
one true evolutionary path - The one true myth breaker ( dropped )

evolution, survival, devour. niece were the only thoughts that passed humanity's mind when they were at their weakest One things known as calamities came to the world appearing 2023 as a time not even nuclear weapons could take down mid-tiers however suddenly on humanity lost all hope. The evolution tree showed itself. The evolution 3 seems like a status window which could devour monsters after being defeated gaining their traits and abilities through this humanity easily defeated the calamities and regained balance however there was one person who seemingly broke this. everyone no matter who you were were supposed to have a certain job or class which also deciphered their evolutionary paths as a human however for this certain person known as Kai he only had one evolutionary path no matter what he devoured. | - Myth breaker - | | - become the breaker of myths and create your own reality your own legend where you rule everything - | however secretly this evolutionary path would lead him to defeat even supreme beings which could destroy whole entire dimensions and things which even the highest tears of calamities could it even make go 1% on that's how powerful they were but he grew stronger all because of a single evolutionary path which was never ever recorded no matter where you looked and every planet universe multiverse and all of existence the... myth breaker ___ ( - I got the cover from Google - ) ( - all hail negative grammar because I use text to speech - ) ( - action - Omega verse - evolution - weak to strong - #Noharem - multiverse - planet travel - all hail evolution - multi power system - ) -- "Dropped!?" said Cosmic-Tear as he looked at his phone... before screaming enjoy as he looked at the summary. "dropped no more! revitalized and considerably better version is being created right now by your favorite author!"

genisis_gaia_boss · Video Games
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

| - chapter 12 - a day of fun? - |

( - okay there may or may not be a reference for one of the top three first reviewers and if you have seen the reviews on previous chapters you should know who it is - )

It had already been 2 hours since Kai went to sleep.


'I haven't checked on true reality in a while.'

| - true reality - |

suddenly a black portal appeared and Kai jumped through it. on the other side was seemingly a universe filled with stars.

Fantasia was of course still there floating around however it seemed much bigger and if a person would look closely you could see... people?

Yes people had already begun to appear on Fantasia on the other hand Gentiles was acting like a sun.

Mars was the representation of crimson Uranus...*cough*was the representation of Nero. Pluto was the representation of Ferex.

Taru seemed to be the representation of not a planet but the entirety of the stars.

'so much development and it even seem so much bigger.'

( - meanwhile - )

"I can't wait to force ice cream out of him!"

"should I get vanilla No... maybe chocolate nah.... blueberry?"

"I would never want to waste my own precious yen of course he has to pay so maybe I should pick out the most expensive thing there.... BlackBerry!"

"it's also reasonably the best!"

"or maybe we should go to that expensive restaurant I say they sell noodles but especially.... ice cream!"

"should I tell Yuyui about this?"

".... obviously she's never tasted ice cream!"

of course Astrea other than the apostles and Kai gained some benefits from forged myths for example access to the apostle space or access to Null - life essence.

along with that as YuYui had made a contract with Skullius then of course she was brought into reality as well.

( - back to Kai - )


"is someone talking about me?"

"well either way I wonder how Ferex is doing Plus he should have long chosen his evolutionary path. so I might as well check it"


| - apostle - Ferex - |

| - traits - semi Null devil king authority - |

| - evolutionary path - Null devil verse traveler - |


Kai couldn't check two forms of status windows of his apostles. The first was the normal status window the second was the short status window which was what he was looking at.

"Null devil verse traveler. Don't tell me there's something similar to the Null verse out there."

"but I'm guessing because of Nero this evolutionary path was chosen but no flaws which is practically amazing."

"I got to thank Nero later."

( - The info dump on these recent chapters though - )

*leaves true reality*

'but I bet any second no-.'

"WE NEED ICE CREAM!!" ( - 2x - )

'I knew it!'

""we need ice cream!! we need ice cream!!" ( - 2x - )

"it is the only way to satiate our hunger!!" ( - 2x - )


"forget the last part."


"basically we need ice cream!!" ( - 2x - )

"why are you guys shouting..?"

'why are we shouting?' ( - 2x - )

'ice cream eaters of mass destruction.'

'or maybe I should call them an average Cookie monster.'

( - One of the top three first reviewers reference thank me later - )

"let me guess Vanil-."

"BlackBerry!" ( - 2x - )

'at least they're not loud enough to need two shouting marks.'

'Wait a second what does that ev-?'

( - You just crossex the barrier to the fourth dimensional world! - I'm sorry bro you got to have your memory erased! - )

'wtf who is that mf?'

( - 10 minutes later - )

( - btw this may or may not just be a chapter for fun oh and also by the time we get to the near end of the story you should know why he would be able to cross the fourth dimensional barrier I mean the story is already overpowered enough I need it more overpowered though hehe hehehe.... - Wait a second doesn't this mf have anti-fate manipulation?! - that may be the question you're having but to be honest I can't answer that either let's just say because I'm afford the dimensional being I am better - )

"10 pieces of silver yen... explain how I spent 10 pieces of silver yen. The amount of money some people don't even get to use in their entire lives?"


"I'm not getting you ice cream for another week."

- week -

- week -

- week -

- week -

- week -

- week -


"think of this as consequences for your actions. YuYui only made me spend like five bronze yen .You're the reason I had to spend 10 silver yen!"

"however.... if you promise and I mean promise to not spend more than 11 pieces of silver yen we can go to the shopping mall."

"I promise! I promise!"

Kai and Astrea were in a dark alley to make sure they didn't catch any attention from their loud words.

".... fine."

'Yesssssssss I'm going to spend all his money!'

"are you sure you're keeping your promise with that expression and the fact that you're so crouching way more than before I can guess that you're probably not going to keep your promises. Along with that your eyes are actually way wider than usual which probably means you're surprise we're also going to take advantage of me and my large pocket mone-."

"okay okay I won't!"

( - I'm telling you guys women can either be the best people in the world or predators for money or just simps.... which actually bully others for no flipping reason and also like 50% of those are blondes - No offense to blonde people but I swear every time I see a story that includes a blonde person there either mocking the main character or are just there as a side character and yes I mean this in the terms of manga that you can see on YouTube - )

'smarty pwants.'

"and from the way you actually spoke and from the way that your eyelids are actually closing very slowly while looking at me with a dangerous go into your eyes while crouching even more I could definitely guess that you are calling me a smarty pants."

"how the heck is that even possible!"

"You do realize we have a mental connection right?"


who was the person referenced? and just so you know they're one of the first three reviewers. You should probably check the comments on other chapters by the way.

genisis_gaia_bosscreators' thoughts