agreement.

"T-thanks." Agoti said, a little surprised at Girlfriend's 'betrayal'. "Anything else?"

"My big sister, she isn't like the others. She's a good person. Don't harm her."

"We won't. We're only here for the money."

"Don't you have another sister?"

"Oh, Cassandra? She hasn't returned from hell yet."


Aldryx smiled. "Tabi won't do anything rash. Trust me. Guy's changed a lot."

"He has. Swear on it." Agoti said. He looked up, seeing the large vent just above. "Anyone else?"

"Oh! Psychic, the, uh, butler, er, guy dad hired is around. He's kinda like my uncle actually. I'm not sure. They made him head of security. Be careful about him. Guy's weird. Like he can predict what you're gonna say."

"bbeep." Boyfriend nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind." Aldryx replied, cheekily.

"I think Kapi fought him actually." Agoti added, making it clear neither of them was actually paying attention to recent events.

"He saved BF once." Girlfriend added. "He's not like the others. I know he has a good side. Just, be careful with him."

"Thanks." Aldryx nodded.

"Best of luck you two. We'll meetup after this is over." Agoti said.

"You too! And uh, if you see Tabi. Tell him I'm sorry. I really didn't mean it. I swear-"

"I will. Don't worry."

"C'mon. We've wasted enough time already." Aldryx said. He had already moved dresser over and was using it as a step stool to get into the vent.

Flashing a quick smile at the two lovebirds, he nodded and joined Aldryx, the two disappearing into the vent.

Leaving them to pack up and depart on their own, Aldryx and Agoti turned back on their comlinks, having Solazar direct them with this new knowledge. They made sure to keep Tabi and you out of the loop, knowing Tabi's anger if he found out they spoke to his 'mortal enemy'.

"Terribly sorry for that excuse." Displo said as he returned to the computers.

"Is uh, everything okay?" Tess asked.

Displo sighed. "Almost. Tell Kapi what's about to happen is perfectly safe. I need to speak to one of his friends. Give me a second please." Displo turned on his comlink.

"Uh-huh. What's up?" S asked.

"S. Can you corrupt me?"

"Uh. I guess, sure. Why?"

"I shall explain momentarily. Please. If you will."

Displo watched as his world turned black. He was plunged into S' realm though this time S went straight to the black and red landscapes. Physically, a red eye appeared on Displo.

"Alright. We're here." S stood in front of Displo, appearing in flesh and blood.

"There is a robot with Kapi. Can you bring him here?"

S shrugged. "Dunno what you're playing it but sure. Gimme a sec."

A second was all it took when Displo saw Hex fall from the sky, landing in front of him. He looked scared, no doubt terrified from the sudden infection. Outside, Tess explained to a now frantic Kapi that Hex was indeed okay.

"W-whwat? Where am I?" Hex got up, startled as he looked around. He looked behind him, seeing a corrupted Sonic looking at him, arms crossed. He looked to the front seeing Displo, agent extraordinaire of IRIS.

"N-no! Not you! Y-you can't!" Hex said frantic. "They said you-"

"Enough." Displo said. "I'm not here to capture you."

"Oh. We aren't here to kill him? Bummer. BUMMER." S laughed.

"T-then what?" Hex took a step back, more scared of Displo than S.

"I summoned you here because IRIS won't be able to hear us."

"Oh, that's what we're doin? Screw this. When you want out lemme know." S warped away, instantly bored.

Hex looked at S as he vanished. "Is he..?"

"Nevermind him. I'll keep this brief. You are aware of the Carnival now correct? And IRIS' role in it?"

"I a-am." Hex wasn't sure what to think. This was all very sudden.

"IRIS heard about your appearance. Being that you are aligned with the Family they want you as a goal of this operation. I just finished speaking to them."

Hex shook his head, digital eyebrows narrowing on his face. He wasn't going to let this stand.

"That is what they think." Displo said before Hex could. "I have told them that you provided us confidential information regarding the Family as an informant. That you have personally worked with several of the team members such as Kapi and whomever else you may know on this team. That you are part of the Carnival."

"Uh, okay?"

"When this operation is over you will come to me, and I will back that story up. IRIS will give you up and relinquish any and all obligations they have to you."

"Y-you can do that?"

"Yes, if you are a member of this team. And if they try to disagree you will have Kapi and the others stick up for you. I shall too."

"O-okay. Do I need to do anything else?"

"Tell Kapi the plan and have him relay it to everyone verbally. Do not use the comlinks. I'm not sure if any external IRIS personal are listening. Do this and I will make sure you are free."

"Y-you'd do that for me? I thought you were against me..."

"It's complicated, as it's always been. This is how I make it right."

"T-thank you." Hex said, digital tears in his eyes.

"Good. Now get to the plan. S! We are done here." Displo commanded. S didn't return, both Hex and Displo just flashing back to reality.

"You good?" Annie asked, standing near Displo. She stood at the cameras watching, drink in hand.

"Indeed. I righted a wrong, solved a problem that would affect us later. Did I miss anything?"

Annie shrugged. "Pompom's pissed."

"What do you mean I have to stay inside?!"

"It's too dangerous." Nikusa said. She wasn't budging. Stuck inside, Pompom was back to waiting around. Nikku tried to keep her entertained, showing her all sorts of cool stuff in the mailroom, asking if she could use her magic to build better defenses, in case Mommy or Daddy came by. Annoyed she took a seat at the cameras next to Nikku, looking at overview of the compound. Watching the cameras Tess continued her commanding. She looked to the map, seeing yours's and Tabi's markers slow down.

You had to hand it to Tabi. He'd been keeping his cool. There had been several points where he could've easily snapped a guards neck or started raising hell but didn't. He controlled himself well.

You and he remained focused, Tabi leading, you occasionally glancing to the map. Going through a mishmash of crimson carpet, oak walls and paintings of plenty from one floor to another to an eventual breakpoint where the vault room lay.

As you rounded a corner you knew that fateful room would be nearby. While previously on a second floor you and Tabi dipped back to the first, ending up somewhere in a maze of backrooms.

The Andromedas you heard, found some other route, themselves getting close.

As movements went through and you and Tabi made it closer you noticed a tense, almost worried look scattered across his face. Different from the dark-nostalgic look from before. Something was gnawing at him.

"Hold on." You say, putting a hand on his shoulder. He tensed up further.

"What is it?" He hissed, nearly bumping into a corner.

"Are you alright? You seem worried. We need you 100 for this."

He stopped. "I-I'm fine. Let's do this."

"Uh-uh. I can tell." You cross your arms as Tabi turns back.

"Argh. Fine. I'm hungry. But there's no time for that kind of crap. We're too close. I can eat after."

You shrug. "I mean, the Andromedas are still a ways off. No harm in a little detour. We'll make it quick."

Tabi shook his head. This was supposed to be some epic conclusion, lead up to a big fight and now he was seriously considering taking a side quest to get some food.

He shook his head as he processed it. "Sol." Tabi said into the comlink. "Where is the nearest kitchen?"

"Hm? Hungry are we? I told you before you should have packed a snack." Sol said condescendingly.

"Just tell me before I change my mind."

"Very well. If you go back round 2 corners, down the perpendicular hallway right, the 4th door on the left should be a small kitchen and pantry."

"Got it."


"What?..Argh. Fine Thank you Sol." Tabi spat, turning off the comlink before Solazar could make another quip.

You were about to make a comment before Tabi grabbed your hand, running off. Sol really was like a father to him and despite his urgency, Tabi continued to check corners and ensure the coast clear. At least, until he made it to the kitchen.

Eager to get back to the mission he kicked open the doors, not checking through the window if it contained any workers. It did, and through gasps they recognized the scorned goat man.

He reacted fast and drew the Nagant 1895, quickly shooting each demon before it could make a move. He was ruthless. He at least checked the hallway before entering so it remained unlikely anyone heard. Regardless, you got to work moving the bodies out of the way in case someone did come running.

The kitchen was a typical industrial style one. Grey-metal everything, gigantic table in the centre for placing all the food on, industrial size freezers and coolers, complete with two-way doors and stoves, ovens, pots and pans the works.

Tabi arrived at a good point too, the demons having just carted off leftovers from Daddy's meal. Tabi went to town on them. You, feeling slightly peckish yourself had a few as well.

Springrolls, cylindrical pastries stuffed with shrimp, veggies and a single basil leaf. You guessed shrimp since one lay unfinished, its contents pouring out where someone had chomped. Though a bit damp from the oil, they tasted good. A massive basil leaf was neatly folded under the dough giving each roll a consistent look of a green splotch on the same side of each.

Next to the rolls was a dip with streaks of yellow, bright red, white with speckles of green and purple littered throughout. A few crackers and soft pita surrounded the bowl. It smelled cheesy, though upon Tabi tasting it he remarked what the red colour meant. "Crab dip. Very good."

Trying it, you agreed.

You wondered if they caught it from the nearby body of water or had it imported.

"Hm. Those demons can cook." You muse.

Grabbing a muffin with a strong ginger scent Tabi finished. He bit into it finding a crunchy exterior and moist interior. "Da. The only thing I miss from here." Tabi said quietly.

Though the temptation to tease was great, you knew the mission had to be resumed. With a full stomach and head full of righteous justice you and Tabi left, getting ready to leave.

"Maybe after all this is over we can hire some demon cooks." You joke.

"Not a bad idea."

While things looked promising Tabi quickly resumed his subdued attitude upon hearing news from S.

"Reporting that BF and GF have left the property. Dunno what got 'em go spooked but judging from the bags they are outta here! Heh, kid still looks a bit like Sonic. I wonder if doppelgangers..." You tuned the rest out, wondering how Tabi would take it.

He merely looked away, a crestfallen expression on his face.

"W-Well, can't win 'em all." You said unhelpfully.

"Whatever." He said sombrely. "It's not her that needs to suffer for it."

"That's right. C'mon." You go head of him and take his hand. Boney, but still warm to the touch. "Let's end this."

Tabi smiled as the two of you left the kitchen.

The next chapter will be called Dracula in the Throne Room.

Ooooh I wonder who the boss of the next chapter could be....

This was originally 20 chapters but I've decided to split 1 chapter into 2 and have a 2nd loose ends chapter. More on that later.

odaocercreators' thoughts