
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 58

Along the way, skeletons kept popping up. Wu Shaochen was too lazy to pay attention to them. Those who blocked his way were given two daggers, and those who didn't block his way were too lazy to care about. He walked all the way inside. It took more than ten minutes to finally walk out of the passage. What was in front of him should be the real mining area, a very open ore field, with broken stones scattered everywhere on the ground. The mining area was filled with countless skeletons, closely packed, which made Wu Shaochen instantly interested who originally didn't intend to fight these skeletons. Although he could continue to brush talents after advancing to the silver realm, it's the same when to brush talents. This kind of tightly packed monster was seen for the first time. If he didn't come for a wave of group brushing, he would be sorry for himself.

Thinking of it, Wu Shaochen directly rushed towards the group of skeletons. He cut each one twice and then changed to the next one, without caring about the attacks on himself at all. This feeling was quite pleasant.

However, as he was fighting, Wu Shaochen found a rather awkward problem, that is, assassins really aren't suitable for fighting too dense monsters, otherwise it would be like him, being surrounded in the middle and unable to move. Although these skeletons couldn't break his defense, he couldn't move even one step now.

"Fuck, I was too excited and just rushed inside." Wu Shaochen regretted, and now this situation is very awkward. He can only slowly clear the monsters around him. Looking at the skeleton heads swaying in front of him, Wu Shaochen was about to vomit, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't fly nor had a displacement skill. In this situation, even using nothingness was useless.

"Hey, I must learn the displacement skill in the future. This scene is too awkward. I will definitely have a nightmare tonight." Wu Shaochen thought to himself, then waved the dagger and fiercely cut towards the skeleton beside him to vent his dissatisfaction.

While Wu Shaochen was working hard to fight the skeletons, other players were also working hard to upgrade and play equipment. In the Oracle, the overall strength of the players has been greatly improved. Basically, most people have one or two pieces of black iron on them, and the more powerful ones have several pieces of bronze. Now many guilds have not much difficulty in playing the bronze BOSS, and with more guild members, it is easier to find the BOSS, so many times, more people really have greater power.

In a cave, Aoshitianxia picked up all the boss equipment that fell to the ground, changed a usable bronze equipment, and gave the other equipment to Aoshijueqing and others. After the silver boss was stolen, Aoshitianxia was angry after being furious, but he made a painful decision and let everyone below look everywhere for the boss. This is already the third bronze boss they have fought. Now Aoshitianxia has one silver and five bronze equipment on him, and the others are all black iron equipment, and the overall strength has been greatly improved. The other core members of the guild, Aoshitianxia also spent a lot of money to acquire a large number of black iron equipment to arm them, for the naturally his heart that bad breath, he wants to send Sealed Dust back to the novice village.

On a plain, Su Muxue was leading the members of the Su Group to attack a 16-level bronze boss. In the early stage, with a large number of equipment bought from Wu Shaochen, Su Muxue won at the starting line, taking a big lead over other players. Now her level is as high as 17, and each of her fireball spells can take away 700 or 800 damage from the boss. Compared to the two or three hundred damage of others, her output can be said to be very high.

Just as the boss still had a little blood left, a group of people suddenly came here and happened to encounter this scene. And in the face of the residual blood boss, probably not many people can resist the temptation. This group of people is no exception.

However, soon they felt the terror of the first mage. One fireball spell in 1.5 seconds, with damage as high as thousands. The defense of players is not as high as that of the BOSS, and the freezing spell that occurs every 5 seconds can also kill whoever it catches. Su Muxue's talent also becomes evident: reducing 50% skill cooldown time, which is also the reason why she chose to be a mage.

With the shield guards of the Su family group protecting her, Su Muxue was like a moving turret, killing the players who wanted to snatch the BOSS one by one, and finally a few unwilling ones escaped.

"Miss is really fierce..." the people of the Su family group said.

"That's right, our miss is the first mage of the oracle, how dare these people compete with us for the BOSS?" Another person followed.

"That's right, overreaching, I think our miss's strength is not inferior to that of Chen Feng." Others also flattered.

"Alright, continue to fight the BOSS!" Su Muxue said coldly. She thought to herself: "How dare I compare with that freak Chen Feng!"

Other people from various guilds were also looking for bosses while leveling up. In the area of more than ten levels of monsters, black iron bosses were easy to find, and there were quite a few bronze bosses, but silver ones above were extremely rare.

Wu Shaochen spent almost 1 hour to clean up all the skeletons in the mining area, plus the ones cleared along the way, a total of 514 skeletons were killed, and the level was upgraded to: LV19: 138750/200000. The undying body added 514 points of life, plus 40 points of upgrade, and the total life reached 8106 points after the title bonus, breaking through the 8,000 mark. 10 attribute points were left for now.

Rubbing his somewhat sore right hand, Wu Shaochen thought to himself: "I will never play like this again in the future. Group brushing is more suitable for mages. Damn, there are still all the shadows of skeleton heads in my mind now. It's too terrifying. I don't know how I managed to persist." But killing so many monsters at one time is really the first time, and this leveling speed is super fast.

Picking up the three black iron equipment that burst out on the ground, Wu Shaochen directly hung it on the auction house. He originally intended to hang it for 20,000, but suddenly found that there were already a large number of black iron equipment on the auction house, and the prices were several thousand to 10,000.

"Alas, after sleeping for eight hours, black iron equipment is not so valuable now?" Wu Shaochen thought to himself, but thinking about it, ordinary monsters of more than ten levels have a chance to burst black iron. Even ordinary casual players, after such a long time, now have one or two pieces of black iron equipment in their hands.

Finally, Wu Shaochen hung it up for 10,000 yuan per piece, and then continued to move inward. In front was another passage. Wu Shaochen walked in, but this time no skeleton emerged from the passage. The passage was also much shorter than before, and he walked out in a few minutes. In front was another mining area, which was much larger in area than the previous one, with a large area of skeletons wandering around, not less than the previous one. It's just that the area of this mining area is larger, and it doesn't look so dense. These skeletons are somewhat different from the previous batch, with an extra skeleton axe in their hands.