
Onichi the Phoenix

A man with a tainted soul dies and gets two wishes. Follow the journey of this man as he travels the multiverse causing chaos and living his best life. The Main Character is going to be absurdly overpowered even from birth. First World: Naruto Second World: One Piece Evil MC warning this is not for the faint of heart.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven 

The air is thick and still between us as Elle's eyes bare into my soul her wings flapping behind her. In a sudden burst of speed two swords made of fire appear in Elle's hands, her arms becoming blurs as Elle begins to expertly slice the air causing three arcs of fire to rocket towards me. Spinning my Bo staff I fizzle out the first arc before sending the second and third to the ground with two swift hits.

"You know you can't beat me! I've been alive for almost fourteen billion years and have mastered every weapon imaginable wiping out whole universes with a mere thought and you truly think you can beat me? My power might be equal to yours right now but I utilize them to their full amount unlike you." Her carefree tone makes me grit my teeth and tighten my grip around the bo staff in anger. She's right, in her eyes I'm a mere infant. Only having six years with my powers I could never dream of utilizing them to their full extent as she can but that's why we're doing this not to demean me but to teach me. 

Flying through the air the wind pushes against me as I fly to Elle. Swinging my Bo Staff I aim to take off her head only for her to lean back dodging the staff expertly lunging forward aiming her two blades for my head and heart. Beating my wings I fly back dodging her jabs throwing the staff at Elle. Doing a three-sixty Elle moves just enough to dodge the staff, her sword fizzling out of existence as her hand shoots up at me.

The ground begins to rumble as I watch the forest begin to get ripped from the ground flying towards me. With the birds scattering screaming in fear and the ground creaking in stress from the ripped roots I raise both my hands focusing my powers stopping the trees in mid air struggling in the clash of powers Elle's telekinesis against my telekinesis. As my arms begin to shake my heart begins to pound and sweat begins to pour down my face. Looking over at Elle who doesn't look to be even a tad fatigued only holding out a single arm with a menacing look upon her beautiful face I release my hold upon the flying forest. 

Taking a deep breath I release a wave of flames upon the flying forest coloring the sky red as I begin to dodge the burning trees the flames doing nothing to me they rocket past me quickly disintegrating in the sky like dust in the wind. With the last tree dissolving from the flames I raise a hand to Elle making my hand into a pistol firing off a concussive blast.

With a beat of her wings Elle disappears reappearing in front of me dodging the almost invisible blast while gripping my chin restraining my limbs with her telekinesis.

"It's worse than I thought." Elle mutters worriedly. "We have the same powers yet your control over them is pathetically weak in battle. I hope this was an eye opener for you O there's a difference from us practicing in the backyard and real battle. In a real battle there's much more to focus on than just using your abilities you actually have to use your powers in coordination with your other abilities and in reaction to the opponents attacks." Elle lectures while sticking out her long tongue licking from the bottom of my chin to the corner of my eyes.

"I am not a fool, you don't think I know that?" I spit out while clashing with her mind to try and break the telekinesis. "I am six years old and had to have you help me learn how to not shatter the minds and bodies of others for the first four years of my life. One of the main reasons why we've come here is to train; this first battle was merely to see where we stand with this new body of mine and for me to get used to it and I'd say it was a successful battle to see where we stand." Feeling the pressures loosen I shake off Elle's hand and wipe off the saliva from my face giving her a small glare. 

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that you're weak in comparison to me. You might be able to kill humans but humans won't be our only opponents. I will be training you from now on to be the strongest creature there is to exist. Although most humans are weak and pitiful they aren't completely useless. The power Deer taught you Shadow Clones we will use them in your training to increase your training a hundred fold no… a thousand fold." Nodding my head I slowly glided to the ground landing next to one of the dirt holes where one of the trees used to be with Elle following down after me.

Wiping my brow I do the hand seal to summon shadow clones causing over a thousand bursts of smoke. Feeling the majority if not all of my chakra disappear from my summoning I shakily sit next to Elle with an insane grin across her face. 

"Split into fourteen groups each group will be mastering a different skill. We will be training for two months. With this amount of clones it should amount to a little over one hundred sixty years of training which isn't enough to get you to the point I want you to be at but it's enough for now!" She shouts while the clones of me begin to organize themselves into fourteen groups. "As for you." She says while directing her attention to the main me. "You have to meditate so your brain doesn't fry."

"Yeah yeah I know." I quip back while shutting my eyes, focusing my mind. It's time for me to begin my training under the slave laborer Azraelle.