
One punch man: Infinite Luck

Fate, or qi, represents both destiny and the flow of current energy. The strength of beasts, in nature, each animal has its own way of surviving, as well as its own unique strength. By absorbing the fate of all living beings on earth, exchanging countless animal forces, gathering the strength of all living beings on earth into one body, forging an invincible body.

TenshiAkuma7 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Laughing Proudly at the world

The green hills stretched endlessly like waves. Suddenly, a coughing sound was heard.

"Cough! Cough!" A tall, thin naked man suddenly moved and spat out a mouthful of water. This man was Xing Tao.

Xing Tao felt weak all over, but compared to the pain of death he had experienced before, he felt like he was in heaven now. He opened his eyes and looked around. It was a forest. "Did the experiment fail, and they dumped my body in the wilderness?"

"Impossible!" Xing Tao thought carefully. "With the power of Evolution House, they couldn't possibly not know if I'm really dead. And even if I were dead, they wouldn't just abandon my body in the wilderness. Preserving specimens is what a laboratory should do!"

"Almost forgot!" Xing Tao lay for a while, recovering some strength in his body. "System, how did I end up here?"

"Host is currently in the world of 'Laughing Proudly at the World,' danger level D. Completely controlling this world can earn you a hundred thousand points of luck!" The system's cold voice sounded in Xing Tao's mind.

"What!?" Xing Tao was startled by the system's voice. "System, what's going on? How did I suddenly end up in the world of 'Laughing Proudly at the World'? Didn't you say crossing dimensional channels would require a thousand points of luck? Where did I get the luck to do this for you!?"

"This entry into the 'Laughing Proudly at the World' dimension is an emergency measure by this system, akin to illegal entry." The system replied, "The host's body still belongs to the 'One Punch Man' dimension. For every day spent in this world, it will cost three points of luck. After the luck is depleted, the host will be forcibly returned to the 'One Punch Man' dimension."

"But the problem is, I remember I only have one point of luck, so theoretically, I can't even stay for a day," Xing Tao suddenly remembered he only had one point of luck.

The system was silent for a while, then said, "The host underwent a mutation due to the injection of a hybrid of cheetah and saber-toothed tiger genes. In order to save the host, this system abandoned the saber-toothed tiger genes and actively incorporated the more easily fused cheetah genes into the host's body."

"So now I have the strength of a cheetah!?" Xing Tao carefully felt his body. "It seems like I've really become a bit stronger!! And I'm still in human form, not like those experimental subjects in the anime who turned into monsters."

"What's next?" Xing Tao continued to ask.

"Because of this system's intervention, Evolution House inevitably obtained some valuable data. In the future, Evolution House will produce many powerful monsters!" The system explained, "Therefore, before crossing to the 'Laughing Proudly at the World' dimension, the host had already gained 1400 points of luck."

"So many points of luck!?" Xing Tao exclaimed. "Let me check!"

After a moment, Xing Tao saw the big '0' on his panel, feeling dumbfounded. "System, explain to me, where did my luck go!?"

"100 points of luck were completely used to refine the host's cheetah power. The complete cheetah power requires 800 points of luck to exchange for. Now the host has only paid 100 points of luck, which is already a big advantage!"

"What about the remaining 1300 points?" Xing Tao's tone became more unpleasant. "Can I assume you embezzled them!? Damn it!"

"The remaining 1100 points of luck are defaultly used for all activities of the host in the 'Laughing Proudly at the World' dimension!" The system said calmly, "The host can stay in the 'Laughing Proudly at the World' dimension for a year and a day. Two hundred points are the handling fee for randomly selecting dimensions."

"Damn it!" Xing Tao cursed. "Without my permission, you used up all my luck. You're just trying to cheat me! 1300 points of luck! I could've exchanged it for the power of a tiger and still had plenty left!"

"Because this is an emergency measure," the system said a word and fell silent again.

"Damn, now I've become an unlucky god again!" Xing Tao cursed inwardly.

"Anyway, let's see my current attributes!" Xing Tao immediately looked at his attribute panel.

Height: 190cm

Weight: 65kg

Upper limb strength: 1.2

Lower limb strength: 1.5

Waist and abdomen strength: 1.4

Speed: 2.5

Jumping: 1.8

Nerve reaction: 1.5

Physical strength: 0.9

Endurance: 1.1

Spirit: 1.4

Explosiveness: 1.9

Immunity: 1.2

Physical vitality: 1.1

"All attributes have increased a lot, especially speed, almost 2.5 times that of an ordinary person, worthy of the power of a cheetah; explosiveness and jumping are also almost double that of an ordinary person." Xing Tao looked at his attributes and was somewhat satisfied. "These attributes should be comparable to some low-level martial artists!"

"But now only physical strength is lower than normal people's. Is a cheetah's physical strength really that weak?" Xing Tao said to himself, "And the strength of a cheetah is also too weak. This kind of strength enhancement probably only compares to ordinary athletes!"

"System, cheetahs aren't that weak, are they?" Xing Tao suddenly asked. "As far as I know, a cheetah's speed is basically three times that of Usain Bolt, almost four times that of an ordinary person. Doesn't this count as getting the complete power of a cheetah!?"

"The host has not yet adapted to the power of the cheetah, so the enhancement is limited!" The system coldly reminded, "If the host can fully develop the power of the cheetah, the speed will reach 4 or even higher."

"It seems that getting the power of a beast also takes time and effort to develop, just like Devil Fruits!" Xing Tao suddenly understood, "It seems that every type of power is like an animal-type Devil Fruit, and the existence of the system is equivalent to allowing me to use animal-type Devil Fruits infinitely, although it's a weakened version, it's still not bad."

"But the price of enhancement is a bit of a pit! Exchanging luck for power!" Xing Tao felt helpless at the thought of this damn system. "It's hard to come by good luck, and then you enhance a bit, and you're chased by the 'grim reaper' again, it's simply a hell of a pit!"

"Reminder: The host has only one point of luck left in the 'One Punch Man' dimension, and no luck points in the 'Laughing Proudly at the World' dimension." The system suddenly reminded.

"What does that mean!?" Xing Tao asked, "Does it mean that the luck of each world is not interconnected?"

"Of course they are not interconnected! Each world has its own luck, naturally they will not merge with each other!" The system said indifferently, "By the way, I would like to remind the host again, your current luck is too low, and there may be fatal dangers at any time, please increase your luck as soon as possible."