
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

"Dad, I want this Devil Fruit!"


In the room, Wagner finally made a choice among the four Devil Fruits placed in front of him! Under Whitebeard's puzzled gaze, Wagner picked up the unknown Devil Fruit!


"Huh? Kid, this devil fruit is unknown. What if it's some kind of rubbish? It would be terrible! A person can only eat one devil fruit in his life."Whitebeard was a little anxious. In his opinion, the person on the side The Devil Fruit, an ancient species of Scimitar Rhinoceros, is the most suitable for Wagner! This ancient devil fruit can provide Wagner with extremely high defense and strength! It can also help him repair physical damage!


Although it is not as good as the Zoan Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, it is already the best thing that young Whitebeard can come up with!


"If you can't do it, Daddy, I want this Devil Fruit!"


Wagner firmly picked up the blood-red Devil Fruit. In fact, he didn't know why he did this. The reason for choosing this Devil Fruit was just a faint voice in his heart!


This Devil Fruit is the most suitable for you!


Maybe, this is a man's seventh sense!


Seeing this, Whitebeard had no choice but to give him any advice. He frowned and watched his eldest son excitedly pick up the blood-red Devil Fruit.


When Wagner's palm came into contact with the Devil Fruit, his body trembled with excitement! Devil Fruit is magical; held in his right hand, it looks like a ball of beating flames!


Without any hesitation, Wagner opened his big mouth and bit hard at the Devil Fruit! Naturally, an indescribable taste instantly occupied his mouth!

How would you describe it?


It's like a stinky sock that has been buried in a stinking ditch for decades, stuffed with the legendary nine-turn large intestine, wrapped in bread crumbs that have been moldy for 20 years, and finally filled with skunk fart juice. Use oil and fry it fiercely.


Let's just say, is there a possibility that the shit-like smell of Devil Fruit is an implicit description...


Wagner's mind is still firm. Now he is devouring Devil Fruit while crying crazily. Damn, he swears, even if he is about to starve to death, he will not try this taste!


Whitebeard is still praying, hoping that this Devil Fruit's ability will be better! The way he closed his eyes and clasped his hands looked like he was a devout believer! But when he opened his eyes, Whitebeard was completely stunned!


He just sat there, watching Wagner wolf down the last piece of fruit pulp into his belly!


A chill suddenly came to his heart!


Good guy, Newgate calls it good guy!


He is also a Demon fruit power, so he naturally knows what wonderful taste Devil Fruit has! It's common knowledge in the sea that Devil Fruit only needs one bite to gain its abilities! Of course, looking at this, Wagner in front of him didn't know...


What a ruthless person!


Whitebeard coughed twice and put on a serious expression. He looked at Wagner, who was obviously shocked, and asked impatiently, "Kid, how do you feel now? What kind of fruit is this?"


Whitebeard's words interrupted Wagner who was feeling the majestic power in his body. This Devil Fruit was like a blazing sun. The moment it was swallowed by Wagner, the endless power quickly filled his body! There is no doubt that this is Zoan's Devil Fruit! The power of Devil Fruit directly cleared away all the hidden wounds in his body! He even said that he washed his body once by the way!


To describe it as "reborn" is no exaggeration!


Wagner didn't answer Whitebeard's question directly. He stood upright in front of Whitebeard as if by miracle! His nimble movements gave no trace of the fact that not long ago he was a kid with all his bones damaged!


Seeing this, Whitebeard's pupils shrank sharply!


It is common knowledge that Zoan Devil Fruit can enhance the user's physical body, but it is definitely not that fast! It only takes a few seconds to completely restore a kid's physical condition. This kind of power cannot even be achieved by the ancient Devil Fruit! There is probably only one explanation for this situation!


This Devil Fruit is a Zoan fantasy beast species!


Looking at the shocked Whitebeard, the corners of Wagner's mouth raised slightly! As if to show off the toy he just got to his relatives, Wagner's aura suddenly changed! A ferocious beast's aura suddenly erupted! The next second, his body expanded crazily like an inflated balloon! In just one breath, he has already surpassed Whitebeard in height!


A child who barely reached one meter suddenly became a giant with a height of 7 meters!


"This is so amazing! Goo-la-la-la! I didn't expect your little devil's life to be so good. Now you've got a treasure!"


Whitebeard was overjoyed. He stood up excitedly and pinched Wagner's arm! For a 5-year-old child, the muscles in his arms are as hard as rock! A small amount of hair appeared on his body, which was that magical dark red color! His arms became very long, and his nails became extremely sharp! At the mouth, two sharp fangs burst out of the package of lips, and a pair of scarlet eyes exuded endless majesty!


Zoan·Ape Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Titan King Kong Form!


"The owner of Conqueror's Haki, coupled with a powerful phantom beast called Devil Fruit! Goo-la-la-la! My son Wagner has the makings of a king!"


Whitebeard nodded with satisfaction, and Wagner was also extremely excited!


The hidden wounds in his body were cleared, and now he felt more relaxed than ever before!



There's more to it than that!


Just when the father and son were giggling, the mutated disciples were born!


Wagner's tall body shook violently! The next second, a ferocious look visible to the naked eye climbed onto his face! The aura like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood suddenly erupted from his body!




Wagner's huge body slammed to the ground, and he kept moaning in pain from his mouth! His body underwent tremendous changes at this moment, and two long horns suddenly emerged from the top of his head, piercing his flesh like sharp blades! The blood came out as if there was no money!


But it's not over yet!


Six dark cracks suddenly appeared on the back of his neck, three on each side! A thin layer of fleshy membrane suddenly appeared between his fingers and toes, which was also scarlet and looked extremely weird!


His 7-meter-tall body swelled again, and his muscles bulged again as if they had been stimulated! In just the blink of an eye, a 5-year-old child's height has reached a full 10 meters!


What's even more puzzling is that Wagner's body suddenly burst into flames! It was like a sudden self-immolation, but it had no impact on his own body at all!


A total of four strange scenes! But in Whitebeard's eyes, these four strange sights did not cause any harm to Wagner's body!




Whitebeard's mind suddenly went blank, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes suddenly popped out!


"How is this going?"