
One Piece

Chapter 6

Sitting in the much more comfortable bed I look down at the three marbles in my hand focusing on them as the marbles change to pebbles before quickly changing to pool balls. Manipulating matter at a subatomic level is surprisingly easy for me. All I have to do is focus and imagine the new creation in my head which leads to the change I desire. It gets harder when I'm trying to multitask and am focusing on more than one thing at once but I can get by well enough with it. I've yet to try it in battle for obvious reasons but I look forward to trying it.

As a burst of flame shoots out of my hand it torches the pool balls before landing on the floor quickly taking the form of a burning woman. With the flames going out as quickly as they appear it reveals a pale girl no older than twenty with flaming red hair loosely going down to her bellybutton, red eyes looking playfully at me with large perky breasts, her pink nipples hard, and a smirk on gracing her beautiful face.

"Lady Phoenix, what are you doing here?" I question curiously with a quirked eyebrow. It's not often Lady Phoenix leaves the comfort of my body so this is a surprise.

"It's not like I want to stay in that stuffy body of yours O you're playing child when you should be training which makes it difficult to leave. I see you're taking my advice now and leaving the prison; that brings me joy since I can actually freely leave your body now. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to watch you play family?" Phoenix asks snarkily while jumping back on the bed next to me staring up at the ceiling, her breasts bouncing slightly as she lands. O is my nickname Lady Phoenix gave me. Lady Phoenix is a part of me, hell essentially she is me our life forces are fused so if I die she dies. "Damn right we're fused which is why I think it's foolish that you stayed in that world for as long as you did. Not only were you putting your life in danger you were putting my life in danger. All it takes is one traveling Cosmic entity to stumble across the world you're on then BAM!" She shouts, clapping her hands loudly. "We're both dead." She says coldly with a low growl. 

Sighing I lay back next to her staring at the bland white ceiling. We share everything willingly or not. We can read each other's thoughts, feel what the other feels and even share the same abilities, but that's what happenes when someone's body get's fused with your own.

"That's why we're going to the world of One Piece so we can train and have fun. I'll even let you stay out the entire time unless you get tired then you go back. Besides aren't we immoral?" She's not wrong playing as a child for six years was probably not the best idea but I'm leaving now so that has to count for something and I wasn't trying to be an ass. If she is out of my body for too long and is far away from me I get severely sick. I haven't tested the extent of my immortality but the sickness I felt when she was gone made me think death would've been mercy. 

"Oh trust me I'll be by your side the whole time you're old enough so I can stay around a mile away from you without you getting sick so we should be fine. Besides even if God lied about cursing us with immortality we will be reborn again and again in the white space. Don't think that God is all powerful eventually we could surpass him but the only problem is finding him." Lady Phoenix says cheekily as I slide off the bed walking to the full body mirror staring at my young six year old body with messy white hair and pale red eyes making me frown in annoyance. I hate my age, I'm small, too small.

Holding out my palm I point it to my chest clearing my mind as a red glow surrounds my body hiding it from view of the mirror. As the light clears my clothes are torn and in ruins beneath me revealing my naked body only now my body is much bigger much older.

I didn't do anything too complex. I just aged myself ten years. Leaning in to take a closer look at myself I trace my hand down my toned warm body feeling my muscles that are just the right size not too big and not too small and my face that looks like it was molded by the best sculptor. Brushing my now long hair out of my face I turn around and look at Lady Phoenix who still has the same small smirk on her face. Changing the living bodies is much more difficult because if I mess up I could explode the part of the body I wish to change.

"You're getting better at that, you just have to practice more then you'll be able to do that instantly." Turning back to the mirror I continue to examine myself in the mirror admiring my changes. "Why is it that you mingle with the humans? We are above them, you shouldn't concern yourself with them. Acting like you're a family. I can understand your thoughts and emotions better than you can so I know how you feel towards them. They've treated you like a prisoner almost your whole life, a weapon only to be taken out to fight wars that don't concern you. Doesn't it make you angry?" She asks heatedly practically growling with clenched teeth as the ship begins to shake her voice filling the silent void. Looking down I see my clenched fists shaking making me release them revealing the indents of my nails in the palms of my hands dripping blood my heart banging against my ribcage. 

"Of COURSE IT MAKES ME ANGRY!" I bark back trying my best to regain control of my emotions taking a deep breath calming myself down. "But what should I have done instead? I was just a baby. It's not like I could float myself away and take care of myself and you couldn't freely leave my body for extended periods of time so there was no other option. I am not just going to roll over. When I go back I am going to take over that world and if anyone gets in my way I will cut them down with my own two hands." I say while picking up scissors that were on the nightstand handing them to Lady Phoenix sitting in front of her as she begins to cut my hair. 

"Good you haven't gone soft. We represent the forces of creation and destruction and I refuse for us to bend to the will of others." Remaining silent I listen to the clipping of the scissors as my hair falls to the floor. Things are going to change when I go back. My mother and father view me as a weapon then a weapon is what I will become. I'll make the worlds bend to their knees before me and serve me as slaves. 

"You should change your hair color we're practically siblings after all so we should look the part." Lady Phoenix says softly while pausing in her cut, making me hum lightly.

"Why don't you change your hair color? We are the same person and you are fused with me so it makes sense that you change your hair color to mine. Why don't you pick a nickname too, the name Phoenix is fairly revealing." If our DNA was tested against one another then it would show up the same. If Lady Phoenix doesn't want to change her name or hair color then I wouldn't care but I like my hair color so I won't change it.

"I guess I could." She says as her hair immediately changes to a matching white like mine. "And you're right about the name, it does give the enemy an idea about our powers before we even battle. How does Azraelle sound?" She asks, making me nod.

"That's a good name Lady Phoenix I'll call you Elle for short."

"Thanks O now we look like the family we are, let me finish up here we're almost done." Hearing the snipping continue I allow Azraelle to style my hair however she likes.


Looking out the window in my room I stare out at the lush green forest, my attention getting drawn away shortly after when I hear a knock on the door. 

"Enter." I call my eyes lingering on a sleeping Elle tucked in under the covers snoring softly. It's odd to see her with white hair but it makes our appearances look that much more similar. I can see what this vessel's cosmetics were based on. 

"Master, Mistress, we have arrived in the world of One Piece." Zena says with a bow her hands hidden behind her back.

"Thank you Zena you've done a good job. Will you be coming with Azraelle and I?" Whether she comes or not isn't of any concern to me but It'd be nice to know in advance.

"No Master, my consciousness is linked to the ship and after each planet travel the ship needs to recharge back in your mind. You can always bring out the ship to use it's facilities but I would recommend against that unless it is absolutely necessary. The risk of damaging the ship is great and although I should be able to repair it if the ship is completely demolished then I and the ship will die." Zena says matter of factly making me nod.

"Pretty soon we won't need the ship to travel and we'll have a whole planet to protect the ship so you'll be able to stay out as long as you'd like." I say while putting on a black buttoned up dress shirt with golden designs on it and black anbu pants and boots. 

"If that is what you desire then it will come to fruition soon enough." Zena says before turning and leaving. Well then we're here so all I have to do is wait for Elle to wake up and we'll be able to leave.


Watching the cargo pits docking ramp slowly lower I look over at Elle who's wearing a black maxi dress with a slit on the side revealing her pale white leg and an extravagant golden necklace with diamonds and rubies decorating the Phoenix pendant.

"You're really going to wear that training?" I question looking her up and down.

"Well of course I am." She says casually, beginning to walk down the ramp onto solid ground, the breeze from the ocean hitting against my skin as I follow behind her. "Besides I'm training you and I can guarantee that you're not going to hit me." She adds on as I turn around focusing on the ship sending it back into my mind, clearing up the field revealing the beautiful sea and beach. Watching for a moment as the waves crash into the sand going up the shore before getting pulled back into the ocean I can't help but smile in satisfaction. I've never seen the ocean before… it's beautiful.

"We'll see about that." I say with a smirk turning back to Elle the sea breeze hitting my back. "Zena did well in choosing this island. I can't sense any other human minds here except for animals so we can train freely without any disruption from marines or villagers." I add while lightly bending my knees getting into the stance Biwako taught me with flames beginning to shoot out of my hands forming into a long Bo Staff. This new body is awkward to me. I haven't been in a big body for six years so it'll take some getting used to.

"How much power are we using?" Elle calls jumping into the air, flaming wings sprouting from her back as she soars into the sky. 

"Just a warm up I have to learn this new body!" I call up in the sky jumping as I two flaming wings form on my back dripping flames onto the ground melting the dirt. "We don't want to destroy the island we're on until we make a ship." I add flying fifty meters away from her.

hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review

Don't know how long MC will be in the one piece world but we will be going back to the Naruto Verse once MC gets what he wants here

Stevemehcreators' thoughts
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