
Only I Level Up in This God Forsaken World

In this world where hunters with various magic powers battle monsters that invade through other dimensions known as "Gates". Then one day, 10 years after the "The Great Disaster" a "Tower" appears out of thin air and after 3 months of its appearance a menacing timer appears on top of it like a doomsday clock, as the time to its countdown nears. Follow the story of Kim Ryu an orphan graduate high schooler and an aspiring Hunter who wants to take revenge on the monsters that nearly took his life years ago, he appears to be carefree and easygoing but is full of despair from inside because of his savings that he saved from working overtime which he all used in the Hunter test he failed. Then one day when going home from work in an incidenexperience's. 1 Chapter as big as 2 chapter's will be released every 2 days Over Several thousand years ago a strange phenomenon that turned most of mankind into dust except a selected few for reasons that are unknown later came to be known as the Cataclysm. 5000 years After civilization fell, the remaining population from being savage hunters to building walled cities had managed to survive over the last few decades, in the year 902 of the new era calendar humanity is trying its best to advance from the Stone Age back to the modern age until small but strange black portals started appearing out of nowhere. Eric Yeager a high schooler and an aspiring scientist had lived his life peacefully until the Cataclysm giving him endless slumber. One Day After hearing a strange voice he woke up from endless darkness only to find himself surrounded by a world totally different from the one he was used to live in. Dumbstruck by the new reality in front, he resolves to find out who turned humanity into dust and why? and to use science to help rebuild the world until one day he comes across a strange black portal that brutally changed his life forever. [Welcome Player Eric]

Az_Tempest · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

The Beginning of the Tragedy (2)

[Note: The series is starting again ,Sorry for not giving a leave notice I was busy with My work so I could not update Publishing will continue this weekend , i do buissness so going on work sometimes require to leave things but it is only rarely like once or twice a year only and its only a week or two but i also got sick so couldn't do this so i apologize and enjoy the story i am still new in novel writing so pls list mistakes if you find them i will try my best in the future and now to fix them]

Park Chang-hee was the young man who adopted to the new world the fastest except Kim Ryu who knew that this was going to happen from the beginning, Park Chang-Hee turned around and started punching the old lady again.

'I should not interfere i am not ... i am not that strong to face all of them if they were to turn on me when i try to stop them' Kim Ryu said with a sad and disgusted expression.

He wanted to look away but he didn't.

'I must see this to the end... even though i wan't to help it is my incompetence that i can't'

He clenched his fist so hard that blood started dripping. It seemed that the girl Ari also had her gaze fixed there with a terrified expression thinking that she might be soon in the position of the old lady, she was just a High schooler it was normal for her to be afraid instead of thinking of a way to save the old women because not everyone was composed as Ryu and did not have the luxury to increase their insight like he did.

This time no on came up to stop Chang-hee , the man who had stopped him also stared into the air maybe he had also made a decision.

The man kept kicking and punching the old lady without paying attention to his surrounding but soon looked up towards the crowd and opened his mouth.


"...it is hard to kill... Are you people just going to watch ? Do you want to fall behind?"

People trembled at the Young man's words . there faces were easy to read as the sentences in a cheap novel.

The people started to think in their minds.

' If there is no killing in five minutes we might die!'

The emotions in the eyes of the people were changing.

'If the old lady doesn't die , we will die in five minutes'

They now had the most primitive emotion a living being would have.

"Yes... this person is right if we don't do it now we will all die!"

The first man rushed towards the old lady and started kicking her who was curled up in a corner.

"Ah, fuck..."

The second and the third person , the people standing at an aloof distance away from the old lady , the cowardly men who had been lingering , the university student filming this with their phone , the mother of the child , everyone near. They all lynched the grandmother aiming for her death.

"Die quickly!"

"Fuck lets do this we can't use our previous powers as well"

"Huh what?"

"Don't you know you see the number in the status window right? all powers are gone"


"N-no way"

"S-so its true, what the Dokkaebi said was true!"

A uproar started , having lost their strength people soon decided to take the life of the weak and old lady to live since their powers were gone they could not take on stronger opponents they were back to the stage before they awakened.

"Kill her"

They were like a group cooperating for a death penalty , like Hunters pulling the liver at the same time so they couldn't tell who killed the prey , these people passively kicked and punched the old lady.

Meanwhile Ryu who had been standing by, watching all this like something happening in another world , The old lady whose name he didn't know was someone who wasn't meant to live.

Soon Ari started walking towards that direction with a gaze filled with anger , it did not seem like she was going to join in on the kill rather it seemed like she was going to stop it and Ryu found that out quickly.


Ryu grabbed her hand , her faced Ryu with an even more disgusted expression with her face slightly red she lifted her arm and tried to slap Ryu instantly.


But the attempt was stopped since Ryu's stats didn't reset he was way better than an average human and could stop it easily as lifting his own hand.

"You! pervert! Let go!.."

Ryu looked at her with a Dump founded expression.

'Does she think i am trying to take advantage of her?...No more than that'

"Calm down! , if you go there you will no die without doubt"

She wasn't the protagonist of this story and even though the genre of my life had changed even i was not the protagonist standing here helplessly like this without being able to change the situation.

'At least i can save her from dying in vain'


"Do as i say , just this once , i wont bother you after this..."

'Pls just sit still'

He was still holding her hands realizing that he let her hand go, she was staring at him intently , and He soon once again said the same thing but with a threatening tone.

"Don't you dare move a single step from here!"

Ari flinched at the man's threatening voice and soon nodded, whether it was out of fear or something else there was no way to know that as her expression was very difficult to read .

After forcibly making her stop , he took a deep breath and turned around, he straightened his back as he exhaled , slowing loosening his ankles and wrists , it was a little early for him to draw attention to himself, this wasn't originally Ryu's plan but.

As he looked at the people , the ones who were intent on assaulting and killing the old lady , he didn't consent with their inhumanity , soon he turned around to the opposite direction.

'The Dokkaebi said the monster were stopped for now until we provoke them first'

He stood in a sprint position.

"The mission was to kill a living creature , thus even if there is a small chance , if the monsters can be count as a kill , then i have to take that chance!"


He dashed at full speed to the other direction.

"Hey where are you goin-"

Ari soon stopped to calling out since he was already far away ad she didn't want to draw attention here.

'I must hurry i don't have time left'

As he was rushing on the road of the downtown he soon saw a road leading left and right and straight ahead.

'increase agility'

[Agility has increased to 2]

He soon felt his muscle twitch and it seemed like he had gotten faster, although he did not feel pain like last time but a weird sensation in his body which didn't feel that good.


As he was getting near to the turns he saw black mist beside him he stopped in a hurry with his eyes wide open.

(You seem weird human~, although it would have been easier to kill a human and live but you seem to be running around here don't you want to live?)

"Haha.." Ryu gave an awkward laugh as sweat came down from his forehead.

'What does it want?'

As Ryu standing in a alert stance was thinking the Dokkaebi opened its mouth with a grin.

(Don't worry i'm not going to kill you)


(Rather i want to know what you want to do?.... because you are content for my stream)

'Stream! thats it'

A thought crossed Ryu's mind as he had a slight grin.

'If i am content than he can't harm me can he.... it is a vague guess but the viewers seem to be the so called constellations that are akin to Gods.... it had mentioned that the constellations were seeing us, and looking at this situation it seem like the constellations are curious of my actions'


Sweat trickled down his fore head.

'Should i tell him the reason?....No!'

Ryu soon rejected the idea of letting him know.

'This guy changed the location we were sent back to as the system message said, letting him know my attentions might make my chances of accomplishing my objective harder!'

"I don't want to..."

There was a brief silence ,but soon it broke as the Dokkaebi opened its mouth.

(What?...) It said with an irritated and angered expression.

"I said i don't want to"

(Huh! cheeky human ,aren't you afraid that i might kill you!?) it grew even more irritated

"You can try, but i don't think the constellations might be pleased with your actions.."

(Huh!?, do you think the constellations would take an interest in you!?)

It soon became enraged as its eyes went bloodshot red with anger it.

'Should i have not have provoked it?..."

Ryu soon regretted his actions and was soon about to say another thing to convince him to let him live as he knew that he would not be able to fight this Dokkaebi yet but then.

[A certain Constellation opens its mouth]

[ A certain-]

[A certain-]

System messages appeared.


[Constellation 'Judge of Evil' tells you to stop]

( Ah! i will i didn't mean him any harm i was just kidding around)

'So these are those damned constellations that started all of this..'

Ryu had a disgusted expression on his face and hatred welled up in his heart

'Look at that .... he's licking their boots, especially the 'Judge of Evil' my plan worked!'



The Dokkaebi followed Ryu as he dashed.

"Huh why are you following"

(I mean no harm i am here to stream my channel pathetic human so thats why i am here)

The dokkaebi said with an angered expression

'Hmm... but if i want to hunt the the goblins near then would he scare them off since even though this creature seems friendly it is really dangerous, monster have better senses than humans so they might...'

(Do not worry human i will not interfere with what you do , since the the living creatures around me cannot see me)

"Huh!? , Did you just read my mind!?"

(No! , it was all over your face....)

They talked as the reached the Turns Ryu stopped to look left and forward but nothing was found but when he looked left he saw two goblins who didn't know he was here.

He had a wide grin.



He rushed towards the Goblin with full speed.


Since his dash had reached high in exp gained even though it did not level up it became stronger just like his stats.


The Goblin looked behind but it was too late for it.




Blood came out of its neck that was splurt!, but Ryu did not take a rest their because the second goblin rushed at him and striked from the right Ryu quickly dodged it but his speed was that of a Goblin so the balde grazed his face causing a small cut he killed the previous one with a surprise attack but he could not do that with the other one.


Dodging the strike of the goblin He Dashed to its back, Ryu Grabbed the hand of the Goblin that held the sword from behind an thrusted hsi sword into the Goblins right knee.

Kiiiieek! it gave a loud cry in pain

It tried to break free from Ryu, seeing that he could no longer keep it still and give another strike he left his sword stuck in its knee and dashed backwards.

It tried to stand up , but a entire sword was stuck in its leg and it couldn't with the pain it left down its guard and dropped its sword, Ryu Seeing that quickly rushed towards it.

He took out his dagger and stabbed its head


[You have killed 2 Goblins]

After he killed the goblins he took a sigh and absorbed the corpses.

'No!...The dokkaebi is still here!'

His hand suddenly stopped which was pointing towards the Goblin corpse .He looked back in a hurry with a terrified expression and there was the dokkaebi looking at him with its stunned expression.


The creature opened it's mouth slightly with a frown and narrowed it's brows


Ryu swallowed his saliva , he was sweating bullets.

'This is bad!..'

The surrounding air started to become cold as the place grew silent enough that the sound of the wind blowing and the rustling of trees that still remained intact to the ground was heard

'Shit...what do i do?'

A thought crossed Ryu's mind in that moment, he lifted his head up and the corner of mouth lifted up slightly 

'that thing is surely suspicious of me but, if...it wanted to kill me it would have done so long ago, i still have a chance!'

His thought was true , even though the creature was suspicious of him and giving off a terrifying aura and expression, but contrary to that the dokkaebi had no killing intent towards Ryu , it meant that the creature was genuinely curious of Ryu's strength, knowing that everyone should have become a normal human at this point the dokkaebi was wondering how this human killed those two goblins like that.

Soon Ryu parted his lips it seemed like he had made up his mind about something

"What is it-"

He asked the dokkaebi what it wanted but was interrupted

(Check 'Status Window' 'Kim Ryu')

The Dokkaebi spoke a command to the system in a dignified manner , unlikely to it's previous tyrannical behavior that killed a person that caused the slightest irritation to it

Ryu's eyes widened as he heard that and felt a chill running down his spine which gave him shivers as his hands trembled along with the sword in his hand

'Damn it!...'

Soon the Dokkaebi looked down at Ryu with a cold expression , there was no way to tell what the creature was thinking with that expression on its face.

Ryu soon clenched his hands

'This is just the beginning but it seems like i have already walked into the lions mouth...this is dangerous'

[ AUTHOR NOTE: Again sorry for discontinuing in between, 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Notice of reboot* We might plan to reboot this series to better explain character feelings , to better describe their appearances, to make the skillset and status window breif, and make mc not rely on system even more (He already does not) and i even forgot his skill set and i was thinking of simplifying it more, and have him rely on his work more than the system though i already planned to do that later ,i was thinking of having the reboot approach a less outer world world interaction to take place at first like constellations etc.. like having begun with the real world and its affairs and then go to the outerworld and chaos stuff. votes to do or not to do reboot can be dm to 'aztempest' in discord app

(The Illustrations are already out though we don't have a community to share it to but feel free to dm 'aztempest' in discord it is my discord id dm if you can make a discord server for it like with other novels or suggestion to put it in a already existing website's discord server or if you can make one)  Release rate is 1 Chapter per week the chapter is as big as 2 chapters compared to other novels it is 2k

*Only I Level up in this God Forsaken World* is now back!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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