
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 57

When Wu Shaochen logged on again, the character was still in the War God Temple. Just as he walked out of the War God Temple and was about to consider where to brush the monsters, a soldier suddenly came to him and respectfully said, "Respected adventurer, the city lord asked me to invite you over."

"Oh? The city lord asked me to come, does there be a task?" Wu Shaochen's eyes lit up. He hadn't just thought of where to go, so he quickly followed the soldier to the city lord's mansion.

After arriving at the city lord's mansion, he saw that the city lord was anxiously walking around at this time. Seeing Wu Shaochen coming over, he quickly welcomed him up and said, "Sealed Dust, you finally came."

"The city lord, what's the matter with asking me to come?" Wu Shaochen asked in confusion.

"Alas," the city lord sighed, and then said, "This matter has to start with the sheepskin scroll you brought from the Liu Family Village last time. At first, I didn't know that in the deep part of the Tiger Howling Forest, there was actually sealed a demon realm passage. The demon realm! It is a very terrifying place, so there must be no problems with the passage seal." The city lord's face showed a look of fear when he mentioned the demon realm, and Wu Shaochen didn't speak, quietly listening, feeling that he had discovered something remarkable. The official gave too little information, and from the words of the city lord, the game background is very huge.

The city lord calmed his mind and continued, "The Liu Family Village is actually a guardian family that has guarded the seal for generations. But 500 years ago, after their chief and elders sacrificed in that war against the demon beasts, their strength has become worse and worse generation by generation. And without the suppression of power, the seal of the passage has begun to loosen. I sent seal enchanters to go to reinforce the seal last time. On the way to reach the Liu Family Village, everything went smoothly, but when going to the sealed place, they were attacked by the Jungle Tiger King. Originally, I specially dispatched two 20-level gold realm city lord's mansion guards just to deal with the Jungle Tiger King, but I didn't expect that because the seal was loose, the demonic energy leaked out. The originally 21-level gold realm Jungle Tiger King has absorbed the demonic energy and its strength has been raised to 30 levels. In the end, after paying a heavy price, the personnel withdrew to the Liu Family Village."

Hearing this, Wu Shaochen suddenly realized. No wonder it was said that in the area of the 21-level Jungle Tiger, there would be a boss whose level he could not see. It turned out to be mutated. He had already learned about the strength of that Jungle Tiger King. If he hadn't escaped fast, he would have been killed long ago.

At this time, the city lord looked at Wu Shaochen and said, "Sealed Dust, to be honest with you, the more powerful experts in the city have been dispatched to perform special tasks in the previous period, so now the city can no longer produce experts to deal with the Jungle Tiger King. Among the adventurers, I only know you. Do you see if there is a way to deal with this demonic Jungle Tiger King? If there is no way, I will prepare to issue a city-wide task, allowing all adventurers to participate in the killing of the demonic Jungle Tiger King. However, the price to be paid for the city-wide task is too great, and I don't want to issue it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Wu Shaochen was stunned for a moment, "Is this the benefit of helping to clear the Jungle Tigers?" Wu Shaochen thought to himself.

"Normally, when the city lord encounters this situation, he should directly issue a city-wide task. Now he actually asks himself if he has a way, that is to say, if he has a way, then this task will become his personal task. The city-wide task becomes a personal task, and the reward should be very good." Wu Shaochen had a look of longing on his face.

But when he thought of the terrifying demonic Jungle Tiger King, Wu Shaochen's face collapsed. He couldn't even check the attributes of the other party now, how could he dare to fight? The last roar made himself low on health, and it is still fresh in memory. But now his strength has increased a lot compared to the last time. When he reaches level 20 and can check his attributes, then see if there is a way.

Thinking of this, Wu Shaochen asked, "How long is the time limit for this task?"

The lord thought for a moment and said, "Sealing the passage cannot be delayed, I can only give you at most two days."

Okay, then I'll think of a way first. Don't release the city-wide task yet. With the strength of those adventurers now, it's useless to deal with the demonized jungle tiger king. Going there is just to die." Wu Shaochen said.

For him, it is not difficult to upgrade to level 20 in two days. He is really afraid that the lord will not wait directly and release the city-wide task.

Okay, then I'll wait for your good news." Said the lord.

After leaving the lord's mansion, Wu Shaochen opened the map and looked at it for a while, setting the target on a place called the abandoned mining area, where there are monsters of levels 20-30.

He is not going to the rocky forest anymore. Although there are many monsters, the skills are too annoying, which greatly limits his speed of killing monsters, so he has to change places.

The monster levels in the abandoned mining area are quite suitable, but it is a bit far, almost 20 kilometers.

On the map, only within 10 kilometers is bright, and the detailed situation and monster situation can be seen clearly.

Within 20 kilometers of the map is dark, but the approximate monster level will be displayed.

There is no monster information. After that, it is completely dark and there is nothing. It completely relies on the players to explore.

The good thing is that the places where the players have passed will be automatically lit up on the map.

For example, the Liujiacun that Wu Shaochen went to before was completely dark before, and after he went there, it has been lit up.

Wu Shaochen checked the situation of the potions and found that there was nothing that needed to be replenished, and then directly went to the abandoned mining area.

The abandoned mining area is in the north, and he directly went out from the north gate.

This time there were no accidents and the road was unobstructed.

The people who like to trouble from the Overlord United probably are busy upgrading at this moment.

After all, most of the people in their guild have dropped levels and are already below the average level of Jinling City.

Wu Shaochen rushed all the way to the abandoned mining area. It took more than half an hour even though he had a movement speed of 573.

In front is a huge hole, and the mining area enters from here.

As soon as Wu Shaochen stepped into the mining area, a cold wind blew over, giving Wu Shaochen a bad premonition that the monsters here might not be good monsters.

The entire mining area is very dark.

What presents in front of Wu Shaochen is a huge passage that is curved and does not know where it leads.

There is not a single monster seen in the entire passage.

Wu Shaochen felt creepy, and called out the Silver Wolf to embolden himself, letting it go ahead and he followed slowly behind.

After walking for a few minutes, suddenly there was a sound from under his feet.

Wu Shaochen quickly stepped back, and then saw a skeleton hand suddenly sticking out from the ground.

"Damn! What the hell!"

Wu Shaochen was scared a lot, and the whole person ran backwards.

This shout also scared the Silver Wolf a lot, and the whole wolf's body shrunk, and quickly followed and ran.

After running a long distance, Wu Shaochen looked back and saw a skeleton slowly climbing out from the ground, and then chased after him.

"Is this thing the monster here?" Wu Shaochen said with a jumpy heart.

It's not that he is timid, the main thing is that this game is too real, making him forget that he is in the game.

Walking and suddenly a skeleton hand pops out, which is too scary.

"Hey, what kind of place did I choose?" Wu Shaochen knocked on his head speechlessly, but after coming to his senses, Wu Shaochen wasn't as scared as just now. After all, he is a pure man. Isn't it just a small skeleton? Then he cast an Insight Skill to check the information of the skeleton and found that it was a level 20 monster. Wu Shaochen instantly lost interest, walked over, casually gave it two daggers, and then didn't care about it anymore, letting it slowly wait for death. Wu Shaochen led the Silver Wolf and continued to move forward...