
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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71 Chs

Chapter 45

She actually just bought the helmet back under the strong encouragement of Weiwei. She hadn't even started playing yet, but for the first time spending so much money on something, and it was a gaming device, she had always felt that she was sorry for her brother's hard-earned money. That's why she called her brother.

After hearing Wu Ziyin's words, Wu Shaochen smiled and shook his head. How could money in the game be so easy to earn? Don't just look at the fact that he earned millions in two or three days, it was because he was ahead of everyone else. It was hard to say whether the ordinary casual players could keep up. However, Wu Shaochen did not dampen Wu Ziyin's enthusiasm. It was rare that Wu Ziyin would actually be interested in a game, and he was still very happy. As for the impact on studies, Wu Shaochen had no worries at all. Wu Ziyin had very strong self-control, and her studies had always been very good. Even if it really had an impact on her studies, it didn't matter. He could support her in the future. His own sister, he would spoil her.

"Well, this game is good, you can try it," Wu Shaochen said.

"Brother, don't you blame me for spending money randomly?" Wu Ziyin wondered.

"Why would I blame you? I also play this game. You should also play the game. Reading every day will make you become a bookworm." Wu Shaochen teased.

"You're the bookworm. By the way, brother, after I enter the game, can I see you in the game? No matter how far apart?" Wu Ziyin said.

"Well, this game is exactly the same as in reality. When you come to the main city later, we can meet like in reality." Wu Shaochen said.

"That's great. I haven't seen you for a long time." Wu Ziyin instantly became interested in the game.

The two talked for a while before hanging up the phone. After Wu Ziyin hung up the phone, she looked at the game helmet in her hand with a curious expression.

And at this time, Weiwei also walked into the room and looked at Wu Ziyin and smiled, "Are you interested now? You just didn't want to spend the money to buy it before."

Wu Ziyin's face turned red and said, "Weiwei, you teach me how to play this game quickly. I want to go in and look for my brother."

"What's your brother's game ID? He should be a master. I'll add him as a friend later. You have to ask him to bring me." Weiwei said.

"Uh, I forgot to ask." Wu Ziyin said embarrassedly.


With Weiwei's assistance, Wu Ziyin finally figured out the link to enter the game, and then put on the helmet to enter the game for the first time.

After Wu Shaochen hung up the phone, he quickly entered the game again and appeared in Jinling City. At this time, Jinling City was very lively. Wu Shaochen just strolled around and then walked towards the south gate again. He was going to go to the Tiger Roaring Forest to see what level of boss the so-called tiger king was.

Arriving at the south gate, Wu Shaochen walked straight towards the direction of the Tiger Roaring Forest. Now there were people everywhere, and he couldn't turn on the full speed either.

But soon, Wu Shaochen found something was wrong, because the people around seemed to come towards him intentionally or unintentionally.

Wu Shaochen simply stood there and didn't move anymore. He just wanted to see what was going on.

Soon, a large group of people surrounded Wu Shaochen, but they didn't come forward, just surrounded him from afar.

Wu Shaochen saw a familiar figure in the crowd, which was the Brother Hao whom he had killed last time. Wu Shaochen knew that when a player was killed, it would prompt who the killer was. However, his equipment had changed greatly, and his mask had also been changed. He was a little confused about how the other party found him.

Wu Shaochen wasn't in a hurry to leave. He wanted to know where the flaw appeared, so he stood there and waited for a while. Soon, the right person finally appeared. A young man in his twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old with a proud look, followed by more than ten people, slowly walked towards Wu Shaochen.

More than ten people came to Wu Shaochen. The young man at the head reached out with a smile on his face and said to Wu Shaochen, "Hello, Sealed Dust, let's get to know each other. I am Ao Shi Tian Xia, and I have long admired your great name."

Wu Shaochen did not shake hands with him, but said with a confused look, "The president of Ao Shi Qun Xiong? We don't seem to have much intersection, and how can you be sure that I am Sealed Dust?"

Ao Shi Tian Xia took his hand back, and his face became a little gloomy, but still with a smile on his face, he said, "My Ao Shi Qun Xiong in Jin Ling City, how to say there are also tens of thousands of people, it is not too difficult to find a person." The words revealed an extremely confident tone.

"Oh, is there anything wrong?" Wu Shaochen did not deny either. Since the other party came here so openly, it must have already confirmed his identity, so there was no need to deny it. Anyway, it would be exposed sooner or later.

"There is nothing, just want to invite you to join our Ao Shi Qun Xiong to develop together." Seeing that the other party did not deny, Ao Shi Tian Xia slightly smiled and said.

"Not interested." Wu Shaochen said without mercy. He had no good impression of this so-called Ao Shi Qun Xiong. From the so-called Brother Hao before to the way they directly surrounded him now, these ways of doing things were all what he hated. No matter what the top ten guilds were, at least in the game currently, I was still a god.

"I advise you to think about it before speaking. Jin Ling City is my Ao Shi Qun Xiong's territory." Before Ao Shi Tian Xia could speak, Ao Shi Gu Feng behind said.

Ao Shi Tian Xia put on an act and stopped Ao Shi Gu Feng, and said to Wu Shaochen with a smile on his face, "Brother, as long as you join Ao Shi Qun Xiong, I can give you a vice president position. I believe that brother you are a smart person and will not give up such a good opportunity."

"Not interested, get out of the way." Wu Shaochen said lightly.

"I only recognize two kinds of people, my own people and enemies. Are you sure you want to be an enemy of my Ao Shi Qun Xiong? Have you thought about the outcome?" Ao Shi Tian Xia narrowed his eyes and said grimly.

"Hehe, not joining you means being an enemy of you? If that's the case, I really want to see the outcome of being an enemy of you." Wu Shaochen said casually. It wasn't that he looked down on them. With these people, it really wouldn't waste him much time.

And at this moment, thousands of onlookers in the distance had already arrived. They all heard that Sealed Dust was here to catch a glimpse of the style of the great god Sealed Dust. Although they were not sure if the person in front of them was really the great god Sealed Dust, seeing that the other party directly confronted the people of Ao Shi Qun Xiong, they were all very excited one by one.

The people of Ao Shi Qun Xiong didn't have a good reputation in Jin Ling City. All kinds of hegemony and snatching bosses had already made countless people sad and complain. But because of the large number of the other party, they could only bear it in the end. At this moment, seeing that finally someone could confront the people of Ao Shi Qun Xiong, they were naturally excited, and each of them turned on the game video recording in the first time.

"Miss, hundreds of people from Ao Shi Qun Xiong have surrounded Sealed Dust at the south gate, and now they are on the verge of a showdown." Uncle Liu came to Su Mu Xue and said.

"Are you sure it's Sealed Dust?" Su Mu Xue stopped her movement and said, with a little less indifference in her tone.

"I'm not sure, but probably, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to confront the people of Ao Shi Qun Xiong directly." Uncle Liu guessed.

"Take me to have a look!" Su Mu Xue put down the half-finished monster and said.

"Uh, okay." Uncle Liu was temporarily a little unable to react. Miss's reaction was a bit too much.

After hearing Wu Shaochen's words, Ao Shi Tian Xia's face turned gloomy and said, "Since that's the case, then I will pull you, this so-called great god, down from the altar."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and hundreds of people from Ao Shi Qun Xiong instantly rushed towards Wu Shaochen. Some remote attacks reached the distance and directly launched attacks, while Ao Shi Tian Xia and several people such as Ao Shi Gu Feng stepped out of the battle circle. Although they didn't put Sealed Dust in their eyes, the name of a person and the shadow of a tree. Really let them go up, they still dare not. They can only use the human sea tactics. In the face of masters, the human sea tactics are often very useful.

Wu Shaochen looked at the few of them leaving and did not stop them. If he really wanted to stop them, the few of them could not escape. But Wu Shaochen wanted them to experience what it means to be desperate. The best way is to watch their subordinates fall one by one.

Very soon, countless arrows and magic hit Wu Shaochen's body, but a bunch of despairing damage emerged.




"My goodness... How is it possible? Is this still an assassin?" Ao Shi Jue Qing said with a shocked expression.

And Ao Shi Tian Xia and several other core members of Ao Shi Qun Xiong also had an expression of disbelief. Didn't they say last time that Zi Hao and the others could deal dozens of points of damage to him? Why can't they break the defense this time.

Including all the players outside who were watching, they all felt incredible. Did Sealed Dust add points to the full root bone?