
one piece with sign-in system.

Reborn One Piece World, get a sign-in system, as long as you complete the sign-in at the designated location, you can get rich rewards. Carlo began to form his own pirate group, resurrected Guina, led Nami sisters, and beat the four emperors. Warring States: “Carlo, this bastard, roasted my sheep!” Redhead: “Can’t Carlo give me a face? Don’t slap my face.” Aunt: “No one is allowed to mess with that Carlo.” Kaido: “I would like to call Carlo the strongest in the world.” Taotu: “Carlo, you dare to tell what you see, and you will never die!” ..

Grim_reaper123 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 008 I am what he called Carlo.

Chapter 008 I am what he called Carlo.

Kuina leaped away, the blade was swift as wind, and her body was as light as a swallow.

The maximum combat power of the Purple Rat Pirates is estimated to be less than five hundred, and the Moon Heart in Kuina's hands cut bloody openings on those pirates.

But it was all on the body or the gust of wind slashed through the throat.

Carlo stood on the bow, he did not criticize Kuina.

She just went to sea, she is just a mature girl, and her knife is still merciful.

A pair of more than 30 people, basically suppressed.

But the mustache captain who was lying on the ground was not dead, he took out a revolver from his arms and pointed it at Kuina's back.


The sound of guns.

Kuina shuddered.

This shot was aimed at her heart.

She turned to look, and saw Carlo standing behind her, the bullet from the musket pierced into his waist, and blood flowed out.

Kuina bit her red lips and looked at Carlo: "Yes, sorry Carlo."

Carlo kicked the moustache away, smashed the cabin, and flew out more than 200 to die on the sea. The unicorn tail swept across, and the five pirates who were still breathing were dealt with.

Looking at the guilty Kuina.

He hugged her gently: "The road to becoming a strong person is painful. You have just started. It's not that you can't have pity, but look at the right person, or you will fall into this cruel world."

Kuina holds Carlo.

He touched her head with a smile: "Take your time, tell me if you feel uncomfortable, take a rest, you can always act like a spoiled child."

"I will be strong."

"Go and move the supplies. Take all the good things that can be used. I don't want to be poor enough to rob the village."

"Your injury?"

"Small problem." Carlo pulled out the bullet himself, the pain was expressionless, and the wound was recovering visibly.

Such is the terrifying resilience of Zoan Demon fruit power.

Looking at Kuina who went to the cabin to find the goods.

Carlo did it on purpose, otherwise he would have no less than five ways to completely defend against this little bullet.

More importantly, I wanted to give Kuina a memory, which could have been fatal in his absence.

A girl with high savvy needs to learn slowly.

Successfully obtained 3 boxes of supplies sponsored by the Purple Rat Pirates, 5.5 million Berry.

Came back in less than two hours.

Successfully obtained 5 boxes of supplies sponsored by the Barima Pirates, 7.5 million Berry.

Among them, the captain of the Barima Pirates is still a guy who offers a reward of 4 million Berry. In East Blue, which has a reward of 3 million per capita, he is still a little famous.

Carlo's ship sailed more and more supplies.

"Carlo, why are there so many pirates?"

"Otherwise, no matter what it is called the era of the great pirates, I want to be the king of pirates and find the great secret treasure."

Carlo has discovered the importance of navigators. After fighting against the pirates, he encountered waves again, and Carlo felt that he was off course.

After two days of sailing, Carlo and the others arrived at a small town.

Blackrock Town, the famous mining town of East Blue.

"Sure enough, it deviates from the course."

Carlo accompanies Kuina to buy clothes and then go to the bar.

It's a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and it's a gathering place for pirates.

"Have you heard? The Black Skull Horse, Purple Rat, and even the Barry Horse Pirates are all gone in the nearby waters."

"Meet Marine?"

"Brother, you don't know."

"Don't give a shit, tell me what happened?"

Many people came to see that the bar owner was very sensible and gave the bald man a glass of beer.

"Tell you, these three pirate groups were all wiped out by two people."

"What? Two people? I remember that there are more than 60 people in the Barima Pirates!"

The nearby pirates interacted a lot with each other.

Chickens peck each other, the battle at the foot of Uranus.

"Our regiment rescued a black skeleton horse last time, and only then did we accurately know the name of that powerful guy. Young man, tall and good-looking, his name is Carlo, and he can kill twenty or thirty of them in one move. People, they solved their pirate group in three seconds."

The whole bar's mouths wide open.


"I've never heard of it!"

"So amazing! Young newcomer?"

"Can we East Blue also produce such a good guy?"

"I heard that there is also a female swordsman on his ship. She is in good shape and beautiful."

Hearing the description of the bald head, other pirates began to fantasize.

There are many female pirates, but very few beautiful female pirates.

The first reaction is that Alvida, the bloated fat woman, thinks of nausea.

"Hmph, do people like to brag so much now?"

With a cold snort, the muscular man sitting at the table next to him sneered, "It's just a newcomer, that's why he didn't meet my Iron Pirates."

"The Iron Pirates!"

"I said it looks so familiar, you are offering a reward of 7 million Berry, Tieli Jagnar!"

"It's down!"

The other pirates looked at him, Iron Jagnar was quite famous in East Blue.

Looking at his sturdy right arm, the muscles are thicker than a plate, I heard that he can easily crush steel.

"What will happen when you meet?"

The voice across the table.

"I'll let him know what terror is like for a boy who doesn't even grow his hair."

Carlo walked over and sat down: "Really? Come, let me see."

Smiling and reaching out.

"Who is your boy?"

"I am Carlo, Otardi Carlo!"*

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