
Only I ***** In marvel

There was my Idea, can't shake this off so put it into writing, Leave a comment and review if you can, cheers. DISCLAIMER : I DON'T OWN ANYTHING ONLY MY OC's, ENGLISH is my 2nd language, for the image contact me if you're the original owner and want to take it down.

Purple_SKY · Movies
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In a dingy three stories apartment on Brooklyn I seems to have transmigrated. sitting on my bed and calming myself I find the nearest mirror took a goo look dark hair, dark eyes, built bordering on skinny with a tan skin about 5'8 or 176 ish cm. laugh a bit and say "Well this is weird" as far I can remember my name is rex an orphan 17 years old the year is 2010 went to low town highschool, it seems my past self went to sleep one night and I'm here, these new memories, one headache after another hits like the truck that sends me here "why did I push that women out of the way? Fucking instinct", after fixing my breathing my only thoughts isolated on only one thing rhymes with my mouth and say "I didn't get wishes or even meet a fucking ROB".

After thirty minutes of existential crisis, angered cause I can't find any cheats on me or around my room and of course crying for my families, my men, girlfriend with no way to ever meet them or hear their voices, my stomach pick a perfect time to grumble translate to 'me hungry' sighing I see a place outside my window, I took a shower put some clothes, a red t-shirt and black cargo shorts with forty bucks in my wallet, the dinner across the street will be an refueling place to me with the promise of interesting information trove, for now.

Bob's kitchen a run of the mill dinner that I'm sitting right now, about two chefs, three waitresses and a clerk it's not a big place so I found a seat on the most far side facing the doors with no windows in my left or right, call me paranoid but my thoughts screamed at me to look everything and everyone am I Batman? Sadly no it's experience, observing the dinner I find a place an acceptable place to sit. A stocky middle age waitress asks me "What it will be son?", I don't know if I'm still allergic to nuts or not so "a burger with fries and a milkshake"," okay, will that be all son?", "Today's Newspaper if you have them" while waiting for my food I scan the newspaper, Hammer industries, stark's party, yeah I'm in marvel didn't know if it's the comic or MCU cause the first not good, not good at all.

Okay the next move will be telling Mr. Vince today lesson is cancelled, this rex guy or me is a smart dude he leaves the orphanage at sixteen being emancipated were not easy but threatening the staff to expose an cheating scandal it's smooth sailing from there, by chance he found a place to live payed rent in extra lesson to the landlord's son, Mr. Vince sure is nice by letting me live in his building for free, still I don't know if it's honour or pride but this Rex guy insist on paying what he can by working here and there fixing walls changing lightbulb even does tax for Mr.Vince and for living expenses Being a bike courier.

Today I rode my bike to school with a dark fixie type bicycle my past self fixed that belongs to My nextdoor neighbor Mr and Mrs Johnson's kid, he's serving in Iraq now so they just gave it to me, a nice old couple that took care of me when my orphan status became known three months after I live in the apartment, from the usual pocket money Mr. Johnson gave me and dinner forced by Mrs. Johnson at their place every Thursday night, I think they missed their son, he hasn't came home in four years still I've read his letters as Mr. Johnson eyesight is not very good up close, overall both of them seems nice.

Low town highschool home of the red and gold hounds, while this school is the sister of midtown highschool from my past memories no one of prominence goes here just that this school is founded in Captain America's honour so our school saying are Believe, Betterment, Boldness while I don't know why we have a saying but for now the defeat of my oldest enemy 'math' put a smile on my face, surely with my knowledge of twenty two years I can ace a highschool test while my knowledge in math is subpar when I'm in highschool, my past self intellect is a new welcome addition so the formula rushing through my head from Ms. Alborough when she said today we will have a surprise exam makes me grin more.

With no let's say close friends my school social life is actually very different from before I transmigrated the old me was bullied constantly throughout middle school to highschool only stopped because of the gym with a side of puberty, from what I can see I'm just a mob in this universe so either earlier series of surprise test from math to literature was an ego rub for me or something else entirely, we're sitting in the gym for an announcement by the school principal Mr. Goldberg a beer belly kind of guy not very tall but build like a football player, "good afternoon everyone, in a week our school have been invited to attend an event because of limited slot, a series of test will be conducted from today for three days to determine the participants that are allowed to go, thank you."

After school my new found best friend Mr. Brain think that the event based on the movies is Stark's expo now under normal circumstances sci-fi cool shit is great then whiplash came to mind and the horror that came from exploding cars, lasers and of course electric whip while I'm smart thank you very much a genius is something else so stealing Stark's technology is out of the questions, best scenario the arch reactor can be a paperweight worst case level my whole neighborhood but what fool who doesn't want to see Iron Man.