
One Piece: World's Strongest Martial Artist.

Being Reborn In One Piece, he had one dream. To conquer the world as the greatest Martial Artist.

DaoistCAIF4q · Anime & Comics
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Start Of Greatness

As I walked home after a brutal training session, I walked back home to my village, away from the forest I started training in.

It had been a week since I was transmigrated into the world of One Piece, where pirates and marines are in constant turmoil. I was transmigrated here after an accident with a truck involuntarily took my life.

I had all of the blond kid's memories, before I took over his body.

I was reborn into the body of a kid named Adam Ragnorok, a kid born in the North Blue. My home was a small town on this island called Viridian Village.

My mom and dad were killed by pirates who once raided this village. Ever since then, Adam was taken in by the village's elder, who was friends with my late grandfather.

Adam was living a boring life but he had one dream. It was the dream to become the World's Strongest Martial Artist. He didn't do shit to achieve the dream though, as the body he left me with, was very skinny and frail.

I had adopted his dream though, as I liked the idea of becoming the strongest martial artist. I had begun training in the forest, working on my body. If I was supposed to be the best martial artist, I need a strong body, if not the strongest body.

I spent most of the day lifting small boulders, going after bigger ones if the former wasn't a challenge anymore. I also did a bunch of Calisthenics, trying to get my body into the best shape it could be.

I worked my heart out, as I used to be the kid the former Adam was. Having big dreams but never doing the work or having the consistency to do it. After getting another chance at life, I won't make the same mistake!

As I entered my home, I saw the elder, whose name was Kronos. He was sitting on his rocking chair and as he saw me enter the house, he called me over.

I walked over into the living room and sat in front of him.

"Boy, I have been noticing you have been out in the forest, working out. Do you have any reason to do so?", old man Kronos asked me. Oh yeah, I forgot the former Adam didn't tell anyone his dream. I guess there is no reason not to proclaim my dream.

"Kronos, the reason I have been working out, is to become the World's Strongest Martial Artist.", I proclaimed my dream to Kronos.

Kronos' eyes widened at this statement. His face had shock written all over it. He then began to talk." So you plan on leaving this island to achieve your glory?", he asked me, slowly getting mad.

I nodded at this and Kronos continued."I advise you not to. I chased a dream out on sea as a young lad, and it did not go well for me".

I remember hearing about how Kronos used to be a pirate, before cutting his career short and starting this village. He doesn't talk about it enough so one knows the details.

" I know, Kronos. I just can't stay on this small island my whole life. I want to explore the world and achieve my glory.", I said to which Kronos had an expression of contemplation.

"You don't know what happens to kids like you and me when I was younger.", Kronos said.

"So tell me what happened to you and I'll see if it's worth giving up your dreams", I replied quickly to the old man.

Kronos' eyebrows furrowed at this but after a few seconds he complied. He began to tell me his story.


After he told me his backstory, I began to recollect on what he said to me.

Kronos was an aspiring pirate in the North Blue, way back then. His dream was to have a lot of wealth, fame and power.

He set out on the sea with a crew of his friends and they sailed across the North Blue. One day though, out on sea, they crossed paths with a ship containing some nefarious individuals.

They crossed paths with the Rocks PIrates. That ship contained Xebec, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido and Shiki and many more crazy individuals.

Old man didn't put that much details in the last part though, saying he forgot and didn't want to recall those memories.

Long story short, he escaped the Rocks PIrates, but not without losing the life of all his cremates except him. He came to an island and started a village here, effectively giving up on his dreams.

The story left me shocked. I couldn't believe Kronos crossed paths with 3 of the 4 current Yonkos. That was probably the escape of the century!

I also had another feeling, anger. Back then, when I saw evil people on screens, I wouldn't care enough a it doesn't effect me as they are in a show and not in real life.

Now that the show was a reality and we have the same nefarious beings inflicting pain on people I like, it feels different.

I had birthed another dream at this moment, a dream of vengeance.


(Kronos' Pov)

As I told him my backstory , I held back tears at the painful memories.

As I looked back to my foster son, Adam, I could see his face was one of anger and empathy for me.

As I awaited what he was going to say, he finally talked.

"Old Man, I promise, I'll avenge you by taking down all of the alive former Rocks Pirates", he proclaimed with a face portraying anger.

I was dumbfounded. How does one hear about the horror of the seas and proclaim such things? How could he take down all of those legendary pirates! Some are still out on the sea seeking glory.

I looked into Adam's eyes and was met with eyes that had fires of determination in them. I finally understand, he's nothing like me! This boy actually could be great!

My tears finally descended from my eyes. There was no use, he would set out no matter what. It would also be a shame to keep such a boy here forever.

I threw away all my previous thoughts before saying what I needed to say.

"Adam Ragnorok, you have my blessing to leave this island and claim your glory. I'll look forward to you "avenging" me", I said with a small smile.


(Adam's Pov)

As I went to bed after my conversation with Kronos, I had a big smile all over my face. I had Kronos' full support and I will keep my promise to him.

I will avenge Kronos and I will become the World's Strongest Martial Artist. I will explore the world, gaining power and learning new martial arts.

The world will soon know a man called Adam Ragnorok.


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