
Open Minds Academy

A place for the gifted where young minds can hone their abilities and leave as young adults, Open Minds Academy offers a broad range of opportunities for the talented. -Authors Note Hello guys i’m testing out my new webnovel Open Minds Academy, I decided to upload on here since I want to test out a few things, Bare in mind this is a test run nowhere near the finished project Art etc. will not be seen in this version of the book, Thank you for reading.

ZyJy · Realistic
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CHAPTER 1:  The Desires of Oneself And choice

Can I take a moment of your time? I want to pose an intriguing question: why do people see themselves as superior to everyday people? Is it because of birthright, perhaps because of money, fame, influence, or whatever it is? It doesn't really matter on the larger scale because in the end, when we draw our last breath, everything ends and whatever accomplishments we had before disappear, or so it seems. I believe that all humans are equal when born, but it differs when we get older; achievements, money, fame—everything elevates your standing. But I don't care because in the end, all I want is to have anything I desire. I don't want to be limited just to one thing because of my lineage.

2.8 billion people live with less than 2 euros per day. 448 million children in the world are underweight, living off rations at best and drinking from puddled dirty water. 876 million adults are illiterate, meaning they cannot read or write. So, tell me this: why do people act like their lives are the worst? I mean, we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and money to spend. But as soon as one little thing goes wrong, we go crying about it, wishing the day never happened. But imagine praying that you live another day, get to eat another night, spend your time with your family, even if it's for one last night.

We should be grateful, yet we are so ignorant. Why is that? Is it because we have not felt that feeling of doing anything to survive, maybe? Or perhaps it is because we are so greedy and self-centered that we cannot think of others, and we hide behind our self-righteousness, thinking that it is none of our business.

Say, for example, your family was in immediate danger; wouldn't you do anything to keep them safe? So tell me, why can't you just extend your help and save poor kids and people living in harsh conditions? I'll tell you why, because us humans don't think about anything but ourselves. We don't care about the climate, about everyday people; we only care about people who are blood-bound or people who you have a romantic interest in.

In the sense, I pose two other interesting questions: to be human, are we bound to protect? Or subjugated to conquer? My answer is simple: "we are what we choose to be. We could be a conqueror or a protector; either way, it's our choice and not whatever foolish belief that you might have. There's no duty; it's just choice."

My belief is, to be human is to have free will, and with free will, there comes choice. In the end, humans are choice; we are what we want to be. Nothing is stopping us: religion, morals—they are all things created by humans, so the next time you do something, just know it's not fate or any of that bullshit; it's your choice.