
Online Game:Poison God

"Oracle: A Game That Silently Changed the World Across Eras. When Abilities from the Game Can Be Brought into Reality, Is It Excitement or Fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, suffers from food poisoning after eating expired food. However, after logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a unique talent, the Source of Venom, turning misfortune into a blessing. From then on, he embarks on the path to greatness."

VeraCollins · Games
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Chapter 44

Wu Shaochen took off his helmet, came to the living room and ordered a takeaway, and then started to browse the forum to see if there were any posts that interested him. When he opened it, the first post was not his, but one about various guilds, posted by an ID called "Online Game Omniscient".

[All the ten strongest guilds recognized in the online game industry have entered "Oracle"]. Wu Shaochen was quite interested and clicked to read it.

In the past, there were many powerful guilds in various online games, among which the ten guilds were recognized by everyone as the strongest guilds. Each of them had once dominated an online game, and now they have all entered "Oracle". What kind of spark will they produce? Everyone must be looking forward to it. Next, I will share with you the intelligence I have collected about each major guild.

Heavenly Myth: It has dominated many online games, with a maximum number of 500,000 people in the guild. The current main location of the guild members is Bai ze City. The guild leader, "God Lord", is a 14th-level warrior.

Dream Guild: It is a fully female guild, with a maximum number of 300,000 people. Although they are all female players, their strength is incredibly powerful. The current main location of the guild members is Qiu Shui City. The guild leader, "Dream Light Dance", was once the strongest mage, and now the strongest priest. It is understood that it is due to her talent that she chose to be a priest.

Hell's Gate: Most of the guild are assassins, with a maximum number of 200,000 people. The current main location of the guild members is Mo Bei City. The guild leader, "Hell Envoy", is a 14th-level assassin. It is said that he has deep complaints towards Feng Chen, who took away the first assassin, and once threatened to kill Feng Chen until he changed careers.

Flowers, Snow, and Moon: It is a well-known old guild that everyone knows, and its reputation has always been very good. Although it has the strength to dominate in many online games, it does not bully casual players. The maximum number of people in the guild has reached 800,000, and the current main location of the guild members is Feng Yong City. The guild leader, "Moon and Wind without Emotion", has always been relatively low-key, and the strength is unknown.

Proud of the World: A new type of guild that has made rapid progress in recent years, with a large amount of money to support it, and it has developed rapidly. Although the highest number of people in the past has only reached more than 100,000, it is very willing to spend money in "Oracle", and now it has the strength to catch up with the old guilds. The current main location of the guild members is Jin Ling City. Rumor has it that Feng Chen is currently also in Jin Ling City, and we are looking forward to their encounter. The guild leader, "Proud of the World", is a 14th-level warrior.

God King Pavilion: Only accepts experts. Although the number has always been the smallest, and the maximum number has not exceeded 50,000, the strength has never been underestimated. No matter in which online game, it can take the lead. There are countless experts in the guild. The current main location of the guild members is Julu City, and the guild leader, "God King", has unknown strength.

Origin and Extinction: Although this guild has not played many online games, it once outperformed all guilds in a large online game, making all the guilds including the other top ten guilds fade away from that game. When the number of people reached the highest, it reached more than 400,000, and the current main location of the guild members is Extremely Ice City. The guild leader, "Origin", has unknown strength.

Scattered People's World: It is a guild composed of countless scattered people, and the number is the largest among all guilds, with a maximum number of 1 million people. It was created by scattered people who were oppressed by major guilds in a popular online game throughout the country and united together. The current main location of the guild members is Huang Sha City, and the guild leader, "Scattered People are also Crazy", is a 13th-level archer.

Three Kingdoms Unparalleled: In all online games with the theme of the Three Kingdoms, this guild can be seen. The guild is full of Three Kingdoms enthusiasts, and the maximum number has also reached 400,000, and the strength is very strong. The current main location of the guild members is Huang Sha City, and the guild leader, "Dream Back to the Three Kingdoms", is a 13th-level mage.

Solid Barrier: It is said to be a guild composed of a group of retired soldiers. The quality of the members of this guild is extremely high, and the members cooperate perfectly. The maximum number of the guild is more than 200,000, and the current main location of the guild members is Julu City. The guild leader, "Guardian", is a 13th-level shield guard.

Yes, several major guilds seem to have a tacit understanding to separate to different main cities. Only Julu City and Huangsha City have two guilds. There is not much conflict between the two guilds in Julu City, and they do not affect each other either. The number of members in both guilds is very small. One only accepts experts, and the other only accepts retired soldiers, so there is not much hindrance.

However, in Huangsha City, the members of Scattered People's World and The Three Kingdoms often have frictions, but there has not been a large-scale group battle yet.

There have also been many new guilds in Oracle that are developing extremely fast, and many previously unknown experts have also emerged. Chen Feng is the best example.

With the emergence of Oracle, players in other online games are decreasing in a jumping-off-the-cliff style. I believe that it won't be long before there will only be one game left in the game industry. The simultaneous entry of the top ten guilds will also bring incredibly exciting stories to Oracle. Online Game Omniscient will always bring you the latest news in Oracle. Thank you for your support.

This post is very long. Wu Shaochen read this post that was over a thousand words for the first time with patience. He also had some knowledge of the top ten guilds in the online game industry, but this is the first time he has known it in such detail.

"Look, this game will become more and more exciting in the future." Wu Shaochen raised the corners of his mouth with a smile. Only in this way is it fun.

Soon, the takeaway arrived, and Wu Shaochen just had a meal with the takeaway, and left some for later in the refrigerator to eat at night, otherwise it would be too late to order takeaway when offline.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang again. Wu Shaochen saw that it was Wu Ziyin who called and patted his head. He seemed to have forgotten to ask her what happened. He was a bit unworthy of being a brother in these two days, and quickly picked it up.


The voice from the other end of the phone came from Wu Ziyin, who was a little weak.

"What's the matter? Ziyin, did you not handle the matter well? You haven't told me what happened yet." Wu Shaochen asked.

"No, the matter has been resolved. It's just that I accidentally broke something of my classmate, so I have to pay some money." Wu Ziyin quickly said, for fear that Wu Shaochen would worry, so she didn't elaborate.

"Well, that's fine. Breaking someone else's things should indeed be compensated. Is the money enough? If not, I'll transfer you some more." Wu Shaochen said.

"Enough, enough. Brother, you don't need to transfer me anymore. Last time, it has been a lot already, and... " Wu Ziyin wanted to say but was afraid that her brother would be angry.

"And what?" Wu Shaochen said strangely.

"Well, I said you must not be angry." Wu Ziyin was worried.

"You say it." Wu Shaochen can say that he knows his sister very well. She has always been well-behaved and sensible, and he really can't think of what she could do to make him angry.

"That is... It's that the money you transferred to me last time was a bit too much. After I paid for my classmate's things, there were more than 10,000 yuan left. My roommate said that Oracle can make money, then... Then I spent 10,000 yuan to buy a helmet." Wu Ziyin said nervously.

"Just that...?" Wu Shaochen was speechless. He thought it was a big deal. Originally, Wu Shaochen wanted to buy a helmet for Wu Ziyin. But Wu Ziyin has never played games since she was a child, afraid that she wouldn't like it, so he didn't buy it. However, what makes him curious is how Wu Ziyin would think of playing the game.

"Ziyin, you didn't play games before, why did you suddenly think of playing games?" Wu Shaochen asked.

"It's just... My roommate said this game can make a lot of money, and some people have even earned hundreds of thousands in the game. I just thought about seeing if I could earn some money in the game, so that I can reduce the pressure on my brother." Wu Ziyin whispered.