
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Beginning of The Tragedy


[Slight Adjustment has been made everyone will now be 'randomly' transported]


Ryu opened his eyes as he gasped for air it felt like he couldn't breath , his heart was thumping hard , he stood up to observe.


He was dumbfounded , what he saw was a gruesome scene ,he had teleported to near downtown Seoul , The Buildings were on fire the sky had turned dark from smoke , Ryu's breathing became hastened , watching a landmass filled of blood like a burst of a dam.


The scattered limbs and organs across the place along with pungent smell of blood and putrid smell seemed to be fresh, Although Ryu had been through battles with monsters and killed a few but that was until just a few days ago that he changed his emotions had not hardened that much seeing Human Corpses laying on the ground was overwhelming even for him.

His stomach churned violently and unable take it anymore he threw up.


Puking out, He clenched his fists hard and said.

"No...i mustn't falter , i must stay strong"

Soon he recalled the new stat 'insight' he had unlocked composed of mind and soul , soon he had a slight smile on his face.

'1 stat into insight'

[Insight has increased to 1]

He stood up and took a deep breath.

"This should keep me going for now and prevent my mind from wandering of from the smell and blood"

As soon as he got his act together he looked around, he wasn't the only one that had been transported here , along with him several others came but unfortunately they would be of no help because unlike Ryu they had not recovered from their trauma.


"No!, this can't be!"


Some were vomiting , while some were denying reality and screaming.

"Someone Save me!"

"I want to go home!"

"This is a dream right!?"

While the others were pleading for help and wanting to go home, while some were finding there loved ones and screaming their lungs out at each other



'This is a mess...wait'

As he was observing the situation a thought had come up in his mind.

'If the blood here was of people then who killed them?

As he was thinking of that a thought crossed his mind.


"Shit! with this much loud noises they'll attract the monsters!"

'I must leave this place'

As soon as Ryu was about to leave a black mist appeared in front of him, he reflexively put his hand on the sword ready to take it out any moment, it was a result of learning not to underestimate anything because he had almost died several times underestimating his opponent.


'it's appeared again'

He showed anger towards the creature because it was a being that showed no mercy to humans as it had killed them at the slightest irritation.

(Listen Up!)

Soon the crowd silenced themselves and faced themselves towards the Dokkaebi as it had said to.

( Time limit for the scenario will be the same for everyone , during the tutorial all monsters will be neutral unless...you disturb them first )

Hearing that some of the peoples faces lit up knowing that the monsters wouldn't attack them.

(But that doesn't change the fact that you people will die if you don't complete your task on time! )

Everyone looked terrified no matter how many times they heard it.

( Now then here are some important things i'm going state, 1. Constellations are existences that are similar to what you people call 'God' )

(2.You can have a Constellation as a 'Sponsor' and become an 'Apostle' thus giving the said apostle benefits which make that person stronger from the rest the benefits vary according to the Sponsor Constellation and of course it's mood )

The people started looking at the creature in confusion , knowing that all this was real some people that had already understood what kind of situation they were in gave a slight grin thinking that this might be key to their survival.

(3. The constellation's are watching you even right now, they can gift 'Coin' to the person they like in order to show their favor , the coins can be used to purchase in the 'Shop' and increase you 'Stat' , you can see your stats and abilities in the status window as mentioned below)

After hearing the creatures words everyone opened their status window , they had a terrified expression after seeing it they seemed to have confirmed something some people wanted to shout but their voices didn't want to come out as if something was stuck in their throats.

(4. This all is being streamed through different 'Dokkaebi Channels' from which the constellations watch , you people are just toys meant for a entertaining show for the constellations if you think this is wrong then survive the scenario's)

The Dokkaebi said with a cruel ,sinister and wide smile , looking at it sent a shiver down my spine.


Ryu and the Dokkaebi's eyes met but soon the creature turned its gaze away because Ryu seemed like an insect towards it.

(Since you people are so weak why not do this in teams?)

Everyone looked at the Dokkaebi with a Dumbfounded Expression, soon blue windows started appearing in front of everyone including Ryu

[Teams will now be made , once a member of the team has succeeded in the mission all the Team members will win, The party will be made up of 2 people]


Soon the window displayed two names together , people started to teleport close to their partners though it seemed like 70% of the men were being paired with women while the rest 30% were being pared with men, maybe it was because there were more men here then women that they were paired together but it certainly seemed like it was intentional.

'Huh?...what are they getting at are they making partners?'

Soon Ryu hit his head himself.

'No!, i must stay focused i can't let thoughts like these run wild....although it would have been nice to have a partner'

He looked like a disgusting pervert saying that, although they were true words of a 20 year old single dude who hadn't talked with more than two women his life.


(Now then bye bye~ hahah!) It gave a sinister laugh and After saying that the creature covered itself in black mist and disappeared.

'Hmm, so we can kill monsters ... if its any creature that i can just kill a Goblin right?..... though it is a problem that i would have to limit my actions as to not seem suspicious that my stats did not get reset, to my assigned teammate'

He looked at the crowd.

'Its better than killing people at least .... it's their fault if they end up dying here.

Soon a message appeared in front of Ryu.

[Kim Ryu & Ari will be assigned as teammates]

'Great it had to be a women.....it would have been easier if it was a guy since they might help... because most of the Girls here are just screaming their lungs out and panicking after the Dokkaebi was gone'

It was right, although Ryu did not think that women were inferior , it was just that they were freaking out too much.

He was soon teleported somewhere near the place he was.


He looked around to meet his teammate, he soon saw a slender figure with black hair and black eyes , seeing her appearance she would be considered exceptionally beautiful and men would kneel probably though the case was different for Ryu.

'Those clothes she seems to be a high school girl'

The Girl started right back at him.

'Although she seems to be calm about this... i can't say something myself'

He could not find it suspicious because he himself was staying calm although it was because of the system, as soon as he tried to think the reason to the strange calmness of the girl , she seemed to be making a disgusted expression.

'I had to be this perverts team mate!?'

Her thinking that wasn't too odd because Ryu was staring at her non-stop and Thinking that Ryu glanced back at the panicking crowd, as he heard a loud shout.

He quickly started scanning the area'

As he was Glancing it the crowd he heard another shout.

"Hey stop!"

Something was starting in the place where the man was shouting his lungs out, there was a sound of groaning.

A young man was crouching in front of the elderly woman.

"Shit!, listen up granny! i am already in a bad mood , and you keep whining and groaning ! can't you just shut up!?"

The young man was a male who had been leaning against the pole in the area since there were in the middle of downtown there weren't any places that they could go to since the downtown was a mess because of the high population and more monsters could be around that were impossible to handle because of that.

The young man was a thin and had dyed golden hair , his name was written on the badge which seemed to be an employee uniform -Park Chang-hee.

"Didn't i tell you to shut up!?" The agitated Park Chang-hee grabbed the old women's collar. The Old lady's powerless legs staggered, and Park Chang-hee's palm moved through the air, a loud sound was heard in the place like a ringing bell.

Slap! Slap!

In normal times someone would have stepped up until now to stop this and would have run to do it, but now nobody was moving an inch. it wasn't long before the slaps changed to punches.

"Please! S-save me, Sav-"


The old lady was punched to the ground.

Ryu could hear the sound of a hard fist hitting flesh, Some of the men around Park Chang-hee hesitated , but no one stepped up to go forward, Surprisingly the first person to act came up.

"Young man, for you to be treating an elder like this...."

However he soon got a reply "Hey! do you want to die?"


"Do you not get the situation we are in yet?"

"What bullshit are you spouting?"

Park Chang-hee pointed upwards.

"Can't you see that?"

In the air a holographic screen was playing.

[Save me]

[Spare me!]


It wasn't just this single area , this was a live video of people dying all over the country , Park chang-hee continued speaking "You still don't understand? The army and the rescue or the police none of them are coming to rescue us! it is just like the Dokkaebi said we have to kill a living creature at least one to survive!"

People seemed to have accepted the fact that the creature was a Dokkaebi.

"We have to kill to survive!"

"What are you saying..?"

"We have to choose a person to die!"

It was a gruesome thing for the people who were accustomed to a peaceful life to hear, you would have to kill you fellow country men to survive , it is something only sons of bitches will do. But , you know in a situation in which we will die if we don't kill, who will balme us? . Are you going to die just because of you stupid morals? , those were the things the man was thinking, but he still tried to deny that.


"Think carefully. The world you have known so far has ended , there are no more Hunters, the Hunter association is gone even the Defense force is, everyone is fighting with their lives at stake"

The mans shoulders started to tremble. It wasn't only that person , cracks were showing in the eyes of other people who were present. it was a scene where the vague sense of morality was collapsing. Park Chang-hee just helped in collapsing it quickly.

"A new world requires new laws"