
one piece with sign-in system.

Reborn One Piece World, get a sign-in system, as long as you complete the sign-in at the designated location, you can get rich rewards. Carlo began to form his own pirate group, resurrected Guina, led Nami sisters, and beat the four emperors. Warring States: “Carlo, this bastard, roasted my sheep!” Redhead: “Can’t Carlo give me a face? Don’t slap my face.” Aunt: “No one is allowed to mess with that Carlo.” Kaido: “I would like to call Carlo the strongest in the world.” Taotu: “Carlo, you dare to tell what you see, and you will never die!” ..

Grim_reaper123 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 016: Zoan Fruit Ability

Chapter 016: Zoan Fruit Ability

NuoqigaoNuoqigao looked at Carlo: "As long as you don't do anything to Nami, I promise."

She coughed: "But I shouldn't live for a few days."

"If you promise, you can't go back." Carlo smiled wickedly.

She just nodded and bit her whitish red lips.

Needless to say, Carlo had heard Nami's snoring. She was so tired that she hadn't rested for more than a day. After crying for a while, she fell asleep on the table with tears in her eyes.

Carlo is ready to go up and have a look.

"You... you promised me." Nuo Qi Gao panicked, this man didn't keep his word.

Carlo made a booing gesture and said with a smirk, "I didn't say that, I came to attack Nami, she is my navigator."

Nuoqigao looked bewildered.

"Are you Nami's friend?"

"Of course!"

Cough cough cough... cough cough... choked Nuoqi Gao.

Seeing Carlo quietly walking upstairs, Nuoqigao doesn't care anymore, his body is very clear, even if Gao Cun doctor said that she will get better, that would be comforting.

Carlo looked at Nami's crying red eyes and could feel her desperation. He picked up the quilt and covered her and went down.

Staring at Carlo down, Nuoqigao was relieved.

Carlo picked up an orange and sat in front of Nuoqi's high bed. It was quiet outside.

"Your name is Carlo, right?"

"Otardi Carlo."

"Are you a pirate?"


"Are you good? How many crew members do you have?"

"Is it alright? There are still two crew members on my ship, a very talented female swordsman, she is going to become the world's number one swordsman. There is also a reliable iron-blooded guy who has been a legion commander."

Nuoqi Gao thought, Carlo's boat only has three people, but it sounds like the other two are rare talents.

"Carlo, can you take Nami with you tomorrow?"

"Why?" Carlo looked at Nokigao.

"The Evil Dragon Pirates will not let Nami go.

In East Blue, they colluded with Marine, and the 20 nearby villages are suffering. It is impossible for Nami to escape the clutches."

"So you take her away, she has big dreams, and she's talented, you have a good eye, and she's going to be the best navigator."

"how about you?"

"I can't live for a few days." Nuoqi sighed: "It's a pity I can't see the day when Nami succeeds, I believe she will succeed."

Carlo was also polite, squeezed onto the bed and sat, leaning against Nuoqi.

"That can't be done. I, Carlo, can't make my people feel wronged. Those who hurt me, I have to get them back ten times and a hundred times."

Nuoqigao looked at Carlo, but smiled instead: "I feel more at ease when I hear you say that."

"I am not kidding."

The index finger raised Nuoqi's high chin: "The moment you promised me, you were also my crew member. Nami is, and so are you."

Nuoqigao has short blue-purple hair, dark green beautiful big eyes and long eyelashes, a somewhat healthy and wild complexion, a graceful and sexy figure, and a purple tattoo on her collarbone, which is to cooperate with Nami and be considerate of her sister. Up.

She is strong, brave, and will not show a woman no matter how painful it is.

"Why not watch Nami become the most amazing navigator with your own eyes? Go to Arlong together and return him a hundred times the pain."

She coughed: "Of course I want to, but."

Carlo took out a purple rubber-shaped fruit with white stripes from the system space: "Have a bite?"


The sun was shining all over the room, and unlike yesterday's haze, the sun was shining brightly today.

Passing by the villagers staring blankly, Carlo and the others were exercising in the morning.

Kuina and Darius stood upside down with one hand, while Carlo held a huge rock of more than ten meters and was exercising not far from the orange forest.

Suddenly, Nami woke up.

"Why did I fall asleep." She wiped her red and swollen eyes.

Seeing the sunshine outside, she clenched her fists and couldn't give up. She at least took Noqigao to Caleman Island, in case there were good doctors or good medicines passing by.

When Nami ran downstairs, there was no one on the bed.

"Nuoqigao! Sister!"

Is Noki Master gone? Where have people gone!

"Sister! Sister!"

Nami panicked, Nuoqigao was her only relative.

The door outside opened: "Nami, why are you shouting so loudly in the early morning?"

Nuo Qigao held the wooden basin in his left hand, and walked in from the outside with his right hand on his hips.

"Sister? You...how can you move!" Nami's eyes widened.

"Why can't I move?" She pointed to the table: "I washed yesterday's dirty clothes and made you breakfast."

There is toast and mushroom soup on the table.

Nami couldn't believe it, and told Dr. Gao Village that Nuo Qi Gao's body could no longer move due to his injuries.

How could it be possible to do so much.

Seeing Nami twisting her face hard, couldn't believe it was true.

Nuo Qigao couldn't hold back her face, cried, and hugged Nami excitedly: "Nami, my body is much better, much better, I feel like I'm alive again."

"Great, great, how did you do it?"

The sisters hugged and cried excitedly.

They are all orphans of the battlefield, adopted by Bell-mère.

Nuoqi stood up and stretched out his right hand with a smile: "Because of this, half-beast form!"

Instantly her right arm turned into a blue-purple bird's wing. *

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