
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter .13 Unknown Existence

Then as she looked at Yao Yan she was taken aback,

There was two huge shadows of eyes behind Yao Yan's back, as if the shadow of eyes was alive itself, there was some kind of weapon in middle of eyebrows of a huge and mysterious shadows.

That eyes shadow was so dominant that Yun Yun fainted immediately, she could not bear the pressure of that shadow.

Seeing Yun Yun unconscious, Yao Yan was also scared, and he kept sitting there with Yun Yun in his lap, after about half a day, Yun Yun regained consciousness,

Upon regaining consciousness, Yun Yun was startled and trembling with fear, holding Yao Yan's hand with her trembling hands and said, "That shadow, it is impossible, it is impossible for that kind of supreme being to exist in this world."

She was trembling badly with fear. Yao Yan was also scared to see Yun Yun's condition, he also started thinking that who is such a person who caused a Qi Supreme Level powerhouse to faint.

Yao Yan took out the Elixir of Mental Relief from his system inventory and gave it to Yun Yun, after which Yun Yun calmed down a bit.

Then Yao Yan gently took Yun Yun's hand and gently caressed her and asked her what she had seen.

After trying for a long time, he came to know that the shadow belonged to a very dominating and unknown origin whom Yun Yun had never seen and whose eyes she had forgotten as soon as she fainted. And she only little thing remember that the pupils of those eyes in red color in which it seemed as if the origin of the whole universe was visible in them.

But he also came to know one thing that Yun Yun did not remember clear vision of that person but she remembered one thing clearly that ,that eyes had a trident in their eyebrows .

And that trident was emitting a strange and very powerful aura, as if that person with that trident could destroy the whole universe with that trident and recreate it.

The light that was emanating from the Trident was so powerful that it alone could destroy all the universes in a moment, so how much power would the person holding the Trident have? .

And the most terrible thing is that it was just a shadow, there was no real person, otherwise this world could not handle that being here and holocaust would have come all around.

Yao Yan's soul also trembled after listening to Yun Yun's words, there are such existences in this universe that can destroy the whole universe and can also make it.

Immediately Yao Yan asked the system in his mind whether she knew about that existence.

A clear answer came from the system..

< [ That existence is beyond the formation and ending of this whole universe, I can only tell you this much, you will not be able to endure more knowledge than this , and will die instantly . I don't even know much about this existence, just remember that it is beyond our thinking. ] >

Yao Yan was blown away after hearing these words of the System, " where I myself am a Supreme Existence, I myself am the God of my whole Inner universe, yet I am not able to know about that Existence, So how powerful that existence would be, it would be beyond our imagination. "

<[ Yes, that Existence alone can destroy everything, so it is not possible for him to be here because if he is here, the balance of the Universe will get disturbed, ]> System told Yao Yan

Yao Yan started thinking after listening to the system, " I wish she had woken up, so maybe I could ask her the answers to these questions, but she is still sleeping. "

After some time, Yao Yan said to Yun Yun, "This cave is very big inside, it looks like something mysterious, who knows if we can find some treasure, why should we go and see?"

Yun Yun was scared to hear his words at first because till now the fear of that shadow had disappeared from her mind and heart, but she was afraid of being alone so she followed Yao Yan inside the cave.

The cave was very mysterious and magnificent from inside, inside it was a clear and very blue colored pond, in which some colorful fish were swimming.

In the same pond there was a small island in which a strange but beautiful piece of metal was hanging in the air. That piece was emitting a very wonderful and very pure and powerful strange energy from inside itself,

As soon as Yun Yun felt that energy, her hands and legs started trembling. She sat down because of the rate, she didn't even have the courage to stand up.

Seeing this condition, Yao Yan immediately held Yun Yun in his arms and gently asked, "What happened?"

"This, this is the same energy that was emanating from that shadow, the same strange energy," Yun Yun said trembling in fear.

" what , are you sure " Yao Yan was also confuse .

But seeing Yun Yun's condition, he believed her, he knew why she would lie to him when her condition was like this.

Yao Yan then stood there consoling Yun Yun for a while and first looked at the strange metal piece raised in the air , who was emitting a strange energy , and then looked around as if searching for something.

Yun Yun was also surprised to see this behavior of his , then suddenly Yao Yan turned towards Yun Yun and looked at her and a strange devil smile appeared on his face.

Yun Yun suddenly got goosebumps all over at the sight of Yao Yan's devil smile