
One Step At A Time (DanMachi)

Argus Hale is a dreamy 22 years old. Living the life of luxury which most would consider fantasy, he never encountered obstacles, other than just one time. During the last of his high school days, something happened, leaving him with an emotional scar. It ran so deep that he still struggles with it. As time went on, he made peace with the fact- that’s just the way he will spend his seemingly meaningless life. Having no real friends, he created an imaginary friend in his mind which helped keeping him all the pieces of sanity he could gather. Anime and Video Games helped too. In midst of living in his own fantasy, he ignored one thing which ended it all for him, just as it had for many others. While it did snatch it all, ‘it’ also gave something in return and his life began anew. But this time he will ignore nothing...he’ll ignore no one. This time around, he has chosen to fight with whatever he’s got. Even with a face stained in tears and snot. Even with a body screaming ‘GIVE UP’. Or with a mind filled with demons. He will still fight. Regardless of how ugly his struggles may look. Because he somewhat understood what his father once told him, “The only way I know to beat it... is to fight as though you’re immortal. Fight like a Knight... that never dies!” This is the story of a dreamer facing off against Reality. . . That ends the synopsis. Before you tap ‘Read’, I would suggest you read what I have to say first. 1. Read my work with an open and accepting mind. 2. Argus, the protagonist is born out of me getting bored with those perfect-looking MCs. Shocking people to oblivion just by breathing. Almost every female they come across gets crazy for them. They’re so-called ‘Alpha Swag’ has lost its charm to me. Those who are not ‘perfect’ are downright insane. That’s when a question came to my mind - What happens to the souls of the ones whose bodies our Reincarnated MC’s inhabit. My overthinking mind went on about it for days. That’s where Argus came along. So here we are. Idea was to create an MC that is at heart and soul, a human, just like any other. 3. Initial chapters may feel rather heavy. but, I wanted to establish Argus as clearly as I Can. 4. I’m open to constructive criticism but not biased. 5. Rather than blowing everyone’s breath away. This novel focuses more on the emotional aspect and growth of characters. 6. Characters in my novel will have the ability of independent thought and action. I’ve done my best to portray all characters as alive as I Can. 7. I had once dropped this novel because of the exams. now that I’m done with them, I’ve picked it up again...as promised. 8. I’ll be releasing a chapter a day. 9. I don't own the cover. If the owner wants it down... it will be done. TAGS: Action, Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Family. The ride may be bumpy but, I assure you- you’ll come to love it. That’s all!

An_Imperfectionist · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The two sides of a coin- Tales, Part 1

The night was still young: the stars were sparkling up above- the Magic Lamps down below; onto the streets, jam-packed with wonders to see.

Wonders indeed how races who wouldn't even breathe in the same air as the other now share the same table- a cup of whiskey and wine. Either laughing or mourning today's adventure or just talk life or the stars above.

A wonder indeed how every night was a festival of today- of the moment.

Wondrous how every night, the citizens would step out of their homes with no fear in their hearts and celebrate side by side the powerful Adventurers.

Wonders, Themis couldn't get enough of.

Even though every day being a war of its own- a hard-fought battle against the wicked, but if it led to this moment, this peace, then it had all been worth it for the Goddess of Law and Devine Order.

Their smiles- this safety the citizens feel as they step out, knowing their voice will not go unheard- knowing there's a force out there devoted to help and exact justice for them. And to know it's the blood and sweat of her Familia that made it possible for people to feel safe even in a world filled with monsters and equally powerful Adventurers. Seeing for herself the fruits of their labor gives her the strength she needs to fight on.

And her Familia…

In this city filled with all kinds of Gods, of people, and the Familias they create together- The Themis Familia stands a special one: For it's the only Familia that serves the Guild.

Her Familia- The Themis Familia-AKA-The OPD and The Supreme Court.

Created 15 years ago, The Themis Familia comprises two factions:

The Orario Police Department, headed by the Level-3 Captain Dike.

While the Goddess of lovely cheeks, Themis- the only Goddess other than Ouranos, who has a say in The Guild's inner workings leads the Supreme Court.

And tonight was one of the rarest for her. The Goddess who wrote The Constitutional Laws of Orario, finally managed to snatch some time for herself, her, and a stroll around town.

So, still donned up in her blue-white uniform and her badge pinned on her chest, Themis stepped out of the Babel- into the crowd of smiles and laughs with her head held high.

And she did so, leaving no heads unturned: some greeted a bow, some smiled a nod, while most were just left drooling at her beauty.

Wavy bronze hair she let loose, draping past her shoulders- eyes of the most enchanting brown, darting left and right, soaking in every moment of her rare time outside- cheeks puffed and dimpled by the gentle curve of her lips.

There she strolled- a butterfly floating from stalls to stalls, all smiles and giggles, buying whatever caught her eye.

And it didn't take long for a point to come where-

"I… may have gone a little overboard," She forced a chuckle, clasping the two huge bags by her side, "Buat~ I'm almost there!"

So she was- just a little away from the fountain in the middle of the park, and her- Dike.

Hair as black as they inky-sky above, braided in a ponytail- skin as though fresh snow- jade eyes sharper than swords. Dressed in a blue uniform similar to Themis's, there she kneeled before two kids- Chienthropes, a little boy, and a girl.

"What's going on there?" The Goddess's head tilted on its own before her feet began tip-toeing to Dike's back. And moments later, those distant murmurs were distant no longer, nor were they murmurs.

"So you see, according to OPC, Section 38-B… you two can be sentenced for a minimum of 1 week in the Detention Center," she heard Dike speak, "But… I can let this slide if you promise to never steal again."

As her words settled, the younger- the boy glanced up with his large watery eyes- tail dropped low, fingers fiddling- hopeful, he asked, "Do you promise you will let us go then?"

"Of course!" Dike smiled in reply, caressing the child's head as she said, "I shall swear on my name! But only if you promise first."

While Themis couldn't help but roll her eyes, 'Come on, Dike… you can't do that. You're the head of the OPD!'

Maybe it was Dike's reassuring smile or just desperation, but the older- the girl gripped her brother's shoulder and pulled him back. Fighting her own trembles so bravely, the little girl then looked straight into Dike's eyes and asked a question, "Then how do we get food?"

A simple question- six words they were… six honest words, but they froze the officer of justice in an instant.

How indeed? The world won't just give them three meals a day, and Child Labor was against the Law. And since the world just won't, then what choice do they have? How can they just promise to never steal again- promise to never fight to fill their empty stomach?

'See?… that's why there are Laws.' Themis couldn't help but sigh as she gazed at Dike's frozen silence from behind.

The Detention Center wasn't just a place they cage criminals in. It was a special facility where they teach such children the moral difference between right and wrong- and their Legal Rights. And once the detention is over, OPD then transfers streets orphans such as these two to Guild certified orphanages.

A procedure Dike couldn't loath more, no matter how much sense it made.

"Then… I know of an orphanage that-"

"WE ARE NOT ORPHANS!" The timid one exploded, stunning Dike's words into silence, "Father is… he is away for work! A-and he'll come back! With lots of money!" He cried- defiant, fists clenched and shuddering, eyes in fearful tears, body shivering yet… defiant.

"Avi…" the girl mumbled, placing a hand on her brother's shoulders as she fought her own war.

While Dike… just knelt there, speechless, frozen.

'I've seen enough,' Themis stepped forward, starling the frozen Dike awake, and spoke with the biggest smile as she kneeled beside Dike, "Of course you're not orphans! I apologize in Dike's stead… I assure you, she meant no harm."

"Mam… just please let us go. We promise never to steal again," but the girl pled instead.

Themis understood well and good- these children were at their breaking point, but to let them go just like that…

"Yes, you may go, but before that," Themis spoke, pulling out a tissue paper before stomping her Seal of Divine Order onto it. As she handed it to the boy, Themis said, "Until your father returns with lots and lots of money… you can use this at any of our institutions, and they will give you all the food you need. And not only that, they have clean clothes, toys, and much more just waiting for you guys. So just go there and ask anything you need, and you shall have it… and you don't have to stay there… you can come and go as you please."

And well, children really do switch gears fast-

"Really?" The boy exclaimed, eyes wide as he held on to the piece of paper with a smile slowly blooming- not even a shadow of worry on his face, "Sis, look!"

But sis couldn't wait to get away from here, "I-um… Thank you, Mam. We promise to never steal again." She bowed, clamping his shoulder tighter.

"Very well, then I will take your word for it" Themis nodded with a smile, "Now off you go~"

And so they did with the last bow to her- The kids scurried away at the fastest pace their little legs allowed.

While Themis's eyes rolled left- to the still frozen Dike doing her best to avoid eye contact.

"You know, you should've jus-"

"Please! Don't!" Dike said, jerking her knees straight.

"The Detention Center would've secured them safety-"

"Do you have any idea what it does to a kid's mentality?"

"- and a future!" Themis emphasized.

"Look, let's not, okay?… How long has it been since we last went on a date?" Dike asked, shoulders drooping- her softened smile melting Themis's heart like an ice cube on a summer shore.

"I'm just worried… If you keep acting like this, and you'll only prove them right," Themis said, tenderly taking Dike's hand into hers, "Follow the rules… live by example! Show them that age does not equal competence."

"Che! Rules… What does a piece of paper know?" Dike scoffed in reply, but her gaze into Themis's eyes couldn't be gentler- her smile couldn't be softer as she took a step closer, "Let's leave that behind, shall we? Now that you're here…" Dike whispered, drowning the bustle around with her breath alone. All their ears drummed was the pounding of their heart as Dike pressed her body against hers, a hand sliding down Themis's waist in the softest touch, staying just beside her hips- she whispered, "… you're mine."

"Dike…" Themis's kettle whistled right then and there- rushing heat from her stomach to her chest, and then the cheeks, fluttering out everything but the giddy rush of adrenalin as lips parted a hazy smile… The fuzzy warmth of Dike's body, her sweet breath brushing her lips, Dike's glistening pink lips parted in welcome, her emerald eyes reflecting hers, the softness nuzzling in her chest… Themis melted.

Their foreheads touched, shallow breaths, eyes hypnotized by each other's. Violent heartbeats mirroring each other's as they gently closed in- little by little- savoring every tingling moment.

And just as their lips touched-


Blinding red consumed the sky.

Man... life really isn't pulling any punches on me.

On top of upcoming exams, and stuff... I fell off the stairs, and broke my dominant wrist~ Lol!

And that was a... crying 'LoL'... ya know... just to be clear... LOL!

Okay, I'm gonna get a little shameless here-

Would you mind giving me some reviews?

And yes! Do check the comments section... I've added an image of both Dike and Themis.

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