
One Piece: Whitebeard's Son

This is a Translation of a One Piece fanfic I found, on a chinese raw website Original Author: Li Xiaojian Original Title: Pirates: Dad, Wait For Me And support the original author if you can find him, sorry abt PLEASE GIVE ME POWER STONES!!!!!! AND NO, NOT FROM THANOS GAUNTLET!!!! "Kid, why are you following me?" "Because if I follow you, I can fill my stomach and no one will bully me!" "Then, let's carry the name of Laozi and brave the sea!" … A young child met Whitebeard, who had just joined the Rocks Pirate. From then on, there was one less beggar and one less thief in the world! There is another man with a monster-like body! Countless years later, when the war came, a huge figure appeared! "Don't get me wrong, everyone! I don't want to kill you. The purpose of my coming here is just to bring my father and several incompetent brothers home!" plz support me on my p_atreon, your $1 is really appreciated p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 7

Beehive Island!


It is located in the New World, but it is a place where countless pirates are afraid! There are a lot of pirates in the New World, but no one dares to break into this place without any reason! Those who can live on this island are all crazy pirates! And more importantly, this island is the base camp of one of the overlords of the sea, Rocks Pirate!


The poor merchant ship parked next to the island, and the original crew members on the ship returned to the embrace of Mother Ocean. Rocks' behavior explained what a real pirate was. Such a cruel scene; even Wagner had been prepared for it, but I was still quite frightened!


Rocks arranged a residence for Whitebeard very carefully, and Wagner followed Whitebeard all the time. Rocks also knew the relationship between the two, and he generously made an exception and gave the exquisite residence next to Whitebeard's residence. Wagner, that is a noble residence that can only be owned by a captain-level figure, and all of this is for Whitebeard's sake!


"Gu la la la! Come on, kid, go back and recuperate. Laozi will get you some medicine later. There will be a banquet in the evening. Laozi will call you then!"


Whitebeard deliberately slowed down his pace. Although Wagner behind him could walk like a miracle, the trauma in his body still required a long period of rest! He ignored the pirates around him who couldn't wait to join his squad and used his identity to ask for a large amount of precious medicinal materials from the pirates who managed supplies!


"Huh! This all feels like a dream."

Wagner was lying in his room, and the clean and luxurious interior decoration made him suddenly feel like he was in a dream! A few days ago, he was just a little beggar who was constantly running for life, but now he is a member of the Overlord Rocks Pirates, and he even has relatives—a father whom he can rely on!


The boy was lying on the bed; his heart was no longer confused! He used to protect his younger brother, but now he is being protected, but at the same time, he also wants to become stronger and use his own power to protect his family!


After a while, a pirate in charge of medical treatment came in. He was holding a large amount of precious medicinal materials, and his words were full of flattery. While he was treating Wagner's body carefully, he was making subtle remarks, hoping that Wagner could be treated in front of Whitebeard. With a few kind words, let him join Rocks Pirate's currently exclusive first team! Wagner, who was hiding among the philistines, naturally understood this kind of thing. He responded on the surface, but in fact, he had no idea of ​​​​interfering with Whitebeard!


Wagner, who had never received treatment before, received excellent treatment for the first time. The injuries in his body were greatly relieved, and he felt much more relaxed! I have to say that the physical fitness of humans in the pirate world is very good! His body bones, which were still somewhat cracked, were actually much better when he woke up! The same is true for the hidden wounds in his body. The paleness on his face has long since disappeared, replaced by a healthy, ruddy look!


This is a life-extending treatment!


After the pirates who came for treatment left, Whitebeard also opened the door and walked in!


"Goo la la la! How do you feel? My son!"


Whitebeard carried a lot of things in his hands, some of which were items to decorate the room, some were nutritional supplements specially found for Wagner, and some were clothes that he, being careful, bought for Wagner!


The more subtle the details, the more they can show one person's attitude towards another person!


Watching Whitebeard take the trouble to fill his wardrobe and watching him carefully place various decorations in the spare space of the room, Wagner had mixed feelings in his heart. When he thought about his identity, he felt at ease but also worried. Accept it all with gratitude!

"Phew! It's finally decorated!"


Whitebeard wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and as if he suddenly thought of something, he suddenly took the last package on the table!


"Wagner, this is dad's gift to you!"


Whitebeard took out four boxes from the package with a mysterious look on his face. At his signal, Wagner curiously opened the four boxes slowly!


I saw that every box contained a strange-shaped fruit!


"This is the treasure of the sea, Devil Fruit?"


Wagner exclaimed, and Whitebeard was obviously taken aback. Originally, he wanted to pretend to have a mysterious explanation so as to surprise the boy. It was fun, and at the same time, it also made the boy's awe of him again. Go to the next level! But he never thought that, although Wagner was a beggar, his vision was not low! On the contrary, he knows the importance of knowledge for a person!


Books in the trash are his favorite treasures! The stinky pages were covered with sacred words! This is his only form of entertainment and his biggest hobby!


Among them, there is a rough book describing Devil Fruit!


"I didn't expect that your boy actually knows so much!" Whitebeard laughed. His knowledgeable son is really lovable! "Yes, this is the treasure of the sea, Devil Fruit! There are four Devil Fruits here; three of them belong to Zoan. Zoan's Devil Fruit can greatly enhance your physical body and make up for the injuries in your body!"

Under Whitebeard's introduction, Wagner's understanding of Devil Fruit deepened!


He looked at the four Devil Fruits in front of him and recalled Whitebeard's introduction in his mind!


Zoan Cat Fruit White Tiger Form!


Zoan Bear Fruit is an ancient giant bear!


Zoan oxenia fruit ancient scimitar-horned rhinoceros form!


As for the last Devil Fruit, according to Whitebeard, he didn't know the power of this fruit! But based on its characteristics, there is a 90% probability that this fruit is a Zoan's Devil Fruit! The ferocious lines and thick stem on this fruit are exactly the Devil Fruit given to Whitebeard by Rocks!


As a big pirate, Whitebeard naturally has some stocks! Among the four fruits, the devil fruit in the form of a white tiger is his treasure! The other two Devil Fruits were obtained in exchange for the three Paramecia Devil Fruits he had collected! Logically speaking, three ordinary Paramecia Devil Fruits are not even as good as one ancient Devil Fruit! But there's no way; Whitebeard is the captain! Among the Rocks Pirates, their status is second only to Captain Rocks!


Among the two Devil Fruits, one was given to him by Rocks, and the other one was obtained by him using a name from the first team, plus two Paramecia Devil Fruits and a pirate of average strength.


Except for the unknown Devil Fruit, the remaining three Devil Fruits are all top quality! The power of the white tiger is not weak, and the power of the two ancient species naturally goes without saying!


When these Devil Fruits were placed in front of Wagner, he hesitated!