
Oops!! I Married a Billionaire

Valerie North, a young and captivating woman, holds a deep disdain for love. She firmly believes that it weakens women and that marriage diminishes their self-worth. Resolute in her vow to never fall in love or marry, Valerie's convictions are unexpectedly challenged when she finds herself accidentally married to a charismatic billionaire, a man who embodies every woman's fantasy. However, for Valerie, the allure of her new husband means little. As she navigates the complexities of their unconventional union, Valerie remains steadfast in her indifference toward him. But, Will Valerie's staunch beliefs be shattered, or will she remain resolute in her quest to defy the whims of the universe?

Whistle_Bird · Urban
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10 Chs

pursuit of the culprit.

"I need you in my office now!" Nick's voice crackled with anger before he abruptly ended the call. Fuming, he paced back and forth in his office, his thoughts consumed by the audacity of the woman who had thrown water on him.

"I can't believe that a girl in this city would have the guts to throw water on me, Nick Norman. I will make sure that..." Nick's threat hung in the air, unfinished, as a knock on his office door interrupted him.

"Come in," Nick barked, his frustration still evident in his tone. The door swung open, and Steve, one of his employees, entered cautiously.

"Sir, you sent for me," Steve stated, his voice filled with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

Nick wasted no time in explaining his urgent demand. "I need you to find someone for me. Go to that restaurant where I always have my lunch and ask for their CCTV footage. I need every detail of the girl that threw water on me. Listen, Steve, if I don't see her details on my desk tomorrow morning, then don't bother coming to work. Am I understood?" Nick's gaze bore into Steve, leaving no room for hesitation.

"Yes, sir," Steve replied, his voice quivering with fear under Nick's intense scrutiny.

"Now leave my office," Nick commanded, pointing firmly at the door. Steve hastily made his exit, leaving Nick alone with his determination to uncover the identity of the woman who had dared to challenge him.


Valerie's plea hung in the air as she tried to persuade Ashley to spend the night. Her voice was filled with a mix of longing and genuine concern for her best friend's well-being.

"Can't you sleep over? I don't want you to leave," Valerie implored, her eyes searching Ashley's for a sign of agreement.

Ashley's expression softened as she gently declined, her tone affectionate but firm. "Sorry to disappoint you, baby girl, but I have a date with this new guy, and I don't intend to cancel our dinner date," she explained.

Valerie's reaction was immediate, her surprise evident in her raised voice. "You're going on a date with a man?!" she exclaimed, her disbelief palpable.

Ashley met Valerie's incredulous gaze with understanding. "Valerie, I get the fact that you have your reservations about men, but I love them. I want to experience love and be loved in return. Please, I would appreciate it if you respect my decision," Ashley calmly requested, her desire for understanding evident in her eyes.

Valerie took a deep breath, her initial reaction subsiding. "I'm sorry I freaked out," she admitted with a warm smile, appreciating Ashley's honesty and her own overreaction.

Ashley hugged Valerie, her affectionate embrace a testament to their unbreakable friendship. "Don't worry, Val. I know you care about me. I promise not to come crying to you, if he breaks my heart," she teased, her playful tone lightening the mood.

Valerie's expression shifted into a mock frown as she issued a lighthearted warning. "Young lady, you're pushing your luck."

As Ashley prepared to leave for her date, Valerie couldn't help but tease her. "Don't worry; I won't say 'I told you so' if things get complicated," she joked, the playful tone lightening the mood.

Ashley chuckled, her laughter filling the room. She picked up her bag, ready to embark on her date. "Thanks, Val. Your support means a lot to me," she expressed, her eyes reflecting her gratitude.

Valerie waved Ashley off, her heart filled with happiness for her friend's pursuit of love. She knew that, despite their differences and choices, their friendship would always be a source of support and understanding. As Ashley headed toward the door, they exchanged warm goodbyes.

After Ashley left, Valerie locked her apartment door and surveyed the room. It had been a while since she'd given her living space any real attention, and the state of it suddenly bothered her.

"I think I should clean," she mumbled to herself, the prospect of tidying up her apartment suddenly appealing. She started by clearing the dining table, removing the remnants of their lunch and taking the dishes to the kitchen.

With determination, she donned her cleaning apron, ready to tackle the mess that awaited her. However, when she entered her bedroom, her enthusiasm waned. The floor was strewn with dirty clothes, undies, and shoes, presenting a daunting cleaning task.

Valerie sighed audibly, contemplating the effort required. "I don't think I have the strength to clean right now," she admitted to herself, removing her apron and carelessly tossing it aside.

In a shift of mood, Valerie decided to opt for relaxation rather than chores. "I think I should watch a movie," she mused aloud, the idea of a film providing a welcome distraction from the cluttered room.

She made her way to the kitchen, fetching a bottle of soda and a bag of chips before returning to the living room. Valerie was never a fan of romantic movies; she preferred the thrill of horror. With her remote control in hand, she tuned in to one of her favorites, "Annabel."

As the eerie atmosphere of the horror movie enveloped her, Valerie reclined on her couch, ready to be transported into a world far removed from her own. The apartment's messy state could wait for another day; for now, she sought solace in the chilling narratives of the silver screen.


Back at Nick's office, his frustration still loomed heavily in his mind, making concentration impossible. He impulsively reached for his phone and dialed Karen's number. After a few rings, she answered, her voice dripping with teasing allure.

"It seems like someone wants some sugar tonight," Karen playfully remarked, well aware of the effect her words had on Nick.

A sly smile played on Nick's lips as he responded in kind, his voice low and seductive. "How about you come and give me some sugar?"

Karen's response was laced with affection and a hint of anticipation. "Anything for my baby."

Determined to shake off the earlier incident, Nick swiftly made his intentions clear. "Okay, then get ready. I'm coming to pick you up. It's going to be a wild night," he declared before ending the call.

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