The Title, Bitch XD
To be honest i was expecting something else…
I think i removed a curse from slytherin (or all houses) common room because while the first day did had some glares and everything else, nobody acted on it, the only stared and took a wait and see approach, like any intelligents slytherin would… to be honest it wouldn't also surprise me if someone cuesed the slytherin to act more reckless,stupid and cruel or something like that
There's no political power, no king or counsil not even prince of slytherin… at best is the most advanced 4 years and up start with forming "alliances" that basically are discount between each other when they take over of the family business
Everyone else just basically was bored out their minds… i mean really? The school has like 3 or 4 popular games and everything else is basically studying…
I then realized something that probably everyone forgets when choosing Hp world to go to as a wish
Hogwarts is a school, yes a magic school but still, im trapped in the same cycle again, Classes, homework, Research for homework so basically i was literally like in any other school…
To be honest it didn't took long for the Teachers to notice Me and Lily… i literally have hear them murmur them referring to us as "magical prodigies"
While lily was basically an expert at charms, I was Slughorn's favorite potions is my forte and I'm glad i didn't had to have snape as a teacher…
You remember all those pill alchemist talking about with the smell you can know how to recognize a pill?
Were I have that talent and more, that make me look like potions was a field i invented… no really.
Dragon or phoenix or maybe demon i don't know which one olfactory system is amazing, i can smell the changes of the potion as it's happening,
Then we have either elf or Alteran Magic/Energy Sensing (probably a combination of both) that let me fill how the magic of an ingredient is going to change the potion
Then obviously my analyze skill, that with one touch i can know almost every use of the ingredient, how which way of preparation will affect it, and more
I basically was a walking potion grimoire…
It didn't take more than three classes (and thank god Slughorn does explain the theory, and not follow the follow the recipe method) for me to start improving them myself, Slughorn was basically worshiping the ground i walk on
Sadly it appears that the DADA curse did a really good job before i destroyed it, because either Dumbledore is bad here (which i doubt because my Phoenix did not feel bad vibes from him, just a very strong naivety (so he could still be doing bad things but think he's doing good, but at least he hasn't straight out sinned) or there wasn't a competent choice, because she can't teach… she basically was a gossip that kept counting stories of her when she was a curse breaker, but nothing like you know practical, no spells, no wards, just vague advice
And that's how my plan started, basically I made a "study club" and invited pretty much everyone i could befriend with
i started to socialize, and Had a little small following in Slytherin already, i also added 3 Ravenclaws snd a Hufflepuff (i tried adding Gryffindors but apparently the house rivalry wasn't curse forced… I'll have to increase my reputation slowly and adding slowly more people in my study club
But that doesn't matter because there's is a slight problem… i think i made it too obvious that I'm not a full Human, why? Let me explain
Well i have telepathy thanks to my Alteran dna gives me… now normally it doesn't affect much, but i still can read minds of whoever i want, occlumency does work, but still is magic…
how to explain this better? Ok imagine that you know a fireball spell no matter how much you train you still need to cast the spell to make fire, first you use mana to cast and the mana transform in fire, but a pyrokinetic can just instantly create fire without middle step
Now yes Occlumency will hide your thoughts but it takes from various seconds to (master of Occlumency) half a second
And this works against a Magic of Mind Reading because it also needs the middle step of gathering the information via magic…
I can skip past that, and with alteran mind can instantly catch and analyze their thoughts before they hide them…
Here's were the thing start… girls are starting to think of me as "hot" as an 11 year old…
Now you probably thinking what's the problem? Right?
The problem is that everything else 11 year old is being thought as just "stupid kids" or "child" and well they themselves realize that thinking of an 11 year old as hot is weird
Now is being under wraps but eventually someone is gonna confess, then another and another…
And with veelas existing here, it won't be long till someone goes, "well what if he isn't human? If he also has some kind of charm"
(And to be honest i probably do thanks to mi Incubus Dna)
I think is not as bad as a veela because they are not drooling at me; but still i can feel gazes sometimes…
It probably is some kind of more charming passive i didn't realize i had I'll se what i can do…
I'll solve it somehow
I also discovered i love flying… i don't know if it's the Dragon or the Phoenix inside of me but flying is like "WoW, i was born for this"
After the first flying class i basically went to the Forest and started flying as a Phoenix, and a Dragon, and all i could think off, also Acromantulas are Tasty for Dragons, very crunchy though
To be honest Lily and Me kinda Cheat… like we have plenty of advantage as is, with our three techniques (and my Race) but we still pulled Strange's technique
While our body did rest, our mind doesn't need too, thanks to being connected to the universe energies, is weird that we actually need rest, only on rare cases like being ill or not having sleep in 6 months otherwise our mind can just recharge with atmospheric magic
So we basically just astral projected ourselves to continue reading while our bodies rest… we spend a lot of time in there, reading… and the best is, a lot of "dark" stuff hasn't been removed yet because the War hasn't even started so a lot of dark magic hasn't been banned yet, obviously the very bad ones are restricted but we're starting with basics
I think you can realize that we basically could totally end up reading the whole library by 5 or 6 year
Anyways i obviously was creating perfect books of every subject i get enough information on…
Sadly they are way too perfect, i mean you dropped this books in wrong hands and you can accidentally make a Unstoppable Dark Lord…
I had to downgrade them a bit, just enough to not have reality bending powers by just grinding the book, but it is enough to be able to be perfect on the basic that you can make your own research and not totally fail, because you can't comprehend your own results like "Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration"
I mean come on… not being able to make food out of nothing? You are just to weak to do it and be worth it, with enough powers you can do a food that lasts enough to be worth eating
Anyways with the start of my study club
I also needed luck to know who should i allowed to enter…
Thankfully luck was on my side, those divination books i saw? Totally bunkers i can know if someone is good for my plans… with a shuffle of cards i can ask a question and being responded easily, you know how i added the black sister to my club? A letter, a bet and a cup of tea…
Andromeda was the letter, my cards just kinda said i needed to be near the owlry so i wrote a letter to my family, and while walking Lily asked me a question about Magic
"Magic is very self-aware, you see if you and your mind think your magic as a physical energy, your body will get stronger and get better and more powerful, but with age you will realize that you are losing magical power, but if you think your magic is in your mind no matter how old you get unless your mind deteriorates you will be as powerful as your peak or even better, that's why Dumbledore hasn't been getting weaker"
Andromeda was hearing my answers while passing by and that's how i convinced her to join us, she simply got curious of what more she could learn
Bellatrix was easy a bet on who could out duel each other, at the right time and place, it was easy to beat her, and will join because "we will have dueling tournaments"
Narcissa just shared a cup of tea with me and then simply asked her if she wanted me to predict her fortune, which i did, and she came a couple of days later wanting to learn
Obviously i can't give them all my three techniques, so i downgrade them, to mot make them all powerful but still give various benefits Like:
Body Control (enough to make you immune to dangerous potions, you can basically expelled them by controlling your body)
Better Thinking capabilities (and well learning easier as a side effects)
Better Occlumency
Better connection to their own magic
Purifying Magic (won't make you more powerful or easier to control magic, but it will get rid of Impurities like dna damaged by inbreeding and stuff like that)
Now obviously i can't give them exercise to improve control and power of their magic because it's way to op for them to have, but with their new connection to feel their own magic they can develop their own inferior ones
Bellatrix is the most talented for now, because it won't be long till she using wandless magic easily