


hello people! ( to whoever is reading this ) I am begging you please read my book : Divine Tower - legend of the ethereal born!pls I just wanted to get this out to the platform.

2023-02-05 JoinedGlobal



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  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Manan_Singla

    Would YOU not hate the clan who's whole purpose is : ooga-booga, curse technique—and is practically racist at its finest, also, one of the whole points of Toji is HR, taking that away ain't fair

    If I were to guess, Naobito felt disappointed because, as the clan head, he wasted his time on a son who wouldn't even inherit their best techniques. What an idiot. I hate this stupid clan. You all would piss your pants if Toji decided to cut you all down, but you still rely on cursed techniques being labeled as 'powerful'.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    looking back at the people who thought He wasn't overpowered... say that again?

    However, it that still wasn't enough, he has taken out one of his meticulously crafted special grade tools, the Shogun's funeral Bell.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Yesnth

    oh, ok

    Arjun shook his head. "It doesn't matter what it means to me. What matters is it's meaning to you."
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Yesnth


    "Then, let me give you another example." He said. "Before the atom was discovered and such knowledge became the norm, what do you think the common man perceived the physical world as?
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Yesnth

    The point that I was going on to is : Why would one answer be incorrect and another one correct If it's supposed to have different meanings depending on the person? You actually missed my point there.

    Arjun shook his head. "It doesn't matter what it means to me. What matters is it's meaning to you."
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Yesnth


    "Close but not quite." Homura said, and beside him, Arjun nodded and chuckled.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    before the existence of atoms was revealed, simple answer is like 'physical material' or 'The will of *insert random religious deity*' we're probably most likely the answers, once again it differed from thought to thought and this is an example of the 'extraterrestrial thoughts phenomena', or ETTP for short.

    "Then, let me give you another example." He said. "Before the atom was discovered and such knowledge became the norm, what do you think the common man perceived the physical world as?
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    another example of the newly created by me 5 minutes ago, 'extraterrestrial thoughts phenomena'. I should probably stop commenting on it though, lol.

    "Your missing out on the point." He continued. "The point is to not be deceived by the norms of the society and everything around us.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    This is what can be considered 'The extraterrestrial thoughts phenomena', something that I made up 5 seconds ago. when A human being or literally anything that holds relatively large intelligence and they start to question the norms of reality, they go through this phenomena, making they themselves question the overall logistics of things that exist. The only real counter to this is that something can have many different meanings depending on the person, to someone a fist could just be a balled up hand however to another it could be a way of protection or guidance, simply depends on the person. on the other hand, the 'extraterrestrial thoughts phenomena', which happens when a person begins to actually question reality, occurs when a person questions all of those meanings and examples, after all why couldn't it be a ball of lightning in space, Why couldn't it be a concentrated bullet of magnetic force, Why couldn't It be a fireball? these are some examples of the extraterrestrial thought phenomena (once again I made this up like 5 minutes ago so don't search it up on a Wikipedia or something)

    "Imagine this. What if this is a not a fist? What if this is simply a ball of lightning swimming through space? Or perhaps what of this, what if this fist, instead of defining itself as one defines itself as the world itself?" He clenched his fist, a short pulse radiated from it, not cursed energy, just pure physical strength.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    Fist : when a hand is closed (weird way to say it) once again to describe a fist you can hold many meanings, after all in some languages a fist could mean something else entirely than what it means in another, other than that I technically completely agree with the statement

    "This is a fist. But how do you know it's a fist? Because you have the preconceived notion that a balled up hand is a fist. So, that means, by your interpretation and the interpretation of the rest of the world, the physical world and the preconceived norms are what defines the boundary at which thought can take place."
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    Is this statement also not contradictory? for the previous sentence it was stated that every opinion could possibly be different, for the second sentence they asked the protagonist on their perspective so it is most likely just like the first question completely dependent on the person, and plus, 'thoughts' As a word and concept can be contradicted quite easily and can hold many meanings, So what is to say that one answer cannot be right but another can?

    "Close but not quite." Homura said, and beside him, Arjun nodded and chuckled.
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    If you want to bring in JJK things then thoughts are probably things generated by the soul, If not then thoughts are a biological mechanism (realized by the body) That allows for further growth and development.

    "I mean to say what do you presume thought even is in the first place?"
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    Is that not contradictory though? as stated, sad sentence is supposed to be something that could hold a meaning different to all people, something theorized and researched. So why does one opinion not have to matter out of many? That's like saying one vote for a president doesn't matter just cuz, or you did something and it doesn't count just cuz

    Arjun shook his head. "It doesn't matter what it means to me. What matters is it's meaning to you."
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to darkimortal

    First off that's only really if you spawn in Japan (although considering how this is a demon Slayer fanfiction it makes sense if they just spawn in Japan). also compared to a lot of worlds where the conditions are far worse You can very well just live a normal life if you just live in a city or something (although demons affect small towns at least to my knowledge and demons later there haven't been any incidents of demons affecting large cities, other than special incidents like muzan). To be honest it completely depends on conditions

    Wondering by the contrasting themes, Ace discovered a small bookmark on the book's cover that read "Demon Slayer."
    Demon Slayers: Library of Wonders
    Anime & Comics · NexusPrimodius
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    hasn't it been like 10 or 20 chapters since the last curse technique? (I forgot, Actually I'm pretty sure it was around 20), considering that we're in a place with a lot of flames we might get a firebased technique (Are they looking back on this, Fuga already exists so probably not, unless we get another hard to kill)

    Ch 48 Smiles
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    Yesnth soloes tbh

    Jujutsu Kaisen: Exception
    Anime & Comics · Yesnth
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Braham_

    Wdym? If you're just mad about the belief system just getting in the way of the MC's progress then you don't really have to care cuz it barely matters.

    Bro, I'm not an Undead!
    Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Quintessential_Guy

    Hey... My parents somehow had something to deal with that then I don't think I should be killed in said situation. If A person didn't do anything and he would have no reason to do anything against them (also why I question the logic of bullying)

    Queen narrowed her eyes and added, "We shall extract the divine source from this weakling and imbue it into another. We shall proclaim the new hero as our Kingdom's true hero."
    Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy
    Fantasy · I_Cook_Limitlessly
  • genisis_gaia_boss
    Replied to Gato_Bolado


    Ch 8 Town & Weirdness
    Lord of Dreams - A Multiverse Fanfiction
    Anime & Comics · Houssem
  • genisis_gaia_boss

    Lore? Well, that's shocking

    Ch 1157 Serenity's Goal (1)
    Bro, I'm not an Undead!
    Fantasy · Shade_Arjuun