
Only I ***** In marvel

There was my Idea, can't shake this off so put it into writing, Leave a comment and review if you can, cheers. DISCLAIMER : I DON'T OWN ANYTHING ONLY MY OC's, ENGLISH is my 2nd language, for the image contact me if you're the original owner and want to take it down.

Purple_SKY · Movies
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7 Chs

[03] HANDS

Waking up the next day after being dead does not go well with my mood, being a seventeen years old kid in puberty made me more mad, well supposed this is karma for robbing that armoured car or truck while I wanted to scream 'damn you being x' at the get well soon gifts mainly the teddy bear from Mrs. Johnson, one thing made me feel better the floating words 'Installing systems' a system surely can help me get strong, fast enough so I can protect myself from the hole due in two years next problem is my medical tab, after asking around to the doctors and nurses that passes through I knew the gods were real and found out that none other than Tony Stark is shouldering the bill, okay "room service!".

Visited by the famous black widow does well for my hormonal ass cause yes she's fucking hot and yes I'm not legal well age is only an number right?, Jokes aside I did want to sue stark for endangering a minor but a super spy professional killer is in front of me asking me to sign an NDA what was I supposed to do? decline it, the three hundred thousand, I mean the danger and prolonged legal battle will be hard for my mental health said the beautiful redhead also with none other problems of acquiring heat from S.H.I.E.L.D she didn't said the last one still I hate problems that may arise, which to say I'm happy to stay in my lane.

Four hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars give or take in old trusty black big bag with the slice of surprise acquiring a system to help me, God I hope it will help, buying large amount of stocks were not a pipe dream after observing the news on the expo, Stark's Industries stocks has fallen as low 75 dollars on the dot per stocks, quickly four thousand shares in Stark's Industries now on my name just counting the date when Tony stark given a medal by the government, I searched for a familiar name inside a phone book it took a while the name 'Nelson and Murdock' with an address, now that the shares bought problems may arise hiring a trustworthy lawyer will be needed, I would be lying if my face doesn't looked like Joker right now.

Nelson and Murdock a place I never knew existed until one beautiful phone book recommended by Mr. Vince because there was no information on the net, not even a landing page but hey meeting the blind vigilante of hell's kitchen Matt Murdock the one and only Daredevil sure is in my bucket list scratch that improving bucket list, coming inside the place gave me jitters an old building resides on hell's kitchen downstairs is a Chinese restaurant the firm located on second floor, Foggy Nelson, Matt Murdock and Karen Page are all here my first impression needs to be good so shaking everyone's hand and introducing myself, we took a seat to start discussing why I came here "Mr. Crown", "Please Mr.Crown was my father, call me Rex Mr. Nelson", "of course Rex, from your documents and our previous chat on the phone, I believe you don't have anything to worry about", "Yes while my papers is solid, it doesn't harm to take precautions because of my age", Matt Murdock is perplexed this Young man he felt has a dark sense of humour first he tried to shake his hand, foggy have told the young man that I'm blind but still did it lastly the joke about his father as in the file Rex's parents died of a car crash when he was a year old, nonetheless he's a client "and do you expect trouble Mr. Crown?", "Again I hope nothing come of it Mr. Murdock", This Kid seems calm still I'll patrol near his neighborhood tonight, "Rex as promised the contract for us to be your legal representation I needed", "thank you Mr. Nelson, as I have prior engagement let's hope your services are not needed".

After the young man leaves my partner Foggy asked me "what do you think of the Kid matt?", Remembering his jokes, action, and the way he carries himself I answered "My honest opinion is I felt he's trained", "what do you mean matt?", "The way he talks is like an adult while being orphan at a young age will do that to you, I believe he's had military training with the way he sat, moved, and heartbeat", "do you think he's going to get in trouble?", "I hope not Foggy".

Finding a suitable laptop was hard my knowledge of great and amazing devices were only from 2018 above, asking a geeks in my school proves to bear fruit after discussing it with them and almost be in the middle of a heated debate between types and manufacturers, an Alienware's M11x is my new workstation the geeks said for bang of my buck this laptop was the greatest choice for me, knowing nothing about hardwares in my past self nor past life nine hundred bucks is a small change, three books on programming, two on hardware maintenances starting the journey to becoming a Computer whiz in my weekend seemed like a plan, two weeks later I only finished my first modification using windows code as a baseline, my laptop is now protected by triple walls encryption with my own design of 'healing barrier's this makes the person that successfully get in one wall will add another wall behind the last one, to make this easy the new wall will use the code that is from the first, second, third and so on, to get in as an admin I'm using a password that changes every day so about seven password revolving around one hint 'Your car Insurance number Please'.

Again ninety one,two.. come on what is taking so long it's been three weeks and still the system is still installing, why does it taking so long damn it!, Lighting my cigarette having a puff here and there while waiting my mind is still on the stock market and yes Stark's industries stock currently reach the peak of 116,55 dollar per shares, with a quick math my total is about four hundred sixty thousands Dollars If I sold everything now, Deng... Deng.. Deng.. a screen pop out in front of me written