
One punch man: Infinite Luck

Fate, or qi, represents both destiny and the flow of current energy. The strength of beasts, in nature, each animal has its own way of surviving, as well as its own unique strength. By absorbing the fate of all living beings on earth, exchanging countless animal forces, gathering the strength of all living beings on earth into one body, forging an invincible body.

TenshiAkuma7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Tiger Fight

"Deadly danger!?" Xing Tao was stunned for a moment, then quickly retreated from the system in fright, carefully observing his surroundings. As he looked around, he was startled.


Utter silence!

Despite being in the mountains and forests, there was no sound around him. Not even the chirping of birds, let alone the buzzing of insects.

"Damn it, could my luck in this huge pit be about to come true again?!" Feeling the heavy atmosphere, Xing Tao couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. "There's no sound at all in the woods, obviously abnormal. In such a situation, something amazing is about to come out!"

Suddenly, Xing Tao's ears twitched, and he heard a faint rustling sound nearby.

The sound was extremely faint, almost imperceptible, but now Xing Tao, inheriting the power of a cheetah, had hearing far beyond ordinary people.

"What's that!" Xing Tao immediately looked towards the nearby bushes.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, a tiger leaped out of the bushes, bringing a gust of wind straight towards Xing Tao.


At that moment, Xing Tao's scalp went numb, a sense of deadly danger looming in his heart, while a bloodthirsty intent filled his mind, various strange combat experiences flooding into his mind. No, rather than calling it combat experience, it was instinct, the instinct of a cheetah to hunt, run, and evade.

Seeing the tiger pouncing towards him, Xing Tao suddenly bent down, exerted force with his right leg, a surge of power erupting from his calf muscles in an instant, then transmitting to his thighs, waist...

This force rose all the way up, lifting Xing Tao from the ground in an instant, moving him aside, then rolling over, directly landing him two zhang (about 6 meters) away from the tiger.

On the African savannah, cheetahs are actually relatively weak animals. Prey caught by cheetahs often face robbery by lions, hyenas, and other animals, so cheetahs are also good at escaping. At this moment, Xing Tao, completely immersed in the instinct of a cheetah, easily evaded the tiger's first attack.

"Hoo!" Dodging the tiger's pounce, Xing Tao suddenly woke up, breaking free from that mysterious state he was in just now. "Just now... that was the movement of a cheetah. I really can jump that far! The distance from where I was standing just now to here is at least seven meters away, without a run-up, just a jump and roll got me this far. With this strength, if I were in my previous life and trained a bit, I'd definitely be the long jump champion, worthy of the power of a cheetah."

At this moment, Xing Tao finally had time to examine the tiger in front of him.

The tiger was as strong as a bull, with a large "王" shaped white spot on its forehead, black and yellow patterns all over its body, with several white spots on its chest, abdomen, and inner sides of its limbs. Its thick black and yellow fur resembled a large robe, draped neatly over its shoulders. Its limbs were thick and strong, its claws protruding outwards from its toes, its tail thick and long, with black rings, swaying like a steel whip.

This tiger had a round head, short ears, long whiskers on its white mouth, majestic and strong, its movements streamlined, its muscles firm and beautiful, full of infinite strength. This was a typical South China tiger.

However, at this moment, this South China tiger was also quite surprised. It didn't expect the prey it had targeted to be so agile in evading its pounce, and even instantly running so far away, it even had to turn around to pursue.

"Roar!" The tiger didn't wait any longer, roaring in anger and attacking again!

Just as the tiger was about to pounce on Xing Tao for the second time, he cursed under his breath and ran forward without a word. But unfortunately, misfortune struck again.

Just as Xing Tao took his first step, his body lost balance instantly and he fell forward.

"Damn it, I forgot this is the forest. How unfortunate that I happened to step into a small pit just as I took my first step!" Xing Tao felt almost despairing. A tiger was pouncing towards him, but his body lost balance.

"No, I absolutely can't die!" Feeling the foul smell of the tiger behind him, Xing Tao's eyes turned red in an instant, instinctively making another move.

Just as he was about to fall, Xing Tao's hands lightly pressed on the ground, his arms pushed, while his other leg pushed against the ground, his waist expanded, and his whole body seemed to leap into the air, avoiding the tiger's fatal pounce in an instant. The whole movement flowed smoothly, like a real cheetah leaping.

"It's the instinct of a cheetah again!" Xing Tao was stunned for a moment, then snapped out of that state again.

"Roar!" The tiger failed to pounce on Xing Tao twice in a row, roaring in anger again and pouncing once more!

"Damn it, stubborn cat, it's really going against me!!" Xing Tao cursed inwardly and ran forward again. This time, he paid special attention to his footing and didn't step on anything, so his speed increased. At this moment, he seemed to turn into a phantom, running through the mountains and forests.

"Roar!" However, the tiger didn't give up on Xing Tao as its prey, swiftly chasing after him.

"Damn it! Aren't tigers supposed to give up when they see their prey running away!? Why is this one so persistent, what's wrong with it, is there really such a tiger!" Feeling the heat getting closer and closer, Xing Tao's heartbeat accelerated. "It's definitely going to be incredibly unlucky again!"

Thinking of this, Xing Tao accelerated again, but unfortunately, even though he inherited the power of a cheetah, he couldn't fully unleash the cheetah's full power at the moment. So, no matter how hard he tried to run, the distance between him and the tiger kept getting closer.

And Xing Tao's stamina was too weak. Lions, tigers, and leopards are known for their explosive power and poor stamina. With poor stamina, the peak speed can't be sustained for too long, let alone Xing Tao, who couldn't fully unleash the power of a cheetah.

Xing Tao and the tiger chased each other for about ten seconds, and the distance between them finally came to a very close level. Xing Tao could feel the heavy breathing of the tiger behind him, as well as the strong stench of blood emanating from the tiger.

"Roar!" At that moment, the tiger stretched out its front paw, its sharp claws leaving three bloody marks on Xing Tao's calf.

"Ah!" The sudden injury made Xing Tao shiver, and his body involuntarily fell to the side.

And after seeing blood, the tiger behind Xing Tao became even more frenzied, pouncing down on him, its mouth wide

 open emitting a terrifying stench, its ten-centimeter-long fangs gleaming with a bloodthirsty light.