
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

I know just the place.

Alex wiped a tear and one of his fingers grabbed and opened another drink for both him and Shanks.

They took a huge swig before giving some to Maya and Sarah.

Alex and Shanks hopped out of their arms and brought the girls on top of the table with them. One of Alex's fingers picked up April and another girl who Alex had seen Dragon talking too often.

Alex brought the girls on top of the table and set them in front of Dragon and Buggy. The two suddenly realized the clothes they were in and tried to cover themselves up.

Alex and Shanks laughed at them while downing their bottles. Dragon swung his arm and a wave of wind blew Shanks and Alex's clothes to shreds, leaving only their underwear and revealing their well trained and toned bodies to everyone.

Alex and Shanks looked at each other and laughed. They wrapped one of their arms around each other and started dancing again, nearly naked.

Buggy tried to run away but April grabbed him and started to dance with him while he was still in his dress and tiara.

Dragon laughed at Buggy before his girl grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the fray.

Eventually, Alex and Shanks needed a breather, and to grab new clothes. The two boys started humming the tune of, The Gael… Time Flies, again.

Shanks looked over and giggled. "Dude, I think I drank too much… your ears look pointy!"

Alex smiled and flicked Shanks's forehead. "You just noticed?"

Shanks gasped and laughed. "You actually have pointy ears??"

Alex laughed. "Yeah, and these." He pulled up his upper lip and revealed that his canines were long and sharp, like a beast.

Shanks giggled. "Cool! What happened?"

Alex chuckled. "I'm not a human."

Shanks looked shocked. "Really? That's so cool!"

Alex laughed. "Right? I found out when I was doing tests on my blood. It's also why I head fast and can drink so much."

"And don't get hangovers!" Shanks added.

Alex smiled and nodded.

Shanks laughed. "You're even weirder now!"

Alex laughed. "Says the naked guy who was slow dancing with Dragon."

Shanks laughed and nearly fell over. "Hey! You're naked too! And you were forcing Buggy to do the Watlz with you!"

Alex burst into laughter and he started slapping his knee. "I forgot about that! AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on his face!"

Shanks giggled. "Did you see April? I think seeing Buggy in a dress awakened something inside her."

Alex laughed. "I'll have to make him more then!"

The two laughed and got dressed again before heading back to party more.

As the night continued on, the marines dropped like flies. Not able to keep up with the two little pirates' methods of partying.

Alex finished another bottle and tossed it to Lugh, who ate it and dissolved it into nothingness. He laughed as he looked around. The only people still awake were him, Shanks, Buggy, Dragon and April.

Alex smiled and wiped his mouth clean. He grabbed Shanks and forced a vial of green liquid down his throat, before doing the same to everyone else and drinking one himself.

Everyone began to sober up and Buggy looked at him confused. "What was that for?! I was having so much fun!"

Shanks chuckled and took a deep breath.

Dragon smiled before looking down and realizing what he was wearing. "Who stole my shirt?! That was my favourite shirt!"

Alex laughed and replied. "The kids spit all over it and you took it off."

Dragon rubbed his temples as he tried to remember. "Oh… right."

Shanks laughed. "You're a fun drunk, Dragon!"

Dragon's ears turned pink and he looked away. "There's a reason I don't drink often… If you ever tell anyone about this, then you're dead."

Alex booed him. "Bring back drunk Dragon! Drunk Dragon is fun! He dances with us!"

The rest joined in and booed Dragon.

Dragon sighed. "Whatever, are you guys ready?"

Alex smiled and nodded. "One more thing."

Alex pulled a letter out of Lugh and left it on the table next to Sarah and Maya.

Shanks hopped off the table and landed on the ground, he started stretching and chuckled. "No hangover! Alex, you're my hero! I love you and your weird magic drink!"

Alex sighed. "I told you, it's science. And it's not some hangover cure, it's way more than that!"

Shanks laughed and Buggy looked around confused.

"W-what's going on? Am I missing something?" Buggy asked.

Dragon sighed. "Oh, right. We never told you. We're leaving."

"Leaving?" Buggy asked.

Alex chuckled and pat the dust off himself. "I've had enough of playing marine. Plus I got everything I needed from that place…" Alex sighed. "Well, other than the 6 powers, I only found two."

"WHAT?!" Buggy called out.

Alex nodded. "We still can't use them, they are too hard. But one day you'll see the three of us soru and geppo all over the place."

Dragon smirked and kicked the ground before appearing next to Buggy and fixing the tiara on his head. "I can already use them."

Buggy shook his head. "Nononono! What about us leaving?! No one told me! I can't just… I mean… what about… April…"

The three looked at him before smiling and raising their eyebrows in sync.

Alex pointed behind Buggy.

Buggy turned around and yelped when he noticed that April was next to him.

April smiled and blushed as she twirled her hair. "I'll come with you. I want to go where you go Buggy. Also, it sounds like fun to be a pirate."

Buggy's jaw hit the floor and his brain took a moment to process the information.

Dragon smiled and picked him up. Alex and Shanks laughed and walked away with Dragon in the lead and April following along behind them.

The group arrived at the pirate ship. They all hopped on and untied it from the dock. Alex took the helm.

"Do we have anywhere we need to go?" He asked.

Dragon shook his head. "Not yet."

Alex smiled. "Then I know just the place."