
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12 . Special Energy

As soon as that girl opened her eyes, she too was stunned.

She picked up the short knife she was carrying and climbed on top of Yao Yan and and about to stab him in the neck.

Suddenly something pricked her from below, she stood up in a panic, her face was red, she was blushing, "You, you, what was that, what are you doing, I will kill you" And started attacking him again,

Yao Yan held her hand and held her in his arms, suddenly the whole body of that girl became weak, there was no strength left in her body. as if she had unknowingly given herself to Yao Yan

Suddenly, a red thread automatically emerges from Yao Yan's Space Inventory, which wraps around both the girl's and Yao Yan's wrists.


2 Day's Ago...

Yao Yan turned and left and said while leaving , "How sad, such a beautiful girl who is like a goddess, she will have to die at the hands of this python, I wish she could be in my arms before I die, just kidding, hahaha " And saying this, he goes from there caressing his head.

" First of all, I have to find the blue core, but this core will be found only in that cave of Python, it seems that I will have to go to that cave, but how do i get into that cave " He was scratching his head in thought, then said loudly together

"Why not first I will wait for that Python to fight with that girl, later that Python will be weak then I will attack him . Anyway, what saint am I that I will not backstab anyone, Then I'll nip that python in the bud, hahah, I'm born with a brain, hahaha ." he laughs out loud as he mumbles

Suddenly there was silence all around, "Looks like that girl is lost, what a shame , a beautiful girl is gone from this world " Saying this, he started leaving from there, " let's first see a cave to sleep. "


It was evening time, the sun's rays were spreading golden rays in the sky. there was a stir all around

Yao Yan was sitting outside a cave, making a campfire, when he suddenly smelled blood nearby.

He stood up and started looking, then he saw a girl who was lying there bleeding unconscious.

she was the same girl who was fighting with that python, at first yao yan started to leave but in the end he brought that girl to the cave

After applying some medicine to that girl, Yao Yan also sat near that girl and started admiring the beauty of that girl.

After some time suddenly that girl opened her eyes, and looked here and there, As soon as the girl saw Yao Yan, she stood up in a huff and was about to take out her dagger and thrust it into Yao Yan's heart, when suddenly she stopped.

She realized that her virginity was still protected, and around her were some of the blood-stained clothes she was wearing earlier.

Pointing the dagger at Yao Yan, the girl asked, "Who are you, and what have you done to me?"

" I , your savior, in whom you were saved just a short time ago and also treated you . But maybe in your traditions, the savior would be behaving like this, with a knife on his neck . " Yao Yan started taunting her

On hearing this, the girl started feeling guilty and she immediately put down her knife and started apologizing.

" Why the way , where are we ? " she asked

" I don't know where it is, I just know that I found this cave, but this cave was very big, and it looked very strange, so I did not go inside much. And was waiting for you to come to your senses," Yao Yan said while scratching his head

When that girl also looked carefully in this cave, she also felt that there was something wrong in that cave.

"What's your name by the way?" Yao Yan asked the girl.

" my name ... , Yun Yun " That girl stopped for a while and said

" Yun Yun , What a beutiful name ." yao yan began to appreciate the name

"And what's your name?" Yun Yun asked.

" An Yan , My Name is An Yan " Yao Yan also hesitated and said the name.

" By the way what were you doing in this forbidden Beast Mountain , These mountains are so dangerous, and you are only a Qi practitioner, I don't understand how you have survived till now." Yun Yun asked curiously.

After thinking for a while, Yao Yan said "luck, you can say it's luck, and that's why I met you".

Yao Yan was talking to Yun Yun when suddenly a strange energy entered his entire body. The energy was just a grain of sand, but it was still so powerful that it found it difficult to tolerate Yao Yan in his body.

Like if he removed his focus from there then his body would explode due to that energy

When Yun Yun saw those restless expressions of Yao Yan, she looked through her ' Martial Eyes ' martial arts skills, but she only felt that there was something there, but did not know it.

Then she again started a strange martial art that was much more profound than the previous martial eyes,

As Yun Yun began her second martial arts, a strange and beautiful, golden energy began to enter her eyes from all around her, and her pupils became like a starry sky.

Then as she looked at Yao Yan she was taken aback,